英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0203 - 中学生被要求跪拜孔子(在线收听

 Topic1 WeChat Fails to Combat PlagiarismXinhua news agency has recently carried three articles criticizing the problem of plagiarism on the WeChat platform.

Is it a valid concern? Is there a problem?
Topic2 Children's medicines still lacking in ChinaChinese experts have again warned of a lack of child-specific medicines and called for improved healthcare for 20 percent of the national population.
It turns out while China has more than 3,500 categories of drug products, only less than 60 of them are for children's use.
Is there a crisis? How serious is it?
Topic3 Donkey ProposalThe donkey has become an endangered species in China, so the farmers who raise donkeys should enjoy the same support policies as those who raise cattle and sheep.
This is a motion proposed in a recent NPC meeting in Shangdong.
The motion got public attention mainly because of its subject matter, the donkey. But is there a valid concern?
Topic4 Middle school students were required to kowtowed Confucius stone sculptureIt is reported that a senior middle school in Henan required students to kowtow the Confucius' stone sculpture. They also asked students to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to read aloud and recite the Tao Te Ching.
What happened? Why is the school doing it?
Topic5 Teachers Dissuade Students from Puppy Love With special letterThe 10th Grade or Senior 1 students in a Chongqing Middle School received their holiday brochure together with a letter that their Chinese teachers had written about puppy love. The letter says that if you're not well-prepared or capable enough, please stay away from love and be a bachelor with integrity. Many students were surprised at this unique way of dissuasion.
What does the letter talk about? Does it make sense?