英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0317 - 央行为何叫停网络信用卡(在线收听

 Topic1 E-credit card is HaltedThe People's Bank of China issued a statement on Friday that halted virtual credit card products and face-to-face payment services, including QR code payments, ruling that this line of business was too risky.

According to the statement, both forms of mobile finance have gone beyond the traditional business models of point-of-sale machines and credit cards, which may have potential security loopholes.
Before talking about reasons for the ban, we should talk about e-credit cards first. A few days ago when WeChat and Alipay announced such projects, everyone thought it was an industry-changing move. What exactly are e-credit cards?
Topic2 Property Registration System To StartLast week, the Ministry of Land and Resources has confirmed that the regulation on immovable property registration will be released by June. In the meantime, an intra-ministerial joint conference mechanism will be set up for the system.
What does the move mean?
Topic3 Appeal of studying overseas leveling offMinistry of Education figures show the number of Chinese people going abroad to study grew much more slowly in 2013 than in previous years.
About 413,900 Chinese mainlanders went overseas to study last year — up 3.5 percent from 2012.
But this increase was far smaller than the 15 percent rise in 2012 and the 20 percent hike in 2011.
What does the slower growth mean?
Topic4 Attack and Violence Prevention in CampusAll kindergartens, elementary and middle schools in Chengdu will have anti-terrorism and violent attack trainings. Municipal government requires each school and kindergarten to have at least one training within this month in coordination with local police station.
In the meantime, Chengdu also publicized anti-terrorism and violent attack tips and videos on chengdu.safetree.com.cn for teachers, parents and students to study.
Are more schools doing it? Is there a necessity?
Topic5 Buyers disregard quality concerns of brandsAs international fast fashion retailers vie for a chunk of the Chinese market, they have also been frequently troubled by quality problems.
Poor color fastness, a high pH index, unmatched fiber content and excessive formaldehyde are the most common problems regularly cited by quality watchdogs.
But consumers have largely shrugged off those concerns, preferring to focus on the latest fashion trend rather than quality.
Should the problems matter?