英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0317 - 你会跟着真人秀去旅行吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 New official rules for what you can and can't post on WechatWeChat, the most popular messaging app and social network in China with 468 million monthly active users, set in stone 10 rules for users posting to the app's朋友圈news feed, called Moments in English.

Is the move necessary? Is there a problem?
Topic2 "Made in China" Still Has HopeThe cover story of the latest issue of the Economist is named Made in China—New, Improved and Stronger than ever. It says that although China's economy is slowing down, the country will continue to have advantages in manufacturing that will benefit the economy as a whole.
Is there a grim challenge facing China's manufacturing industry?
Topic3 Reality shows boost tourismPopular reality shows that have ignited Chinese screens are turning many shooting locations into popular sightseeing sites including places that were previously unheard of.
While travelers get to experience what reality show stars have right there, they also complain about problems such as overcharging.
How popular is reality show-inspired tourism? Does it make sense?
Topic4 Chinese museums say 'no' to selfie sticksSelfie sticks might have made their ways into many serious occasions, including the two sessions, but a growing number of museums have started to put limits on the craze.
The device, which has become a favorite of tourists and outdoor sports enthusiastic worldwide, has become a safety concern to visitors and artworks for many museums.
Who are banning the use of selfie sticks? Is the ban understandable?
Topic5 If you speak Mandarin, your brain works differentlyFor most people, the left half of the brain controls linguistic capabilities. But scientists have found that if you speak Mandarin, you might use more of your right brain than if you're a native English speaker.
What does it tell us?