英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0529 - 培养国人文明出游习惯,酒店也义不容辞?(在线收听

 Topic1 Salary GapEarlier this week, the National Bureau of Statistics, or NBS, publishes the Average Salary Report 2013. It shows there are still wide income gaps between various jobs. Workers in finance sectors still earn the most while those in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries earn the least.

What are some of the trends we can tell from the report?
Topic2 Wedding and funeral restriction on government officials in ShijiazhuangThe Discipline Inspection Commission of Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province recently announced new rules to prevent private banquets and parties from becoming opportunities for corruption. This echos central authority's frugality campaign which targets CPC members and government officials.
Is this rule specifically targeting private banquets necessary?
Topic3 Second generation of employeesRecently a demographic nicknamed Zhi Er Dai职二代has attracted public attention.
Zhi Er Dai, meaning second generation of employees, refers to people who land jobs with the help of their parents and without going through required recruitment procedures other have to.
A survey shows about 80% of a total of 48,760 respondents say there are such coworkers around them and nearly 90% of them say such a group impairs employment equality.
Is the problem serious?
Topic4 Cremation in Anqing CityThe Oriental Morning Post in Shanghai published an article saying that six local elderly people in Anqing of Anhui Province committed suicide so their bodies could be buried legally in coffins. But local government denied that the suicide was connected to a new rule on cremation.
According to a notice from Anqing government on March 25, all corpses must be cremated after June 1st.
Anqing was one of two cities in the province which still allowed coffin burial. At the end of 2013, only 11 percent of deceased in the city were cremated, far lower than the provincial average of 80 percent.
What happened?
Topic5 Do We Still Need Reformatory SchoolsIn China, reformatory schools or Gong Du Xue Xiao, are special education institutions for students whose misconducts are not as serious as crimes. Such schools used to exist and prosper, but are now in a tight corner.
Why is that? Do we still need these schools?
Topic6 Do Chinese tourists need to be educated?
More and more Chinese are traveling around the world.
The country's rising outbound tourism could be challenging for those in the travel or hospitality trade to adapt at an equal if not faster pace.
Now a business insider says hotels can play an active role in educating the tourists to make everybody just a little bit happier.
Does it make sense?