新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/10(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionShane Bigham with you on this Thursday September 10th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
The Chinese premier highlights innovation and entrepreneurship during his speech to open the Summer Davos forum in Dalian...
Chinese authorities are trying to verify whether a citizen working in Syria has been kidnapped by Islamic State militants...
and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has expressed her support for the Iran nuclear agreement...
In Business...a major international ratings agency says the local government debt issue in China is manageable...
In Sports...China's national football team will hold a training camp in Dubai...
And in Entertainment...the new Mission Impossible movie sets a record at the Chinese box office...
TopChinese Premier Highlights Innovation and EntrepreneurshipAnchor:
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has highlighted innovation and entrepreneurship as a key growth engine for China, in a speech at the Summer Davos forum in northeastern Dalian.
CRI's Zhao Jianfu has the story.
Premier Li opened his speech with an anecdote about his visit on Wednesday to a small tech company in Dalian.
The firm has only 10 full-time employees but has managed to attract 280-thousand freelance engineers within two years and develop more than 100 products.
Premier Li highlights companies like this as China's 'new champions.'
"There are tens of thousands of similar companies in China. We even can not imagine how creative and innovative they are. It doesn't matter whether or not each can achieve its dreams by pooling wisdom and resources. They deserve the title of 'new champions.'"The "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" proposed by Li at the 2014 Summer Davos appears to have mobilized people's enthusiasm for entrepreneurship in China.
The government has introduced measures including tax reductions and streamlined government administration to spur startups.
Premier Li says mass entrepreneurship and innovation is significant for China.
"mass entrepreneurship and innovation has strong power to promote economic development, increase employment, improve the economy and innovate the income distribution pattern. It can also promote social justice as everyone willing to explore their creativity enjoys equal development opportunities."He noted that more than 10-thousand new companies are registered every day and they in turn become job-providers, and this explains China's robust job creation despite economic headwinds.
Besides this, many large enterprises also have innovated their production and management modes and improved the innovation efficiency of science and technology.
Meanwhile, the Premier pledged reforms to allow for more partnerships between the government and private investors from China and abroad.
"It is no longer just the government's show. The Chinese government will provide comprehensive and accessible public services, carry out structural reforms, and encourage social capital and foreign investment to jointly promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation."During his speech, Li vowed that China will continue to try hard to protect intellectual property rights, a crucial step to attracting international investment and encouraging local companies' creativity.
For CRI, this is Zhao JianfuAudience Impressed by Chinese Premier's Davos SpeechAnchor:
After Premier Li Keqiang's special address at the Summer Davos opening ceremony, our reporter Wang Mengzhen caught up with several global entrepreneurs and experts in the audience. They shared their views on Premier Li's remarks.
"In his speech, the premier mentioned his visit to one local enterprise right after his arrival in Dalian, this kind of action gives entrepreneurs like me a huge boost of confidence.""Hopeful message. He gives a lot of evidence and fact that it is possible to have stable and sustainable growth. I really liked when he ended his speech with aspirations, which are the growth and well-being of human kind as a whole."Reassurance, confidence and hope. These are the three words we hear most from hundreds of entrepreneurs who joined Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's keynote speech this morning at Dalian International Conference Hall.
Bangalore Gangaiah Srinivas, managing director of the Hong Kong-based telecommunication giant PCCW, believes two key messages in Premier Li's address will help define the future strategy of his company, which has a significant focus on China.
"One is the very good stability of Chinese economy and definitely a bit of slowdown. Two (the second) is the fact that it is reaching out for global cooperation in manufacturing and definitely inviting more investment."Among all reform measures mentioned in Premier Li's speech, Yang Xiaozhong, Vice president of Beijing-based Trina Solar, lists the most beneficial measures for his company, the world's leading PV module supplier.
"When it comes to streamlining administration and power delegation, record filing has now replaced the complicated check and approval. This is really an important message for the development of China's photovoltaic (PV) industry, since it saves a lot of time when we seek project approval from the government."Meanwhile, mass entrepreneurship and innovation was also highlighted during Premier Li Keqiang's speech this morning.
