英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0528 - 女士照镜子“越照越伤心”(在线收听

 Topic1 New rule on flight delay compensationChina's airline watchdog the Civil Aviation Administration of China released a new draft rule in an effort to secure flight punctuality, improve civil aviation service and protect consumer's rights. The rule will take effective this October.

How bad is flight delay?
Topic2 Peer-to-Peer car rentalMore peer-to-peer car rental websites are appearing including ppzuche.com, huiche.com and baojia.com. Such platforms help car owners to earn some pocket money and bring convenience to renters but lawyers warn both sides of potential possible risks due to immature business mode.
Is it a booming business already?
Topic3 Tang Jun's Advice to Young GraduatesIt's time for college graduates to leave school and start their first jobs.
Tang Jun, the well-known entrepreneur who was tainted by the fake PhD scandal, recently gives some advices to the young people, one of which is that they need to us their Guan Xi, or connections as much as possible.
Is this really a good suggestion?
Topic4 Women are sad when looking into mirrorsA survey published on Hong Kong Wen Wei Po shows that 90% of women feel unhappy when they look at themselves in the mirror. The survey interviewed 502 local Hong Kong women.
Is it surprising? Why?