新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/08(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Tuesday September 8th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
China's top political adviser emphasizing stability in Tibet on the occasion of its 50th anniversary as an autonomous region within China...
Chinese authorities unveiling new measures to support the country's stock market...
And families torn apart by the Korean War set to reunite next month...
In Business...Chinese markets rebounding across the board today...
In Sports... Team China takes on the Maldives for a spot in the 2018 World Cup...
And in Entertainment.... The Chinese Box office surpasses the 30 billion yuan mark...
Top NewsStability in Tibet is critical in governing border areas: Chinese authorityAnchor:
China's top political advisor is highlighting the economic achievements of Tibet at a ceremony marking the 50th founding anniversary of the Tibet Autonomous Region while stressing that maintaining stability in Tibet is a priority task in governing the border areas in the region.
CRI's Guo Yan has the story.
Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference said Tibet has realized remarkable economic growth over the past 50 years.
He made the remarks at a rally of senior officials and thousands of Tibetan people gathered in front of the Potala Palace.
The Chinese top political advisor spoke highly of the contribution made by people from all walks of life in the region.
"People of all ethnic groups in Tibet have been in high spirits and worked very hard together over the past 50 years. They have worked diligently and used their wisdom to create one miracle after another. They've made remarkable achievements and brought great changes to the snow-covered plateau. The social capital in Tibet has been emancipated and developed. Tibet's GDP has increased by 68 times and local financial revenue has increased by 564 times in the past five decades."Yu noted social stability is critical to ensure the sustainable economic development of the region.
He highlighted the strategic role of Tibet and said the region is an important shield of national security.
"Tibet is an important shield of national and ecological security, an important strategic resources reserve base, an important place to preserve distinctive culture of the Chinese nation and an important passage for opening up to south Asia."Yu noted border areas must be well managed to successfully govern the country.
And he adds that stability in Tibet is paramount to the management of these areas.
"The governance in the border areas is an indispensable part in governing a country. To maintain stability in Tibet comes the first in governing the border. It is the ardent aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups to safeguard Tibet's harmony and stability and bring prosperity and development to Tibet. It is also the common wish of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China."The senior Chinese leader vowed that the country will continue to crack down on all kinds of separatist activities.
He also called for improved ethnic solidarity, calling it a "lifeline".
The Tibet Autonomous Region was founded on September 1, 1965, after the establishment of the regional People's Congress, the local legislature, through elections.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Tibet Environment Well ProtectedAnchor:
Environmental protection has been highlighted as one of the Chinese government's priorities when it comes to the development of the remote, southwestern areas of the Tibet Autonomous Region.
CRI's Qi Zhi explains.
Dubbed 'The Roof of the World," the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau encompasses Qiangtang.
Qiangtang is China's largest nature reserve in Tibet.
It's located in the northwestern part of the Autonomous Region, covering the foot-hills of the highest points on earth, as well as part of the Tarim Basin and the extreme western regions of China.
Situated more than 5-thousand meters above the sea level, and making up an area of nearly 300-thousand square kilometers, Qiangtang is almost 3-times the size of the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu.
Karma Tsedrup, one of the local Environmental Protection Officers, says Qiangtang is ecologically unique, in that it affects the entire region around it.
"The Qiangtang Natural Reserve is dominated by a special paramos ecosystem. This means the region plays a key role in how climatic changes evolve both here in China and in other parts of Southeast Asia."Qiangtang is among 47-nature reserves in Tibet which cover over 400-thousand square kilometers in total.
Tibet is one of the areas of China which has abundant water resources.
Lakes in the Region cover a total area of more than 25-thsouand square kilometers.
The autonomous region is also where the Yangtze and Yellow River start.
Qiangtang is also home to more than 100 different kinds of mineral deposits.
Around two-fifths of China's copper reserves are located in the area.
Large amounts of lead and zinc are also in Tibet.
Despite the opportunities, Zhang Tianhua with the Tibetan Resource Management Bureau says they still want to maintain the environment in the Region.