As one of the key speakers during this year's Summer Davos, Professor Lin Boqiang from Xiamen University says the recipe for boosting innovation is sufficient funding from the government.
"What's important is that how to provide funding for people with ideas and who have actual capacity to carry out ideas. I think the funding is not sufficient for the drive as the new growth point. So, moving forward, how the government motivates the financial sector and other sectors to support those people will be the key issue."Prior to the keynote speech, Premier Li Keqiang sat down with some three hundred global business leaders on Wednesday, sending clear signals that the Chinese economy is running within proper range.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen reporting at Summer Davos in Dalian.
Highlights of Summer Davos 2015Anchor:
this year's Summer Davos is a leading global gathering on innovation, entrepreneurship, science and technology. More than 1,700 participants from 90 countries and regions are gathering in the city of Dalian.
For more on this, we spoke earlier with CRI reporter Luo Yu, who is now at the meeting.
China Verifying Information of Hostage Held by ISThe Chinese Foreign Ministry says it is verifying information concerning a Chinese hostage allegedly held by the Islamic State.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei:
"We've noticed the media reports and we're checking the information. The Chinese government opposes any terror act against innocent civilians"Meanwhile, the Chinese embassy in Iraq says that they have not received any information about the kidnapping of a Chinese hostage by the Islamic State.
The group has identified the hostage as 50-year old Fan Jinghui, who is from Shijingshan District of Beijing.
He's described by the Islamic State as an independent contractor.
The group is demanding an unspecified amount as ransom for the release of Fan and a Norwegian man after capturing the two in Syria.
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has confirmed that a Norwegian hostage is being held but insisted that Norway will not pay ransom.
Chinese Air Force Holds Open EventChina's air force has held a series of events and exhibitions for the public at an aviation university in Changchun in northeast China.
The activities showcased 1,000 pilot trainees who joined the air force this year.
Military equipment, including CJ-6 and J-10 aircraft, Z-9 helicopters and HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles were also on display.
More Efforts Urged to Help TeachersAnchor:
New calls are being made here in China to better compensate primary and secondary school teachers.
Today is Teachers Day here in China.
CRI's Qi Zhi reports.
Scholar Liu Chengyun says early-childhood education is something that is on-the-radar here in China.
"Primary and secondary education is getting more attention in the country, as more and more people realize it is the base of overall education quality. Cultivating talent depends not only on universities, but also primary and secondary schools."However, surveys among primary and secondary school teachers suggest this understanding has not necessarily translated into results.
A survey conducted by the 21st Century Education Research Institute, an educational think-tank here in China, has found most teachers in the primary and secondary school system say they believe low salaries and a broken evaluation system are still holding back development.
Xiong Bingqi with the 21st Century Education Research Institute says rural teachers are the worst off.
"Some local governments only think about how to improve school facilities, while paying much less-than-expected attention to teachers' salaries, their work evaluation and their future development."Of the roughly 13 million Chinese primary and secondary school teachers in China, more than 3 million are working in rural areas.
Professional evaluations are one of the few ways for them to advance or get more money.
But Xiong Bingqi says the current evaluation system puts teachers in the countryside at a disadvantage.
"The system only favors urban teachers and those who have strong ties with the authorities. And because academic papers play a key role in assessing teachers' work, rural teachers often find it difficult to achieve high scores, as their topic range is limited due to their lack of contact with urban areas."Professor Xiong Bingqi says its time for education authorities to address the issue before it becomes too late.
"The latest survey shows more than 80 percent of teachers in Chinese primary and secondary schools are under pressure at work, mostly because of the evaluation process. Some have resorted to cheating on the process to obtain higher scores. We've also noted decline in passion and even loyalty to the job among teachers. Authorities should understand how important it is to solve problems for teachers and protect their rights."Ahead of Teachers Day, Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote a reply letter to teachers in southwest province of Guizhou.
He spoke highly of the contribution made by those teaching in remote rural areas.
Premier Li Keqiang is also promising more help for rural teachers, and at the same time, is warning local officials not to cut back on education spending.
Changes to the professional evaluation system for primary and secondary school teachers are also being made.
