狼和它的影子 The Wolf and his Shadow(在线收听

   A Wolf, who was roaming about on plain when the sun was getting low in the sky, was much impressed by the size of his shadow, and said to himself, “I had no idea I was so big. Fancy my being afraid of a lion! Why, I, not be, ought to be King of the beasts”; and,  heedless of danger, he strutted about as if there could be no doubt at all about it, Just then a lion sprang upon him and began to devour him.

  “Alas,” he cried, “had I not lost sight of the facts, I shouldn’t have been ruined by my fancies. ”
  “哎呀!” 狼大声喊道,“若不是沉醉于虚幻中,我就不会被自己的幻想毁了呀!”