美式英语正音训练第33期:Exercise 1-39 Consistent Pronoun Stress In Changing Verb Tenses(在线收听

   Exercise 1-39:

  Consistent Pronoun Stress In Changing Verb Tenses
  This is the same as the previous exercise, except you now stress the verbs:
  They eat them.
  Practice this until you are quite comfortable with the intonation.
  Notice that in fluent speech, the th of them is frequently dropped (as is the h in the other object pronouns, him, her).
  The pronunciation and word connections are on the right, and the tense name is on the far left.
  present 1
  They eat them. theyeed'm
  past 2
  They ate them. theyεid'm
  continuous 3
  They're eating them. thereeding'm
  .future 4
  They'll eat them (if...) theleed'm (if...)
  present conditional 5
  They'd eat them (if...) they deed'm (if...)
  past conditional 6
  They'd' ve eaten them (if...) they d?veetn'm (if...)
  relative pronoun 7
  The ones that've eaten them (are...) the w?nz?d?veetn'm (are...)
  present perfect 8
  They've eaten them (many times). they veetn'm (many times)
  past perfect 9
  They'd eaten them (before...) they deetn'm (before...)
  future perfect 10
  They'll have eaten them (by...) they l?veetn'm (by...)
  obligation 11
  They ought to eat them. they ?d?eed'm
  obligation 12
  They should eat them. they sh'deed'm
  obligation 13
  They shouldn't eat them. they sh'dn?need'm
  obligation 14
  They should have eaten them. they sh'd?veetn'm
  obligation 15
  They shouldn't' ve eaten them. they sh'dn?n?veetn'm
  possibility/ability 16
  They could eat them. they с'deed'm
  possibility/ability 17
  They couldn't eat them. they c'dn?need'm
  possibility/ability 18
  They could have eaten them. they c'd? veetn'm
  possibility/ability 19
  They couldn't have eaten them. they c'dn?n? veetn'm
  possibility 20
  They might eat them. they mydeed'm
  possibility 21
  They might have eaten them. they my d? veetn'm
  probability 22
  They must eat them. they m?ss deed'm
  probability 23
  They must have eaten them. they m?sd?veetn'm
  ability 24
  They can eat them. they c'need'm
  ability 25
  They can't eat them. they c?n(d)eed'm