It's expected the changes could allow a primary school teacher with a high professional ranking to earn as much as a college professor.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
Australia's Tasmania to Provide Support for Chinese Antarctic ExplorationChina will work with the Australian province of Tasmania on future Antarctic expeditions.
The Tasmanian Polar Network and the Polar Research Institute of China signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday. Under the agreement, Tasmania will provide technical support for further Chinese explorations in Antarctica.
The support includes repairs, maintenance, parts and equipment services for Chinese expeditions.
Citing Tasmania's Antarctic expertise, the island's Minister for State Growth says Tasmania is keen to work with Chinese teams and provide infrastructure.
Apple releases iPad Pro, new iPhonesApple has unveiled a slew of new products, including a larger iPad tablet, a TV box with its own app store, and new iPhones with 3D touch technology capable of detecting how firmly the screen is being pressed.
Chief Executive Tim Cook has unveiled the new products at the company's annual event in San Francisco for new products.
"Today we have the biggest news in iPad since the iPad and I am thrilled to show it to you. This is the iPad Pro."The iPad Pro is aimed mostly at business customers.
The release of the iPad Pro comes amid a decline in the overall sale of iPads.
The online video box, Apple TV, is redesigned to include a new operating system, working with Apple's Siri voice recognition search and control engine.
Speaking of the new technology used in Apple TV, Henning Steier, tech editor with a newspaper in Germany, is impressed.
"It's always great to see how Apple innovates. I think it's very important that you can use games right now, you can use online-shops right now on TV. And Siri is a very good one on Apple TV because it finds your favorite shows on all channels."Meanwhile, Apple's new phones, the iPhone 6s - and 6s Plus - with the new '3D touch technology' go on sale here in China and other parts of the world in just over 2-weeks.
For more on the new Apple products, we spoke earlier with our technology correspondent Samuel Duckett.
UN Secretary-General Urges European Nations to Respond Responsibly to RefugeesOn Wednesday UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, at a high-level political forum on Peace and Development, urged European states to respond responsibly and humanely to the arrival of refugees and migrants in Europe.
"In Syria, Iraq and beyond, we are doing everything possible to save lives. We need political will and we need funds. All those with influence must rise above their narrow interests and work for the greater good of the region and our world,"On Sept. 30 the Secretary-General will host a high-level meeting on migration and refugees during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly held in New York.
US to Take More Refugees: KerryAmid the intensifying migrant crisis in Europe, US Secretary of State John Kerry says his country will take in more refugees.
Kerry made the statement on Wednesday after meeting with US lawmakers.
"I just met with members this morning. We are committed to increasing the number of refugees that we take and we are looking hard at the number that we can specifically manage with respect to the crisis in Syria and Europe and their migration today."Kerry did not specify how many refugees the US is prepared to take in or when.
Several people with knowledge of the meeting later said Kerry told members of Congress that the US would increase its global quota for refugees from 70,000 to 75,000 next year.
The US State Department has said the country has taken in around 1,500 refugees since the Syrian civil war started.
Russia Arms Expo 2015 Kicks offThe Russia Arms Expo 2015 has opened.
The bi-annual exhibition seeks to promote Russian military equipment, arms, and ammunition to both domestic and international markets, to enlarge the range of foreign partners, and to display the most advanced achievements of Russian and foreign manufacturers.
The weapons exhibiting area reached 7,000 square meters this year, while there are also live presentations of military vehicles. The expo is expected to receive over 65 foreign delegations.
The newest main battle tank is being displayed to the public. It was previously seen during the Victory Day parade commemorating the end of World War II, on Red Square on May 9th.
Armata, as the new tank is called, is tentatively expected to be put into mass production next year. The Defense Ministry plans to receive 2,300 of the new tanks by 2020, thus modernizing 70 percent of the Russian tank fleet.
Heavy Rains Pound Central JapanHeavy rains have caused floods and landslides in parts of central Japan.
Local media has reported that one person is missing after river banks burst north of Tokyo. The affected areas have suffered from days of heavy rainfall brought by tropical storm Etau.
Takuya Deshimaru from the Japan Meteorological Agency warns of the dangers.
