英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1121 - 羊年生子不吉利?羊宝宝们不高兴!(在线收听

Topic1 Trashy TV Dramas VS Intelligent TVToday is World Television Day. According to a recent survey conducted by China Youth Daily, many young people prefer trash TV to intelligent drama since the former is more relaxing and entertaining.
So first of all what is trash TV and intelligent drama?
Topic2 Are Chinese women more of a spendthrift than Chinese men?
Many female shoppers have been described as spendthrift as they are keen on shopping online, especially during the annual November 11th online buying festival.
Women online shoppers using Taobao have now been given a name: "Jack Ma's women" - female shopaholics who cannot resist a bargain - and many believe it was this group especially who were the driving force behind this year's record-breaking sales during Singles' Day, of 57.1 billion yuan (US$9.3 billion).
But is it true that Chinese women spend more shopping online than their male counterparts? You might be surprised to find out that the answer is actually no.
Do Chinese men spend more shopping online?
Topic3 The year of the Goat considered badSome people are born lucky. Parents in China, however, would rather not leave their kids' fate to chance.
According to The Paper, for recent months, many couples have postponed their plan to have a child, trying desperately NOT to give birth next year. Their reasoning is simple that is no one wants a baby born in 2015, the dreaded Year of the Sheep.
Does this make sense?
Topic4 Wearing Plastic Wraps Instead of Long JohnsEvery year when the winter comes, there is a big discussion about wearing long johns or not. To resist this old fashion, some young people in Chengdu swathe food wrap around their legs.
Is it crazy or smart?
Topic5 10 stupidest absence excusesFrom claiming they need the day to fix some botched plastic surgery to saying they accidentally got on a plane, America's workers have either had some sitcom-worthy misadventures this year, or they've simply gotten more creative with their sick day excuses.
A new CareerBuilder survey looks at how many workers have faked being sick this year, as well as some of the strangest excuses they've used while doing so.
How weird are these excuses? What is this list of The Most Unbelievable Excuses for Calling In Sick? Please bear in mind this is a survey done in the US.

