英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0120 - 逼母弃二胎,谁之过?(在线收听

 Topic1 Salary Rises for Civil ServantsChinese authorities have rolled out its long-expected plan to increase salaries for civil servants. For some, they will see a 60% pay raise.

Why now? How necessary?
Topic2 95 Million Yuan Deposits from 42 Depositors VanishPutting your money in the bank is supposed to be much safer than putting it under your pillow. But recently a string of incidents seemed to prove otherwise. 95.05 million yuan of deposits of 42 savers in Zhejiang Province have evaporated from banks. Where did the money go? Why was there no trace of the account transfer?
Topic3 13-Year-Old Girl Pushes Mommy to Abort Second ChildA 44-year-old pregnant woman in Wuhan, Hubei province has aborted her unborn child after her teenage daughter threatened to commit suicide.
What went wrong?
Topic4 'Little Emperors' Wage War on China's Deadliest KillersFor decades, doctors battling stroke and heart disease have struggled to get the Chinese to eat less salt.
Researchers now have one solution: train school kids to push their parents to cut back.
Is it scientific?
Topic5 Husband wants a divorce from wife who doesn't do laundryA husband in Sichuan province has filed for divorce because his wife refused to do his laundry or cook for a year already.
But his request got rejected by the court on the basis that the couple's problems are not irreconcilable and mends can be made.
Is this a good reason to get a divorce?