"These heavy rains are unprecedented. We can say this is an abnormal situation and there is imminent serious danger. Serious disasters such as landslides and flooding have occurred and it is still ongoing now."90,000 people have been ordered to evacuate homes, and the number is expected to increase.
Japanese broadcaster NHK said more than 500 millimetres of rain fell in parts of Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures, north of Tokyo, in the last 24 hours.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said more rainfall is expected and his government will take every possible action to ensure the safety of those in affected areas.
WeatherBeijing will see slight rain tonight with a low of 15; cloudy tomorrow with a high of 22 degrees Celsius.
Shanghai is clear tonight with a low of 22, tomorrow cloudy to rainy with a high of 30.
Chongqing expects heavy rain tonight with a low of 26; rainy to cloudy tomorrow with a high of 24.
Lhasa, overcast tonight with a low of 11; see showers tomorrow with a high of 21.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 37.
Kabul, cloudy, 29.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney , slight rain with a high of 21.
Brisbane, also rainy with a high of 23.
Perth, wet, 20And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be rainy with a high of 13 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina contributes 30 pct to global growth in H1, no hard landing: PremierChinese Premier Li Keqiang says China was responsible for around 30 percent of world economic growth during the first half of this year.
Li notes, amid a slowing world economy, China's 7 percent growth during the first half of this year was not an easy achievement.
He adds that the world's second largest economy will not make a "hard landing".
The Premier made the remarks today at the opening ceremony of the Summer Davos forum in northeastern Dalian city.
This year's forum focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship with more than 1,700 business leaders and experts from over 90 countries.
PLA to clear mines along China-Vietnam borderA de-mining mission along the China-Vietnam border has been approved by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
The mission will be carried out along the southwestern border areas in Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It will finish by the end of 2017.
Many of the team members have participated in de-mining operations as part of UN peacekeeping missions.
Local governments will give progress reports to the public, and guarantee local residents' safety.
Two other mine clearing missions along the China-Vietnam border occurred from 1992 to 1994, and 1997 to 1999.
Heavy Rains Pound Central JapanHeavy rains have caused floods and landslides in parts of central Japan.
Local media has reported that one person is missing after river banks burst north of Tokyo. The affected areas have suffered from days of heavy rainfall brought by tropical storm Etau.
90,000 people have been ordered to evacuate homes, and the number is expected to increase.
Japanese broadcaster NHK said more than 500 millimetres of rain fell in parts of Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures, north of Tokyo, in the last 24 hours.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said more rainfall is expected and his government will take every possible action to ensure the safety of those in affected areas.
New edition of Guinness World Records launchedThe 2016 edition of the Guinness World Records is hitting bookstores on Thursday, with about 3,000 new record holders.
For the UK launch of the book, American strong woman Linsey Lindberg tore a phone book with her bare hands.
Linberg, known by her stage name Mama Lou, holds several Guinness world records including one for most telephone directories torn in one minute.
According to Craig Glenday, Editor-In-Chief of the book, although they produce a whole new edition every year, most of it is brand new. It contains about 3,000 new record holders each year.
Biz reportsStocksAnchor:
It's time to today's business news, starting with a look at the closing numbers across the Asian markets. Joining us is Victor Ning.
Chinese shares closed lower on Thursday on weak performances from some heavyweight shares.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was down 1.4 percent to end at 3,199 points.
The Shenzhen Component Index dropped 1.8 percent. The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises lost 1.6 percent.
Stocks in brokerage and oil sectors led the decline.
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index tumbled 2.6 percent.
Official data show China's producer price index, a measure of costs for goods at the factory gate, dipped to its lowest level in August since the end of 2009. We have more on that later.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japan's Nikkei was down 2.5 percent on profit-taking after massive gains on the previous day.
But South Korea's KOSPI added 1.4 percent.
Singapore's Straights Times declined 1.2 percent.
The Australian market fell sharply following poor leads from the U.S. overnight to record its second worst fall since May 2015, second behind the fall of August 24th.
At the closing bell, the benchmark S& P/ASX200 index fell 2.4 percent.