"We will never choose to develop the economy at the cost of the environment. When it comes to environmental protection, we do everything we can to make sure it it safe."As part of the environmental commitment, no new mining projects in the region have been approved over the last 2-years.
A number of existing mining operations have also been closed.
At the same time, steps are also being taken to try to stop the desertification of the region, which lies on the southern edge of the Gobi Desert.
Jia Qinqing is a forestry official from Shandong who has been sent-in to try to help create tree-breaks in the desert areas.
"At first, most of the trees died not long after being planted. But now, keeping trees alive isn't a problem thanks to our improved watering, fertilizing and maintenance techniques."One issue still creating a challenge in the Qiangtang Region of Tibet is a lack of people willing to make the step out into the wilderness.
Zongga with the Regional Environmental Protection Bureau says a lack of personnel is becoming a significant problem.
"The staff at all our natural reserves in Tibet have less than 400 people. Each of them has to take care of more than a thousand square kilometers of land."In an attempt to try to bridge the gap, money has already been set aside this year to hire an additional one-thousand rangers to help patrol the protected areas of Qiangtang.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
Call-in with David Dollar ahead of Summer Davos OpeningThe Summer Davos Forum in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province, is set to open on Wednesday.
Around 1,700 participants from more than 90 countries will attend the three-day meeting.
The meeting will feature discussions on China and global economic growth, and technological innovation.
The Chinese port cities of Dalian and Tianjin have alternately hosted the Summer Davos meeting, or the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, since 2007.
Now just ahead of the opening of the meeting, CRI's Wang Mengzhen has caught up with David Dollar, senior fellow with China Center of Brookings Institution, to preview on the Chinese Premier's Davos keynote speech, and to talk about China's growth momentum.
Back anchor: David Dollar, senior fellow with China Center of Brookings Institution, speaking with CRI's Wang Megzheng.
China Considers Stock Index Circuit Breaker, Scraps Dividend Tax for Long-term InvestorsAnchor:
Chinese authorities have unveiled new measures to help stabilize the stock market including the proposed implementation of the circuit-breaker mechanism and cutting dividend taxes for long-term investors.
CRI's Luo Wen has more.
The planned introduction of an index circuit breaker system would be similar to trading-curb triggers currently used on the markets in New York.
It would help limit volatility by temporarily cutting off, or restricting, trading during intra-day periods when the market sees significant rises or drops.
Zhang Lan with GF Securities' Development Research Center says the creation of the system makes sense.
"The implementation of a circuit breaker system is already available in more mature markets. In case of extreme market volatility, the system will give investors more time to confirm whether a stock's price is reasonable. This will help prevent knee-jerk reactions by investors."The China Securities Regulatory Commission is suggesting the trading-curbs kick-in after a 5 percent rise or fall in the CSI 300 Index from the previous day's close.
It would trigger a 30-minute suspension of all mainland trades, provided it happens before 2:30pm.
If there's a swing of 5-percent after 2:30pm, the markets will be shut down for the day.
But if the market sees a more dramatic swing, either up or down 7-percent from the previous close, the markets can be shut down for the rest of the day, regardless of what time it takes place.
Word of the new plans hasn't seemed to bother most professional traders in China.
GF Securities' Zhang Lan says they still expect the mainland markets to continue moving in a somewhat-unpredictable way in the short-term.
"Even if stocks rallied this Tuesday, it is still possible to see corrections in the future. I don't think we can determine whether the policy will be effective or not based on a single day's market performance. It's not a good idea to try to determine one-day's performance based on a policy announcement."Meanwhile, in another move to try to bolster the markets, Chinese authorities have also announced that investors holding a stock for more than a year will be exempt from the 5-percent dividend tax as of this Tuesday.
Authorities have also cut the tax on dividends for those holding shares between a month and a year by half.
This is the latest in a string of moves by Chinese authorities to try to rejuvenate investment in the mainland markets.
China's A-Share market has lost around 2.5-trillion US dollars in value since mid-June.
In a speech over the weekend at a G20 meeting, central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan says he still believes the markets in China are stabilizing.
