访谈录 扎克·埃弗隆新片《我们是你的朋友》炫酷电音+励志梦(在线收听

 Zac Efron right here. He stars in the new movie “We are your friends”, playing an upcoming deejay about to get this chance of lifetime before pretty tough crab. Take a look. “Hey, you know this party is looking a little stiff, Cole.” “So what are you saying? We need to amp it up?” “You could try. But this crowd doesn't dance before midnight.” “Okay.” And Zac joins us tonight. And you are a real music guy. You listen to music right before the interview. “Yeah, I do, I do listen to music to get pumped up.” “So what do you want us to know about this role?” “Eh, enormous things. First, I think it really speaks to our generation. It's an inspirational movie. It follows this young guy who sort of, kind of caught up in a tough generation. He’s living a life of like, running clubs and…he has this kind of dream in his back pocket, which is to be a musician and be a deejay. And, he learns to sort of hone that in with the help of a mentor and sort of…live to… like find his dream.”

“We know you can sing. We know you can dance. We know you love music. What about being a deejay? Did you know anything about that?” “I knew virtually nothing about being a deejay, which is really…which is actually pretty difficult, I have to say. It was…”
“How do you learn?” “I got a crash course, so pretty quickly. I was -- I got a deejay coach. And he would come to my house more or less every day, and we would X play with the dex. And I learned how to transition jazz, put on the dex。”
You have a big crowd going. Is it true the X you had to get out of shape for this role?”
“The director asked me, you know, to lose weight for the part. Because it was -- I mean, most deejays you see here are pretty skinny guys. They spend a lot of time…” “Not working out all the time.”
“Yeah. They are not really working out. That was the first time I had been really asked to do that. Normally, it's like ‘bulk up’ when you play a X or something like that.”
“And you X go back for bulking up, coming back on ‘Baywatch’”? “Yeah, yeah, I think so.” “You are in the ‘Rock’. Tell us about it.” “There is not much to talk about right now. We're working on the script, but I'm incredibly excited about it. I think it would be awesome. The Rock is just the man. “Yeah. Tell us…”
“He's so cool. He's such a "G." And we are really excited. We've been talking a lot about it. We are figuring out the script.” “Excellent. You X complete another project. Today is Robert de Niro's birthday. You had the chance to work with him.”
“Oh, happy birthday. I finished a movie called ‘Dirty Grandpa’. It's…it’s crazy. He is…well, first of all, he was such X to play that, but this was a role I’ve never seen, and he's out of control. He plays this great character of my grandpa. But he is out of his mind. He's just kind of a lunatic. We go on a whirlwind journey through Florida, and it's pretty insane. That's cool.” “Next coming up ‘We are your friends’ hits theaters this Friday. Take a look, August 28th. And thank you Zac for coming in.”
“Thank you, man.”