美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-08-28(在线收听

 Who was at your house with you? My wife. Where is she now? she bed her beding, she go. You can not find your wife? She tell never, she tell back *, I hold her hand, tell you the truth as she told me. You cannot hold me, she said, take care of our kids, * kids. This * on the industrial kernel in New Orleans, the borders are lower night wall, in 2005 when the storm hit the levies's breach, and the water just came pouring into this neighbourhood, but basibally wiped out. The teriffic sight there is a man dead on top of a car sleeping away, he drowned in the flood water he is terribly decomposed. The still mad b term remember exactly what it was that happened here on this spot. This is where we saw that man laying dead, on the roof of car right over there, but that changed * where he was. We did not know his name, we did know how he had ended up there. Rescue crew were too busy focues on trying to save those who are still living to even think about recovering the dead at that point. Ten years later, whoever we do know who that man was. We want help, we want help. I am going to that. It was docking it nd we going to let it *, even in the midst of the doubt, I thought that was just real real powerful.      