Chen Xiaosheng with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities says it's their belief the worst may be over.
"From a market perspective, for the main board and the growth enterprise board, including small caps, market leverage has fallen sharply since the downturn. So it is fair to say that market risks have been eased to some extent."Unlike markets in Developed economies, the vast majority of trading accounts on the mainland - around 80-percent - are held by individuals, rather than institutional firms.
It's for this reason PBOC Chief Zhou Xiaochang has told this past weekend's G20 finance and central bank leaders meeting in Turkey he feels the Chinese economy is going to weather any storm put forward by the equities markets.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
European Chamber of Commerce in China Calls for Bolstered Confidence in CooperationA senior European Union business leader is calling on China to carry out more market-oriented reforms to bolster confidence among European business.
President of European Chamber of Commerce in China Joerg Wuttke made the call in Beijing at a news conference during which a Position Paper by the chamber was issued.
The document offers some 800 recommendations to China's policy makers to improve the business environment in the country.
Wuttke says while more Chinese entrepreneurs are investing overseas, European business people are hoping to have more opportunities of investing in China.
Wuttke also stressed the importance his chamber attaches to the Chinese market.
"European Chamber's message is China matters…, the EU has to respond to our needs and has to respond to the fact that China is such a vital partner in its economic cooperation."The European Chamber of Commerce in China, which represents some 1,800 European companies, is aimed at promoting European investment in the world's second largest economy.
Families separated in two Koreas to reunite next monthFamilies torn apart by the Korean War six decades ago are to reunite briefly near the heavily fortified border of North and South Korea next month.
The two sides have reached an agreement following almost 24 hours of talks between Red Cross officials from both sides at the border village of Panmunjom.
Lee Duk-heang, a committee member of South Korean Red Cross, reads from the agreement.
"With regard to the reunions of the separated families, we agreed to hold the reunions from October 20 to 26 at Mount Kumgang. And the South and North will bring 100 people each."Nearly 130,000 South Koreans looking for family members in the North have registered with the government in Seoul since 1988, but only about 66,000 are still alive, most of whom are aged 70 or more.
Some critics say the reunion programme works too slowly and involves too few families.
The two Koreas have remained technically in a state of war since the 1950-53 war ended in an armistice, rather than a peace treaty.
Last month tensions boiled over into an exchange of artillery fire after Seoul blamed Pyongyang for land mine explosions that gravely wounded two South Korean soldiers.
North Korea denied the accusations, and the confrontation was finally resolved after marathon talks between officials.
Abe Re-elected as ruling party chiefJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a rare second consecutive term as ruling party chief, and hence as premier.
He has won another three-year term as the president of Liberal Democratic Party, or LDP, after his only potential rival, former LDP executive Seiko Noda, failed to gain enough sponsors in the party poll.
Abe pledges to retain focus on reviving the world's third-biggest economy and deepen debate on revising its pacifist constitution.
"While creating a virtuous economic cycle, I will spread the feeling of recovery to every nook and cranny of the regions and throughout the country, completely escape deflation and create growth in a strong, future-oriented economy."Abe's policy team has pledged to refocus on the faltering economy after spending political capital in the past year pushing unpopular legislation that could let Japanese troops fight overseas for the first time since World War Two.
Surveys show many Japanese voters are wary of revising the constitution's pacifist Article 9.
However, the government aims to enact the security bills as early as next week despite popular protests and surveys showing most voters oppose them.
Two British IS Fighters Killed in Syria: PMBritain has announced that two of the country's nationals fighting for the group calling itself the Islamic State have been killed in airstrikes in Syria.
Prime Minister David Cameron told Parliament that the two fighters had been plotting attacks on British soil.
"Both Junaid Hussain and Reyaad Khan were British nationals based in Syria who were involved in actively recruiting ISIL sympathizers and seeking to orchestrate specific and barbaric attacks against the West including directing a number of planned terrorist attacks right here in Britain such as plots to attack high profile public commemorations, including those taking place this summer."Cameron adds that the precision drone strike killing Reyaad Khan is carried out by a British Royal Air Force remotely-piloted aircraft as an act of self defence earlier last month, while Junaid Hussain was killed in a separate U.S airstrike.