China's August CPI up, PPI downChina's consumer price index (CPI), the main gauge of inflation, climbed to 2 percent in August, the highest level seen in 2015.
The figure beat market expectations.
On a monthly basis, The National Bureau of Statistics says CPI rose half a percent last month.
NBS has attributed the pick-up to higher prices for food, including vegetables and pork.
But with the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival and China's National Day holiday, experts expect consumer prices to fluctuate, as pork prices have recently dropped.
Chen Daofu is with Financial Research Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council.
"With the pullback of pork prices, the rise of CPI lacks strong impetus."The government aims to keep consumer inflation at around 3 percent for this year.
NBS data also shows the producer price index, which measures wholesale inflation, slid 5.9 percent year on year in August.
NBS attributes the PPI contraction mainly to dropping prices of industrial products and decreasing costs for oil and natural gas production.
Zhang Liqun, a researcher with Macro Economic Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, analyzes the current wholesale situation.
"Continuous declining of industrial products prices is a reflection of insufficient market demand, which in reverse, restrains factory output."The August reading dipped to its lowest level since the end of 2009 and marked the 42nd-straight month of decline.
Huatai Securities predicts the fall of PPI to narrow in September thanks to a slowdown in the decline of commodity prices.
For more on China's economic outlook, CRI's Brian Kopczynski earlier spoke to Victor Gao, Chairman of China energy security Institute.
China FDI inflow surges 22 pct in AugustForeign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland jumped 22 percent in August from a year earlier.
According to the Ministry of Commerce, last month's FDI settled at 8.7 billion US dollars.
The growth accelerated from a 5.2-percent rise in July, as investments to the country's high-tech service industry saw a significant increase.
The ministry also notes that the number of foreign businesses ending or reducing investment in China continued to drop, dispelling worries that foreign capital is moving out of the country due to growth uncertainties.
China Opens Interbank Forex Market to Overseas Central banksChina will open its domestic interbank foreign-exchange market to overseas central banks.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made the remark at this year's Summer Davos Forum.
China has already allowed foreign central banks to participate in the interbank bond market.
Premier Li adds China will complete the cross-border yuan payment system that facilitates the development of the offshore yuan market by the end of this year.
The premier also says the country will keep the yuan stable at a reasonable level.
Following the news, the offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar at one point surged over 1 percent.
Rise in China local gov't debt manageable: FitchFitch Ratings says the rise of local government debt in China is manageable.
According to the rating agency, the rising debt is significant, but major reforms to control leverage, monitor finances, and facilitate more sustainable sources of revenue will help reduce risk.
Earlier, data from the Ministry of Finance showed the debt stock of Chinese local governments jumped 6 trillion yuan, or nearly 1 trillion US dollars in the 18 months to the end of 2014.
The ratings agency attributes the growth to slumping land sales, more stringent classification criteria of debt, and the broader economic slowdown.
At this year's Summer Davos forum, Premier Li Keqiang stressed that China's government debt risks were "controllable." Central government debt accounts for about 20 percent of China's GDP, while 70 percent of local government debt takes the form of investment with expected returns.
SportsChina to set up training camp in Dubai before world cup qualifier against QatarBeginning with some football action,China's national team will set up a training camp in Dubai in October before they visit Qatar for the next World Cup qualifier.
The team will gather and train in Dubai for five days to get over the jetlag, and adapt to the sizzling heat in west Asia.
Coach Alain Perrin chose Dubai because it is close enough at just an hour's flight away, but also far enough so they won't be bothered and monitored by the Qataris on their tactics.
China are trailing Qatar by two points in Group C. Their game is scheduled for October 8.
Bayern captain Philipp Lahm to retire in 2018Former German captain Philipp Lahm has announced he will retire from football after his contract with Bayern Munich runs out in 2018.
Lahm, a Munich native who is also captain of the German champions, has been playing for Bayern for 10 years.
His many achievements include five Bundesliga titles, five DFB Cups, and one Champion League title with Bayern Munich.
He also led Germany to world cup glory in Brazil.
Thirty-one-year-old Lahm had quit Germany's national squad after the world cup last summer.
