历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-10-05(在线收听

 October 5th 2001A new scare for Americans just weeks after the 9/11 terror attacks. Robert Stevens, a tabloid photo editor in Florida, dies from inhaled anthrax. He is the first of five people to die from anthrax-laced letters which also infect more than a dozen others in the United States. The cases remain unsolved.

1988In Omaha, Nebraska, a memorable moment during a debate between two candidates for vice president. Republican Dan Quayle argues he has as much experience as John F. Kennedy did when he was elected president. Democrat Lloyd Bentsen replies: "I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."1962Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles. Love Me Do, the first hit by rock's Fab Four is released in Britain. Beatlemanias leaves America more than a year later.
1969Also in Britain, Monty Python's Flying Circus debuts on BBC TV. The comedy series with its absurd gags about silly works at Paris and Spain becomes a cult hit in the Untied States.
And 2001Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants becomes baseball's king of single season home runs. He hits two homers against the Los Angeles Dodgers, breaking McGwire's record of 70. Bonds ends the season with 73 home runs, still the record nearly six years before topping Hank Arron's record of career home runs.
Today in History, October 5th, Mike Garcia, the Associated Press.