访谈录 刀锋战士 皮斯托瑞斯假释出狱愿望破灭(在线收听

 Now to the bomb show for Oscar Pistorious’ dropping just 2 days for the Olympian was said to be released from prison after serving 10 months of a 5-year sentence for shooting his girlfriend to death. Justice --- in South Africa now blocking his early release. ABC’s Terry Moran in Pretoria with the very latest. Good morning, Terry. Good morning, Terry. What’s happened in this case comes as a blow, a crushing blow to Oscar Pistorious. He was so close to getting out of this prison. He could probably taste it. But for the family of Reeva Skeencamp, this is justice. This morning, Pistorious’ lawyer is desperate to overturn Wednesday’s bomb show reversal. This former Olympian’s imminent release from prison now delayed infinitely. Pistorious has been said to leave jail tomorrow paroled after only 10 months of his 5-year prison sentence and served the rest of his time on house arrest at his uncle’s mansion. But South African Justice Dept. ruling the June decision to release Pistorious was made prematurely when the offender was not eligible to be considered at all.

Not Guilty? And is this charge? Instead he is found guilty of culpable homicide. Pistorious is found guilty of manslaughter for negligently firing through his bathroom door in Valentine’s Day 2013, killing then his girlfriend Reeva Skeencamp. Wednesday, Skeencamp’s friends and family remembering her on what could have been her 32nd birthday and welcoming Pistorious reversal fortune. For the crime he committed, 10 months is definitely not enough, definitely without a doubt.
So what happens now? A court would order that Oscar Pistorious be released as originally scheduled, or send the whole matter to the parole board. But they only need a few times in a year, so he could be in here for months at least.