英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1118 - 为老外拦车点赞(在线收听

 Topic1 Shanghai adults better at English than their Hong Kong counterpartsThree major cities on the Chinese mainland have outpaced Hong Kong for the first time in this year's English proficiency index or EPI, published by English First (EF), a global language training company.

Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin saw scores of 53.75, 52.86 and 52.73, respectively in contrast to Hong Kong's 52.50, whose ranking fell from 22nd last year to 31st this year among 63 non-english-speaking countries and regions in the index published last week.
Is it possible that this is true? Why is it hard to believe?
Topic2 Laowai Stops Car in Bike LaneRecently, a Laowai blocked a car driving in the bike lane on the street in Beijing. He stopped his bike in front of the car, made a "turn back" gesture and asked the car to leave the bike lane immediately, and waited until the car backed out of the lane.
What can we tell from netizens' reaction?
Topic3 Central Heating for The North Not SouthFor northerners in China, Nov 15th is a big day as that is when the central heating plants are fired up. However, residents in the south have no such treatment and the only thing they can do is to put more clothes on.
Recently, Los Angeles Times publishes an article, saying the north-south divide at Qin-Huai line is way too outdated.
Why did we have such a line?
Topic4 Apple Links UnionPayApp Store customers in China can now link their UnionPay debit or credit cards to their Apple IDs for purchases.
Will the electronic maker see a purchase surge in its app store?
Topic5 "Campus Love Public Class" in Nanjing UniversityThe Graduate Student Union of Nanjing University is holding a five-week "Campus Love Public Class". The session mainly targets graduate students, PhD students, and senior undergraduates in Nanjing University, and aims to help those singles solve relationship problems.
This isn't the first relationship training class held in Chinese universities, nor will it be the last. Why are such classes in college so popular?