历史上的今天-Today in History 2010-03-16(在线收听

 March 16th,1968The My Lai massacre takes place during the Vietnam War. US troops under the command of Lt. William Calley Jr. kill hundreds of unarmed civilians in the village of My Lai. High ranking army officers initially cover up the incident. But former soldiers make it public. Calley is accused of directing the killings and gets life in prison. But he is later paroled. 1985Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press, is abducted in Lebanon’s capital Beirut. AP photographer, Donald Mell saw it happen. “When I saw them pulling him into a car, I tried to advance toward one of the gunmen. He waved his pistol to let me go away.”

Anderson is freed more than six and a half years later. William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Beirut, kidnapped on the same day as Anderson a year earlier dies in captivity.
1926Rocket science pioneer Robert Goddard successfully tests the first the liquid-fueled rocket in Auburn, Massachusetts.
And finally, also that same yearComedian and director Jerry Lewis long time host of the Labor Day telethon is born in Newark, New Jersey. Today in History, March 16th, Ross Simpson, the Associated Press.