历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-03-14(在线收听

 March 14th, 1879Physicist Albert Einstein, considered the greatest scientist of the 20th Century, is born in Germany. “It is intelligence, which is the ability to learn from experience, to plan ahead. It includes the capacity to give up immediate, temporary benefits far permanent ones.”

1794,Eli Whitney receives a patent for his cotton gin, an invention that revolutionizes America's cotton industry.
1995,Astronaut Norman Thagard becomes the first American to enter space aboard a Russian rocket.
And 1933,“Good night, you princes of Maine, you Kings of New England.”Actor Michael Caine, whose movie roles include “Alfie” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” , is born in London.
Also that same year,Composer and conductor Quincy Jones is born in Chicago. He's best known for producing Michael Jackson's “Thriller” album and the song “We Are The World.”
Today in History, March 14th, Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.