英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0512 - 漫天飞絮,浪漫or烦人?(在线收听

 Topic1 Local Governments Tries to Save Housing MarketLast week, Tongling city in Anhui province unveils the country's latest measures to aid the real estate industry. So far, at least 6 cities in the country have rolled out measures to encourage home purchases.

What's going on?
Topic2 Infertility Plagues ChineseAs some couples consider whether to have a second child amid the recent relaxation of China's family planning policy, many are finding that having even a single child is beyond their grasp.
Infertility has already become China's third most serious health condition after cancer and cardiovascular diseases in terms of its complex causes, prevalence and impact.
How serious is the problem?
Topic3 Chinese Textbooks Not HardWe always say that what Chinese students learn in school is much more difficult and complicated than that taught to foreign students. We have mixed feelings about this, for eg, some discontent, some helplessness, and also, some pride.
However, a recent survey shows that the textbooks used in our compulsory education are just of medium difficulty level if compared to other countries. Many net users find it is a lot of take.
Is this conclusion accurate? How did they come to it?
Topic4 China removes price cap for low-cost medicinesChina's top economic planner and regulator says the country will scrap caps on retail prices for low-cost medicine.
Over 500 drugs considered to be essential for public health will now be officially classified as "low-priced" drugs and sold for standard rates.
The move will allow producers to set prices according to their production costs.
Is there a need for change?
Topic5 Catkin-control scheme sparks rowWhen it's the annual catkins season, the flying fluffy white stuff can be beautiful to some and irritating to others.
A scheme in Shanghai's Putuo District to stop poplar, phoenix and willow trees producing catkins that can cause allergic reactions in people has met with a mixed response.
Do you find it annoying or entertaining?
Is there a problem?