U.S. authorities last month reported the death of Hussain and said he might have been one of Islamic State's top computer experts.
British warplanes have launched regular air attacks against IS fighters in neighbouring Iraq in recent months and flown drones over Syria.
Cameron adds that he would not join coalition strikes in Syria without first winning parliamentary approval.
Mexican President Promises No Lenience in Missing Students CaseMexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has pledged there'll be no lenience in the unresolved case of 43 missing students in the country.
Pena Nieto makes the statement at a ceremony inaugurating a stretch of highway in the central state of Puebla.
"I share their desire to know the sad truth of what happened there. I'm the first one to admit the interest of the investigation, not only as president but also because Mexican society demands to know the truth of what happened, and rightly so."The statement comes one day after the results of a 6-month independent investigation are released, completely dismantling the official version of the events leading to the students' disappearance in the southern state of Guerrero.
The previous official conclusion by Mexico's Attorney General's Office claimed the students have been killed and incinerated last September at a garage dump near the town of Iguala by members of a local drug trafficking gang.
For his part, Pena Nieto says he's instructed the investigations to take into account the elements provided by the independent investigation and also offered to meet again with the victims' parents.
NGO helps fight hunger in Hong KongAnchor:
A new drive is underway by an NGO in Hong Kong attempting to try to fight hunger throughout the city.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has more.
Founded in 2009, Feeding Hong Kong collects surplus quality food from manufacturers, growers, processors, distributors and retailers every day and delivers it to a network of partner charities.
Now they are able to provide over 72,000 meals per month to 60 charities.
Richard Lord is a director of the organization.
"There is a lot of good food that goes to waste, but at the same time, about 18 percent of people in Hong Kong don't enjoy what we call 'food security', they are not guaranteed three meals a day. Many of the retailers and distributors in Hong Kong will remove their products from shelves a number of days before 'used by date' or 'best by date', so a lot of that food has a period of which is still usable from the time that leaves supermarket and gets into our warehouse."Richard Lord says they are also doing food safety education and giving food handling guidelines to make sure the food is of good quality and nutritious.
As an NGO, the operation of Feeding Hong Kong depends heavily on the participation of volunteers. Jarodine Chan is one of them.
"We are based in the Yau Tong warehouse, where we wait for all the volunteers to collect the baked goods at the end of a trading day. We are there to make sure the records being kept properly, so that bread are collected away to make sure, we know which type of bread is separated so they are donated to charities and meet their requirements, for example, some require no sugar. "Candy Choi works at Hong Fook Church, which helps to deliver food to the less privileged families in the community. She says she is very thankful for what Feeding Hong Kong has been doing.
"I remember very clearly that we only got canned food at first, but now, they provide us many different kinds of food and snacks. Dozens of families have been benefited, and they are grateful, because otherwise, they don't have money to buy snacks or try something special."After five years of development and expansion, Feeding Hong Kong now has received wide support from companies and the society. It is a member of the Global Food Banking Network, an international organization committed to reducing food waste and fight against poverty worldwide.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
Headline NewsChina vows deepened war against Tibet separatistsChina's top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng has pledged that the country will deepen the battle against separatism and crack down on all kinds of separatist activities.
Yu made the remarks on Tuesday at a ceremony marking the 50th founding anniversary of the Tibet Autonomous Region.
He emphasized that the fight against separatist forces will be carried out according to law to firmly safeguard national unity and Tibet's stability.
Yu has also said that both the Communist Party of China and the central government are going to continue to adhere to the policies that ensure the freedom of religious beliefs in China.
Yu Zhengsheng is heading a central government delegation in Lhasa this week to mark the anniversary.
China relaxes restrictions on weaponry research, productionChina has shortened its catalogue of weaponry that requires licensing so as to liberalize the market for research and production of weaponry.
