英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1230 - 爱狗可以,请不要用餐厅勺子喂狗好吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Government officials-unpopular occupation?

With increasing government officials resigning, People's Daily said people should treat it as a normal thing. Under the great pressure of the anti-corruption campaign, Chinese officials are gradually becoming a vulnerable group with low salary and high risks.
Do you think government officials have become members of a vulnerable group?
Topic2 Children with HIV/AIDS meet schooling challengesAn 8-year-old boy with HIV/AIDS in Sichuan has finally been admitted by a local primary school.
However, the boy, recently in the news for being banished by more than 200 villagers, has to deal with a new challenge—the parents of his fellow school mates are worried that he might be a health threat to their children.
What's the problem?
Topic3 Post-90s graduates might be 1st generation to not buy housesA recent survey shows college graduates born after 1990 may well become a generation of non-home owners.
According to survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, about 20 percent of post-90s college students continued to live with their relatives or friends one year after graduation.
Is it really happening? Why?
Topic4 Did you have a pay raise in 2014?
2014 is coming to an end. And it's probably a good time to look back at our salary levels during the year. Statistics show that 19 provinces and municipalities have raised the minimum wage standard. The average growth is 14.1%. Did you have a pay raise?
Topic5 Should dogs be allowed in restaurants and eat with a spoon?
Chinese people love their pet dogs, so much so that some of them would take their fluffy friends to restaurants for a meal out.
An extreme case would be a recent one in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, in which the dog lady used the restaurant spoon to feed her pet dog.
It got people talking. Is it ok to do so really?