历史上的今天-Today in History 2013-03-01(在线收听

 March 1st, 1932, the infant son of Charles Lindbergh is kidnapped from the aviator’s home near in Hopewell, New Jersey. More than two months later, the child’s remains are found near the Lindbergh home. Bruno Hauptmann is convicted of the baby’s kidnap and murder. He dies in the electric chair insisting to the end that he’s innocent.

2003, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described planner and organizer of the Sep 11th terrorist attacks is caught in Pakistan.
“1981, IRA member Bobby Sands begins a hunger strike at Northern Island’s Maze Prison. Sands dies behind bars more than two months later.
And 1961, “I am hopeful that it will be a source of the satisfaction of Americans in the contribution to world peace.” President John F Kennedy creates the Peace Corps, sending American volunteers abroad to work in developing countries. 1954, actor and director Ron Howard is born in Duncan, Oklahoma. “I've had, I think, an extraordinarily blessed journey. At the same time, if I can give myself credit for anything, it's probably for not taking at all for granted.” Among his roles, TV’s “the Andy Griffith Show”, “Happy Days”, and the movie “American Graffiti”. Among the films that he has directed, “A Beautiful Mind” and “The Da Vinci Code”.
Today in history, Mar 1st, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.