11 categories of arms and 755 items in total are listed in a new version of the catalogue, which was released on Tuesday.
It is one third of the length of the previous version in 2005.
The move is said to be aiming at encouraging competition in the industry and boosting military-civilian integration.
Iran ready to talk with U.S., Saudi Arabia on Syria: RouhaniIran's President Hassan Rouhani has said that his country is ready to talk with the United States, Saudi Arabia and other influential countries over the future of Syria.
Rouhani made the remarks on Tuesday in Tehran during a joint press conference with the visiting Austrian President Heinz Fischer.
He stressed that the people of Syria will be the sole determiners of the future of their own country instead of any foreign country or power.
European refugee crisis reaches DenmarkThe European refugee crisis has now reached Denmark, but most refugees who arrive in Copenhagen say they want to continue to nearby Sweeden.
Around 50 refugees arrived in Copenhagen by train early on this Tuesday local time.
On Monday some 800 people entered the country from Germany and tried to head to nearby Sweden.
Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has said that most of the refugees who had come to Denmark since Saturday would not seek asylum in the country.
He said the refugees should seek shelter for the night and wait until Danish police co-ordinated their transfer to Sweeden with Swedish authorities.
He also said refugees who had entered over the weekend must register in the country.
Sweeden has taken by far the largest number of refugees per capita in Europe. In absolute terms, with over 80,000 asylum seekers last year, it is second to only Germany.
Biz ReportsStocksIt's time to check today's business news, first take a look at the closing numbers across Asia.
Chinese shares rebounded Tuesday after encouraging news about an index circuit breaker system and a dividend tax break.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index surged 2.9 percent, ending at 3,170 points.
The Shenzhen Component Index jumped 3.3 percent to close at 10,320 points. The ChiNext Index, China's NASDAQ-style board of growth enterprises, soared by 5.7 percent to close at 2,001 points.
Bank shares reversed their previous weak momentum and led Tuesday's rebound, with the banking sub-index rising by 2.31 percent.
Shanghai stocks performed well with over 11 shares hitting the daily increase limit of 10 percent. The logistics sector saw eight shares surge by the daily limit.
In Hong Kong, the Hong Seng Index added 3.3 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japan's Nikkei shed 2.4 percent in choppy trading Tuesday, closing at a seven-month low, as a combination of mixed gross domestic product data from Japan and weak Chinese trade indicators crushed investor sentiment.
South Korean's KOSPI dipped over 0.2 percent. The index took off a strong start, but turned into negative terrain right after the announcement of export data in China. China is South Korea's largest trading partner.
Singapore's Straight Times climbed 1.2 percent.
And Finally,Australia's ASX200 ended 1.7 percent higher.
CITIC Securities Aug. net profits down 30pct m-o-m to RMB1.035 blnCITCI Securities has posted one billion yuan, or 157 million US dollars in net profit last month.
This is down 31 percent from a month ago.
The broker generated revenue totaling 2.1 billion yuan in August, down 43 percent on a monthly basis.
Uber to enter 100 new Chinese cities in next 12 monthsIt is being reported that U.S. ride-hailing service Uber Technologies will enter 100 more Chinese cities over the next year.
Reuters says Uber Chief Executive Travis Kalanick made the comments at an event held by Uber investor Baidu in Beijing on Tuesday.
On Monday, Uber China said it had raised 1.2 billion US dollars as part of an ongoing fundraising round, while some insiders say larger local rival Didi Kuaidi had brought in 3 billion US dollars.
Uber has been aggressively ramping up operations in Asia: India is already the company's largest market outside the U.S.
Zimbabwe to increase exports to ChinaZimbabwe says it will increase exports to China in a bid to counter falling commodity prices brought on by a slowing Chinese economy.
Patrick Chinamasa is the Zimbabwean Finance Minister.
