英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0910 - 反腐不应反掉职工福利(在线收听

 Topic 1 Should employee benefits be cut to fight corruptionAn editorial on the government-run newspaper People's Daily has blamed civil servants' benefit cutbacks on some officials' overreaction to the crackdown on corruption.

The editorial says that anti-graft chief's vow to combat 'mooncake corruption' never meant Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for low-ranking civil servants.
So no mooncakes this year, again?
Topic 2 China Tries Innovative Teaching Method: Governing from BehindA school in Zhejiang province hopes to improve learning outcomes by asking the head teacher of the class to sit and conduct their work in the back of the class during lesson time. They also want to get rid of the teaching podium. This measure is an attempt to blur the boundaries between teachers and students and enhance students' concentration.
What is it?
Topic 3 Best teachersSince today is Teachers' Day, we invited our listeners to send us stories about their best and favorite teachers. Who do you remember best?