英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0613 - 神翻译再现江湖(在线收听

 Topic1 Anti-drowning lessonsA primary school in central China's Henan Province has started an 'anti-drowning class' head of their upcoming summer holidays.

Young students are supposed to experience the feeling of suffocation during this lesson.
What is the lesson for?
Topic2 Too Many Wedding ExpoIn recent years, wedding expos have been held frequently in many cities. Some cities have wedding expos four times a year. Between this February and March, 13 wedding expos have been held in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and Wuhan.
Do we need this many wedding expos?
Topic3 Fire therapyImagine yourself at a spa. Everything looks nice, there's relaxing music and seductive aromas waft towards you while your masseuse sets your back on fire.
Sound extreme? You wouldn't be the first to be taken aback at a form of TCM that has surprised many people online.
What is it?
Topic4 Old MannersEarlier in the week, we talked about the composition topics for this year's gaokao with Beijing's being considered one of the best. It asked students to write about old rules of etiquette, for example, speaking in a gentle voice or greeting elderly people when you see them.
These manners have influenced generations of people in Beijing, but gradually have been forgotten.
What are they rules? Should we keep them?
Topic5 Do Chinese women pursue lighter skin?
While women in Europe and North America want a tan, in China, women want a clear and bright complexion with the ideal being skin as white as the egg white of a boiled egg.
Skin whitening masks and brightening lotions always fill the aisles of Chinese cosmetic stores but they're even more apparent in the summer when the sun's darkening power gets stronger.
Why the preference?
Topic6 Shanghai park signwriters flunk English testMany public venues in China are kind enough to provide English versions of signs to help the millions of overseas tourists and an increasing number of expats living in the Middle Kingdom.
Well, some of these venues should have been more thoughtful and dedicated in providing the information in English.
Recently a number of English-language signs in Shanghai's Zhongshan Park have been taken down after being described as gibberish by Internet users.
Is there a serious problem of bad English translations in China?