听歌学英语: Michael Bublé - Save The Last Dance For Me最后一支舞留我(在线收听

Michael Bublé 麦可·布雷,加拿大著名流行爵士乐歌手,也是一位影视演员。他2003年发表的的专辑Michael Bublé《麦克·布雷》、04年的(Come Fly With Me)《与我共遨游》以及05年的《是时候了》(It's Time)让他成功地在加拿大、英国、澳大利亚以及美国打响了名堂。麦克迷人的中低嗓音,让许多当代经典歌曲变成了带有其浓厚个人色彩的新浪漫作品。

You can dance, 你可以跳舞
every dance with the guy 和每个
who gives you the eye. 给你暗送秋波的男人跳舞
Let him hold you tight 让他紧紧拥抱你
You can smile,你可以微笑
every smile for the man 对每个
who held your hand 紧握你手的男人微笑
(be)neath the pale moonlight 在暗淡的月光下
But don't forget 但是别忘记
who's takin' you home 谁带你回家
And in whose arms 谁的怀抱
you're gonna be 才是你的归属
So darlin' 哦 亲爱的
save the last dance 把最后一支舞
for me 留给我

Oh I know 哦 我知道
that the music's fine 这音乐美妙的
Like sparklin' wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒
Go and have your fun 去尽情玩儿吧
Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑,尽情歌唱
But while we're apart 不过当我们分开时
Don't 别
give your heart 把你的心
to anyone 给别人
And don't forget 还有别忘了
who's takin' you home 是谁带你回家
And in whose arms 谁的怀抱
you're gonna be 才是你的归属
So darlin' 哦 亲爱的
save the last dance 把最后一支舞
for me 留给我

Baby don't you know 宝贝 难道你不知道
I love you so 我是多么爱你
Can't you feel it 难道你感觉不到吗
when we touch 当我们彼此触碰时
I will never, never 我将永远不会
let you go 让你离去
I love you oh so much. (因为)我是这样的爱你

You can dance 你可以跳舞
go and carry on 跳啊跳
till the night is gone 一直从长夜跳到黎明
And it's time to go 跳到曲终人散时。
If he asks 然后如果他问你
if you're all alone 是否独自一人
Can he walk you home 是否可以送你回家。
you must tell him no 你一定要告诉他"不"
'Cause don't forget 因为别忘记
who's taking you home 是谁带你回家
And in whose arms 谁的怀抱
you're gonna be 才是你的归属
Save the last dance 最后一支舞
for me 一定要留给我

Oh I know 哦 我知道
that the music's fine 这音乐美妙的
Like sparklin' wine 就像是香醇的葡萄酒
Go and have your fun 去尽情玩儿吧
Laugh and sing 尽情欢笑,尽情歌唱
But while we're apart 不过当我们分开时
Don't 别
give your heart 把你的心
to anyone 给别人
And don't forget 还有别忘了
who's takin' you home 是谁带你回家
And in whose arms 谁的怀抱
you're gonna be 才是你的归属
So darlin' 哦 亲爱的
save the last dance 把最后一支舞
for me 留给我

So don't forget 因为别忘记
who's taking you home 是谁带你回家
And in whose arms 谁的怀抱
you're gonna be 才是你的归属
So darlin' 哦 亲爱的
save the last dance 把最后一支舞
for me 留给我
Oh baby won't you save the last dance for me

Save The Last Dance For Me最后一支舞留个我
save v/n. 节省;救援;prep. 除...之外
Save your strength for the hard work you'll have to do later.留着点儿劲儿,你一会儿还得干重活儿呢。
All the guests have gone save one.除了一个人外,所有客人都走了。
We should save unnecessary expenses.我们应节省不必要的开支
save sth for( sb):储存,保存,保留
Just give me the bottom line. Save the explanations for later. 直接说重点,眼下先免去那些罗嗦的解释吧.(bottom line:结果;概要;底线)
He promised to save a room for me.他答应给我留个房间。
I'll save you some bread.我会给你留点面包。
save up节省;储存
It took me a year to save up for a new car.我花了整整一年的时间才存下足够的钱买一辆新车。
save your breath= save it!省口气吧;别白费口舌了;省省吧
Save your breath. You'll never persuade her.别白费口舌了,你说服不了她的。

You can dance,every dance with the guy who gives you the eye你可以跳舞和每个凝视你的男人跳舞
to give sb the eye 给某人抛媚眼,送秋波
give sb. the finger对某人竖中指
give sb a hand 帮忙;帮人一把
The man is overjoyed because a pretty girl gave him the eye yesterday.那个人因昨天一位美女对他目送秋波而狂喜不止(overjoy vt. 使狂喜;使万分高兴)。
It is very impolite to give someone the finger. 对某人比出中指是非常不礼貌的。
I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you give me a hand?对不起打扰了,你能帮我个忙吗?

But while we're apart
apart: adv. 相距;与众不同地;分离着adj. 分离的;与众不同的
grow apart 往不同方向生长;合不到一起;产生隔阂
After only a few years of marriage, Tom and Mary began to grow apart.汤姆和玛丽结婚仅仅几年感情就产生了隔阂。
fall apart:崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎
Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.当她发现丈夫有外遇时,他们的婚姻破裂了。
apart from: 远离,除…之外;且不说;缺少
Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good. 除了一些拼写错误, 这篇文章写得很不错.
Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged. 令人惊奇的是,除了头发,他看起来一点儿都没变。(extraordinary  非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的 )

I know that the music's fine.
fine adj.美好的, 纤细的,优秀的, 优良的, 杰出的
A fine day makes us cheerful.晴朗的日子让人开心。
They have only a fine distinction between them.它们之间的区别很细微。
adv.合适地, 恰好地,很好地
They are doing fine in school.他们在学校学得很好。
The shirt suits me fine.那件衬衫很适合我。
cut it fine 算得很精细/不留余地;抠得很紧;
They were cutting it fine by arriving at the airport 5 minutes before they were supposed to leave.他们时间算得太紧了, 在飞机起飞前五分钟才赶到机场。
Don't cut it too fine or you'll miss the train. 不要把时间算得太紧,否则你会赶不上火车。
