历史上的今天-Today in History 2010-01-21(在线收听

 January 21st, 1793In Pairs, the French Revolution turns bloody as King Louis the 16th condemned for treason is executed on the guillotine.

1924Vladimir Lenin, the Russian revolutionary who found the Soviet Union, the world’s first Communist Party dies in Moscow.
1950In New York, a case sets a flash point of American politics during the early years of the Cold War. Alger Hiss, the former states department official, accused being part of communist spy ring, is found guilty of lying to a Grand jury, Hiss, who always maintained the innocence, serves less than four years in prison.
1977President Jimmy Carter pardons almost all Vietnam War draft evaders, keeping this promise made on a campaign trail.
"And I'm not goanna say whether those young people were guilty or not guilty. I'm just goanna say what you did, whether it was right or wrong, you're forgiven for it, come back home."1976The Supersonic Concorde jet roars into service for the first time, beginning a run that lasts for nearly 3 decades.
And 1942Count Basie and his orchestra, one of the most popular big bands in the US, records their hit <One O'clock Jump>.
Today in History, January 21st, Tim Maguire, the Associated Press.