英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0827 - 那些丑萌丑萌的吉祥物(在线收听

 Topic1 Law revision calls for stricter ad regulationsCelebrities make plenty of money from their day jobs, be it starring in a movie or a recurring, major role on TV.

But many of them make an impressive buck endorsing products -- anything from soft drinks to jewelry, from electronics to cars.
Now China has moved to prohibit endorsers from endorsing products and services before using them themselves.
Is there a problem to be addressed with celebrity endorsement?
Topic2 The Fan Movie MarketingThe movie "Brotherhood of Blades" received lots of praises from the audience, but two weeks after it was released, the film's box office only reached 70 million yuan. In comparison, the box office of a notorious movie "Tiny Times" got 510 million, although it is criticized by many people. Why would this kind of situation happen?
Topic3 Do mascots have to be pretty?
When Lele, the mascot of Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games, was first unveiled, people made jokes of its ugly image. The ugly Lele is now very popular all over the nation, due to the creative performances of 120 volunteers. These young performers designed a variety of funny, lovely actions and dances, and brought about a total change of opinion on Lele.
How does the mascot become so popular?