英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1126 - 张杰和筷子兄弟的AMA之旅(在线收听

 Topic1 Beijing to pass toughest smoking banBeijing will pass its strictest smoking control law this week, banning smoking in all indoor public places and eliminating smoking rooms at airports.

The Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress will vote Thursday on a final draft law of the smoking ban in workplaces and public transportation of all types.
Meanwhile, China is poised to impose tougher laws on tobacco use as the State Council published a draft regulation on Monday, banning indoor smoking in all public places and certain smoking scenes in films and TV shows.
What's it for? Should we have our hopes high?
Topic2 AMA Awards See Chinese Winner and PerformersChinese singers have made it into the AMA ceremony! (clip)This is Pitbull introducing the Chopstick Brothers and their viral track Little Apple to the American Music Awards audience.
They also won the International Song Award while Zhang Jie, accepted the International Artist Award.
It has sparked controversy on the internet. Some net users think it is a good thing, others find it humiliating.
Is it a big deal?
Topic3 Self-Taught Drivers May Be Able to Get LicenseThe Ministry of Public Security is pushing forward a reform on the issuing of driver's licenses in a bid to curb corruption in vehicle management departments, according to a senior ministry official.
Is a reform necessary?
Topic4 Sci-fi PhD coursesAs much as Chinese moviegoers enjoy watching Hollywood sci-fi movies such as Interstellar, when it comes to science fiction studies, China still has much to catch up.
Good news is that Beijing Normal University is reportedly recruiting postgraduate PhDs focusing on science fiction studies starting from next year.
Is it a big deal? Why should we care?