英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0518 - 娃儿要不要照书养?(在线收听

 Topic1 China steps up emergency response for city rail transportThe Chinese government has recently published a revised emergency response plan for city rail transport as it seeks to beef up security measures in increasingly overcrowded subway stations.

Is there a crisis? Why do we care?
Topic2 Popular Parenting Advice Not HelpfulNew moms often receive tons of parenting advice, from books, moms, in-laws and well-intentioned/nosy neighbors. Actress Ma Yili recently wrote on weibo that she regretted having followed the "crying it out" training in raising her first-born, and that she abandoned such sleep training idea when raising her second child.
Are these advices really not helpful?
Topic3 Restaurant Industry ReportCantonese spend 3 times more than Beijingers in restaurants last year, according to a recent report released by China Hotel Association.
Does this make Cantonese the top epicures in the country?