英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0124 - 中国需要对音乐分级吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 The Least Corrupt ProvinceA national corruption map complied by Nie Huihua, vice president of the National Academy of Development and Strategy at Renmin University of China, caught public attention.

According to the map, provinces of Fujian, Guizhou and Zhejiang are the areas of China with the most serious corruption problems, while Beijing, Shanghai and Tibet boast the cleanest governance.
How is this conclusion reached? Can we trust it?
Topic2 5-Star Hotels Want to be DegradedThe five-star rating, once a halo guaranteeing profits for Chinese luxury hotels, is losing its glamour as the central government bans consumption in upscale accommodations at public expense. A number of 5-star hotels are even seeking to be downgraded to 4 star ones.
Why are they doing it?
Topic3 Man Sells Wifi on TrainsRecently, a 19 years old boy catches public attention after selling wifi services to some train passengers. Later the railway department claimed that the boy violates its management rules and should be stopped. This statement arouses discontent among the public.
What exactly is he selling? Should it be allowed?
Topic4 Box Office Stealing to be eradicatedChina's movie industry watchdog has issued guidelines to prevent theaters from underreporting ticket sales to dodge taxes and cheat distributors.
While last year's film box-office revenue in China reached 21.8 billion yuan, or 3.6 billion US dollars, insiders tell that figure is just 90 percent of how much the box office really has been.
The missing billions of yuan were allegedly stolen in what's described as "box office theft".
The term has emerged lately after the film bureau under the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television vowed to combat box office fraud.
What are the new rules for?
Topic5 Music age rating systemAmerican pop icon Lady Gaga's latest album will be released on the Chinese mainland three years after her music was banned for vulgarity.
While that news thrills her Chinese fans, some parents here are worried how her music might influence their little ones.
The Chinese public seems to have already gotten used to her upbeat hits being played while kindergarten teachers and kids dance to them.
Is there a problem?
Topic6 Life Stop Before and During Spring FestivalOne week before Spring Festival, migrant workers in cities are going home, or on their way home or already at home. This causes downtime in some industries in cities and brings inconvenience to people's daily life.