"China at the moment is the biggest market for commodities. When we are talking about commodities we are talking about raw materials of whatever nature you make, minerals or otherwise or agricultural, it is a great consumer. So any slow down will naturally affect the prices of these commodity markets or products into their markets. But as a counter measure, especially with respect to minerals, we are trying to ramp up volumes to make up for the loss of price."The Finance Minister added China's slowdown will not affect investment by Chinese firms.
China has emerged as the biggest trade partner to Zimbabwe for the last decade.
Bilateral trade between the two countries exceeds one billion US dollars annually.
China foreign trade decline widens in AugustChina's foreign trade in August dropped 9.7 percent year on year.
This is a steeper decline than the 8.8-percent contraction in July.
Official data shows the country's trade volume dropped to 2 trillion yuan, or 320 billion U.S. dollars last month.
Exports fell 6.1 percent year on year compared with an 8.9-percent drop in July, while imports slumped 14.3 percent compared with July's decrease of 8.6 percent.
In the first eight months of 2015, foreign trade slipped 7.7 percent year on year.
China's foreign trade target for this year stays at an increase of 6 percent.
For more on this, I earlier spoke to He Weiwen, Senior fellow, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
Back anchor: That's He Weiwen, Senior fellow, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
Qatar telecom operator offers free data services for WeChat appQatar-based telecom operator Ooredoo Myanmar has offered free data services for the WeChat Myanmar app under a partnership program between the two communication apps.
Under a joint promotion program, Ooredoo will waive data usage fees for the instant messaging app starting Monday.
The promotion covers 200 MB of free data use for the instant messaging app for the period from Sept. 7 to Oct. 31.
WeChat, owned by China's Tencent, offers users high discounts on call, text and voice messages. By the end of the first quarter, it had 550 million users worldwide.
Ooredoo, along with Norway-based Telenor, was awarded by the Myanmar government an initial 15 years' operator license in 2013 and currently has 4.6 million users nationwide.
Japan's GDP in Q2 revised upward to 1.2 pct. fallJapan's gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of this year shrank an annualized 1.2 percent in inflation-adjusted terms.
This is revised upward from an earlier-reported 1.6 percent decline.
Though the April-June contraction is better-than-expected, the Cabinet Office says it still marks the first decline in three quarters.
Taiwan pins hope on iPhone bounce as exports plungeAfter its seventh month of export declines, Taiwan is hoping the release of the next iPhone model, and the electronics orders it may generate, can boost Taiwan shipments.
Taiwan's exports dropped nearly 15 percent year-on-year to about 24 billion U.S. dollars in August, the third consecutive month of double-digit decline.
That is also the sharpest contraction since the end of global financial crisis between 2008 and 2009.
The island's imports also posted negative growth for the ninth-consecutive month in August, with a 16.7 percent decline.
Alibaba shifts talent strategy, cuts graduate recruitmentChina's e-commerce giant Alibaba has announced that it would cut its graduate recruitment quota as part of a "talent strategy adjustment".
The company originally planned to recruit some 3,000 graduates in 2016.
However, according to a post on its graduate hiring website, the quota will be cut and the recruitment process will become more competitive.
Alibaba did not elaborate on the reasons behind its decision.
Qu Yang, who is responsible for graduate recruitment, denied rumor that Alibaba had slashed its quota to only 400 graduates.
Qu says the company has already handed out more than 1,400 offers and several hundred more are said to be in the pipeline.
SportsChina faces Maldives in football qualifierKicking into football news:
China's men's soccer team arrived at Shenyang late Friday to prepare for their 2018 World Cup qualifier against the Maldives on Tuesday night, 7:30pm Beijing time.
The Chinese team and their coach Alain Perrin have recently been under scrutiny after their match with the team from Hong Kong ended in a goalless draw.
Team Hong Kong currently sits at the top of group C with seven points, followed by Qatar with six points and China with four.
President of the Chinese Football association Cai Zhenhua says that it's important for the team to feel refreshed before the big game tonight.
Chinese sailor goes for world recordNow lets talk about breaking some sailing records:
A trimaran skippered by China's Guo Chuan crossed the starting line on Thursday and set out on a journey of about 3300 nautical miles.
