英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0311 - 我有刺青但我不是坏女孩(在线收听

 Topic1 Tooth paste brand sued for false advertisingConsumer goods giant Procter & Gamble has been fined close to 6.03 million Yuan ($1m) in China for what Shanghai regulators said was false advertising of its Crest toothpaste brand.

They said P&G overstated the effects of its toothpaste in a TV ad featuring popular Taiwanese talk show host Dee Hsu aka Xiao S.
Chinese media are reporting the fine as the biggest of its kind on record.
Topic2 Hair LossRecently, a photo of actor Li Yapeng goes viral online, in which he looks much older than before due to hair loss. Survey shows 25% of Chinese men have hair-loss issues, and the size of their combined bald patches is roughly a quarter of Beijing city.
Is it offensive to say so?
Topic3 Survey: Expats Prefer Shanghai Over BeijingFor the third time in a row, Shanghai has topped the list of most attractive Chinese cities for expats, according to a survey. Other cities that followed were Beijing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, and Kunming.
Is it surprising? How is the survey done?
Topic4 How Do Kids Spend Lucky MoneyAs winter holiday ends and new semester starts, most Chinese kids go back to school with a fat wallet, filled with all the lucky money they receive during the Spring Festival.
But do kids get to actually spend the money?
Where does kids' lucky money go?
Topic5 Why China's youth is getting the needleAlthough tattoos have long been fashionable in Western countries, Chinese society has always looked askance at an art form primarily associated with criminals and gang members. Now things are beginning to change, as a China Daily report says.
Is getting a tattoo becoming a trend? Why?