英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0526 - 北京的哥和居民不友善?(在线收听

 Topic1 China A Big Consumption NationAccording to a report from Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Chinese consumers spent $3.6 trillion on goods and services last year, an amount roughly equal to the GDP of European industrial powerhouse Germany.

Is China transforming itself into a more consumption-based economy?
Topic2 Chinese mobile users open to adsA report on mobile advertising indicates that Chinese mobile users stand apart from UK and US counterparts in terms of receptivity to mobile advertising.
PwCs 2014 Mobile Advertising Report China shows that Chinese consumers are more open to mobile advertising, with 78% of respondents more likely to click on an ad if it was relevant to them.
That is almost double the figures seen in the UK and the US.
Why is it?
Topic3 Civil Servants Want Longer Lunch BreakA piece of short news from internet says a grassroots public servant in Anhui sent a message to the provincial governor, asking for longer lunch breaks.
Topic4 Dating ViolenceEarlier this month, a college boy of Yunnan University breaks into the females' dorm and stabs 2 girls, both of whom are seriously injured. One of the victims is the boy's ex. Since the latter can't take the breakup, he decides to take revenge.
As a matter of fact, dating violence and breakup violence are very serious problems in the country.
How prevalent is it?
Topic5 Depressed Chinese PsychiatristsWhen you are feeling depressed and looking for professional help, you probably could not imagine the psychiatrist who is trying to help you is a depression sufferer too.
How common is it?
Topic6 Beijing voted the worst to the last cityA survey of 54,000 travelers by the online travel guide TripAdvisor said Beijing trails only Moscow when it comes to the unhelpfulness of its locals, the unfriendliness of its taxi drivers and the poor quality of its taxi services.
Are these claims true?