Guo Chuan is attempting to cross the Arctic Sea from Murmansk to the Bering Strait.
In addition to this, he is attempting to break the world record for how fast the journey can be done.
The super trimaran named, "Qingdao China" has already traveled over 1000 nautical miles in the first few days since being at sea.
In Guo Chuan's crew, he is aided by other world class sailors from Germany, France and Russia.
This would be the first non-stop sailing record for the route from Europe to the Pacific.
The crew hopes to complete the journey within two weeks.
Federer, Anderson & Kvitova advance in US OpenIn US Open news:
On the men's court:
Roger Federer shut out John Isner in a tiebreaker and his fourth-round U.S. Open match with a 7-6 , 7-6, 7-5 victory on Monday evening.
Federer broke in the last game, ending Isner's streak of 110 consecutive service holds at Flushing Meadows over the last two years.
As Federer Moves on, he says he is is excited to play his next opponent, Richard Gasquet.
"I'm not sure if I've seen maybe, Gasquet play as well as he has right now. I really like the way he played in Wimbledon, and also now here. I haven't seen that much. But the match I saw that he played against Stan and Novak at Wimbledon was impressive."With losses by Isner and Donald Young on Monday, this will be the 16th consecutive time an American man hasn't made it in the quarter-finals.
And Kevin Anderson stunned third-seeded Andy Murray at the U.S. Open on Monday to reach his first Grand Slam quarter-final.
Andy Murray said this about his match against Anderson.
"From my side, like I said, the second set I felt like I was starting to put pressure on him there. When I had the breakpoint at 5-3, I had a backhand pass that I really should have made. When you're playing against players that are at that level, like him, you need to obviously make them think and then give them a chance to get nervous."The 29-year-old South African won 7-6, 6-3, 6-7, 7-6 after losing the first seven major fourth-round matches in his career.
Murray had made the quarter-finals in his last 18 Grand Slam tournaments.
Anderson won the first two sets against world number one Novak Djokovic in the fourth round at Wimbledon this year before losing in five.
In women's action:
A draw at Flushing Meadows on Monday put Petra Kvitova in her first U.S. Open quarter-final.
The two-time Wimbledon champion hadn't made it past the fourth round in New York but that changed when she bested fifth seed Johanna KontaThe British qualifier lost to Kvitiova with a 7-5, 6-3.
Petra Kvitova had this to say after winning her match.
"It was kind of weird match, I think. I mean, from the beginning I was facing a lot of breakpoints on my serve. I don't know how, but it doesn't matter. I was kind of able to keep the serve still. And then I was just waiting for some chance, which came twice. She double-fault."The left-hander from the Czech Republic saved all five break points while converting the only two she earned, against Konta.
Spain, Switzerland & India prep for upcoming qualifier gamesIn more world cup qualifier news:
Spain has been preparing for its match with Macedonia on Tuesday.
It will be a home game for Macedonians and Spain has speculated they might be changing their line up to better face the competition.
Undefeated England will play Switzerland on Tuesday.
England is the first team, minus France, to qualify in the Euro 2016 games.
If the Swiss can beat their English competitors, they will also have a chance to qualify.
Finally,In India, Iran and the Indian football team will face-off for a chance to qualify for the upcoming games.
Qatar reports itself to be ahead of schedule for 2022 World CupIn some sports news from Qatar:
Deputy CEO of the Qatar World Cup 2022 local organizing committee Nasser Al Khater stated that construction for the tournament is ahead of schedule on Monday.
During a Soccerex conference in Manchester Khater the news was saying that one stadium would be ready by 2016.
Nasser Khater also commented on the excellent working conditions for construction workers.
"I think it is very important to reiterate and make it very clear there hasn't been a single fatality on World Cup projects, we haven't had a major incident. We are very happy with the worker welfare standards that we have in place right now and I think in terms of looking at it from a country-wide perspective I think the World Cup is an accelerant for a lot of changes."In addition to this, Qatar has also begun major metro construction in preparation for the games.
