英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0620 - 相亲吃饭谁付钱?(在线收听

 Topic1 Gaokao cheatingA police investigation into cheating during this month's national college exam has been launched in Henan. The province has found 165 violators, with 127 of them taking the test for others.

Every year, the educational authorities claim they hold a zero-tolerance attitude toward cheating in gaokao and yet every year, cheating scandals are exposed.
What happened in Henan?
Topic2 High school students attend prom in ZhengzhouWhile some senior high students celebrate graduation and the end of Gaokao by throwing away all their textbooks, others have dressed up and attended fancy dance parties.
A recent prom-like party held for high school graduates in Zhengzhou, in central China's Henan province, has drawn public attention and also criticism.
On the one hand, people show support for this new way of saying goodbye to the high school years. On the other, critics say the party is all about flaunting wealth with attendees dressing up in fancy clothes and walking a red carpet.
What is the Chinese senior prom like?
Topic3 Marry after graduationA recent survey by Southern Metropolis Weekly shows that 30% of the 200 students in Huizhou University plan to get married right after graduation while more students prefer starting their career first.
In Chinese, it's called "bihun." Why do you think some people choose it?
Topic4 Hearing for Stray CatsIt is not uncommon to see stray cats on school campuses all over China. Some like them and some don't with little compromise. However, no school takes it as serious as Shenzhen Middle School.
Recently, the they held a school hearing to decide the fate of these homeless cats. Turns out, they can stay.
Before we look at whether the cats should stay, let's take a look at the hearing. How serious was it?
Topic5 Graduation photo becomes online hitA graduation group photo for the paleontology department at China's prestigious Peking University has had China talking for the past few days.
The most interesting thing about the photo is that there is only one person.
The female graduate posted the photo online and since has gotten many comments.
What's it like to have just one person for the major?
Topic6 Who pays for blind dateRecently, a young man and woman in Fuzhou city had their first blind date and it didn't work out. The young man claimed he didn't take enough money to pay the bill and suggested going Dutch. However, the girl got snarky and sparked a fight between the two of them. After mediation from a police officer, they agreed to split the billWho should pay for the first dinner in a blind date?