Fowler tops Deutsche Bank ChampionshipSwinging into PGA news:
American Rickie Fowler took advantage of a mistake by Henrik Stenson to clinch a one-stroke victory at the Deutsche Bank Championship in Massachusetts on Sunday.
Originally one stroke behind Stenson in the final round, Fowler made his third "from behind" win this year.  He finished at 15-under 269, while Swede Stenson, claimed second on 14-under after a double-bogey at the par-three 16th.
Stenson, who also finished second last week at The Barclays, missed a 14-foot birdie putt at the final hole.
EntertainmentChinese box office surpasses 30 billion yuan.
The Chinese box office has surpassed 30 billion yuan last week.
This means the Chinese box office has already reached the revenue level of the entire year of 2014.
Chinese movies raked in 18 billion yuan, 60 percent of the total.
The fantasy film "Monster Hunt" has grossed over 2.4 billion yuan. It is expected to break the record set by "Fast and Furious 7" within this week and become the highest grossing film of all time at the Chinese box office.
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Makes $500 million at the global box office.
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation has opened in Chinese theaters today, with its world ticket sales reached 500 million dollars already.
In the fifth episode of the hit movie franchise, Ethan Hunt and his team fight against an international criminal organization of rogue agents and killers called the Syndicate.
The movie's director Christopher McQuarrie, leading actor Tom Cruise and Actress Rebecca Ferguson have met Chinese fans in Beijing yesterday to promote the action thriller.
Ferguson says she was nervous before she came to China.
"I've never been to China before, and I was nervous. I meet people with wonderful smiles and who are looking forward to another wonderful 'Mission.' I'm loving it. I don't want to go home. "The series has held the record for the best-selling action spy film series in the world since the release of the first film in 1996.
The little prince to release Oct 16thIt's been confirmed that the 3D animated film "the little prince" will be released in China on Oct the 16th in both English and Chinese.
Little Prince is a new animated feature from Mark Osborne, the director of Kung Fu Panda.
The story follows a little girl who is brought into a magical world by her neighbor, the Aviator, where anything is possible.
It's in this same terrain where he was brought long before by the Little Prince.
Some 11 Chinese actors have lent their voices to the main characters: Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, Huang Lei and others. In addition, China will also be among the first batch of countries to see the English version of the film.
This is the first adaptation of the much-loved novella, which has sold some 145 million copies in 265 languages worldwide.
Spectre Theme Song To Be Sung By Sam SmithSam Smith has finally confirmed the news that he'll be singing the theme for upcoming James Bond film Spectre.
After one month of speculation, the singer announced the news Tuesday morning in a Twitter post, calling it "one of the highlights of career" to sing the title song 'Writing's on the Wall'.
The song, co-written by Smith and Jimmy Napes, is set to debut and release on the 25th this month.
It will be the first James Bond theme song recorded by a British male solo artist since 1965.
"Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" opens this monthOne year after young-adult thriller "The Maze Runner" became a box-office-surprise hit, the sequel "The Scorch Trials" is set to release this month globally.
In the second chapter of the franchise, our young heroes find themselves in the Scorch - a futuristic badlands destroyed by solar flares and populated by Cranks - dangerous mutated creatures that have been infected with the 'flare' virus.
Adapted from James Dashner's series of science-fiction story, the film also faces the problem that book fans are concerning that the movie will be straying from the original novel.
To that matter, lead character Thomas, played by Dylan O'Brien says director Wes Ball did change things up and divert from the book a little.
"We arranged the order a little bit of things, in the book, we don't escape from WCKD and in the movie we made it, in the book they let us go and its part of the plan to let us go. Wes wanted to alter that a little bit he didn't want it to just be again about another trial. He wanted to zero in on another arc from the book so hopefully people will be happy about that."It is not clear yet when will the film hit Chinese theaters.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
China's top political adviser emphasizing stability in Tibet on the occasion of its 50th anniversary as an autonomous region within China...
Chinese authorities unveiling new measures to support the country's stock market...
And families torn apart by the Korean War set to reunite next month...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together... 