Prince Ali of Jordan runs for FIFA presidencyPrince Ali of Jordan has officially announced his bid for the FIFA presidency.
"Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you and the world. With me are my brothers and sisters of Jordan, the heart of the Arab world and the crossroads of continents, religions, cultures and civilizations. I stand with the people who love football as I do, people who love justice and fair play. People who know in their hearts the power of the sport to change lives for the better. Friends I stand here in this ancient place, in the timeless heart of Amman to once again launch my candidacy for the presidency of FIFA."The 39-year-old ran in the previous FIFA election in May, eventually bowing out to Sepp Blatter.
He joins UEFA president Michel Platini, former FIFA vice-president Chung Mong-Joon and new candidate, Former Nigerian football player Segun Odegbami, for the election next February.
Swimming National Championships updateIn swimming,Sun Yang eased into a first place victory in the preliminaries to advance to the men's 400 meter final at the national swimming championships.
Sun had also helped Zhejiang province win a bronze medal in men's 4x100 meter relay.
In other action,Li Zhuhao won his third gold medal at the event in men's 100 butterfly. He had earlier broken the world's youth record in 200 meter butterfly.
Beijing won the women's 4x100 meter relay.
Badminton Japan Open resultsIn badminton,China's Lin Dan came from a set down to beat South Korea's Son Wan Ho at the Japan Open.
Lin battled for over ninety minutes and saved five match points to overcome Son 25-23, 21-7 in the last two sets.
Lin will play Malaysia's Lee Chong-wei tonight in their first encounter since Lee came back from serving a doping ban.
In other action,World number one Chen Long breezed past his Thai challenger in straight sets.
On the women's side,Wang Yihan defeated Canada's Michelle Li in straight sets.
And in men's doubles,Cai Yun/Lu Kai made it into the second round; Liu Xiaolong/Qiu Zihan were stopped by a Danish pair.
US Open updateIn tennis,Stan Wawrinka dismantled Kevin Anderson 6-4, 6-4, 6-0 to set up an all-Swiss semi-final with Roger Federer at the US Open.
Wawrinka says he is ready to challenge his compatriot who is a five-time champion.
"I think the past three years, for sure, I get closer from him. My level improved a lot. I'm playing better tennis. So I was always really close from him, if we look Wimbledon last year. I will for sure need to play my best tennis. He's playing really well so far. He loves to play. He know how to play. He had some amazing match. It's going to be a big challenge. I think I'm ready."Federer downed Richard Gasquet 6-3, 6-3, 6-1.
Top seed Novak Djokovic and defending champion Marin Cilic complete the men's last four.
In women's action,Second seed Simona Halep is in the semi-finals after overcoming Victoria Azarenka in three sets.
Halep is looking forward to her first semi-final at the US Open against Flavia Pennetta.
"Yeah, I'm looking forward for the next match to enjoy the semifinals. It's first time when I play this. I knew when I started the tournament that I have a good game. I feel great and I have good mentality coming in this Grand Slam. I had no expectations, no pressure. So that's why I'm playing so good. It's a great feeling now that I can be in the semi-finals, and of course tomorrow I want to fight to win it. But we will see. I expect a tough match."Pennetta bounced Petra Kvitova in a 3-set battle to earn her spot in the last four.
The other women's semi-final match up is between Serena Williams and Roberta Vinci.
Mayweather, Berto hold conference before fightIn boxing,Floyd Mayweather and Andre Berto have held a final press conference ahead of their fight this weekend.
Mayweather is putting his unbeaten record and welterweight titles on the line when he took on Berto for the last fight of his career.
"We're back. We've been here so many times. I know talking doesn't win fights. I know trainers don't win fights. It comes down to the two competitors. I'm always prepared physically, I'm always prepared mentally. We have a remarkable game plan, we have a remarkable team and I've had a remarkable career."Two-time welterweight champion Berto says critics don't have the rights to judge them and he will earn his due respect with the fight.
"Just here, small whispers of negativity, when they come from people that they couldn't dare to do what we do. They couldn't dare to do what we do. So, anybody that steps into the ring, I have to respect. But at the end of the day, when it comes to Saturday night, when it comes to fight time, I'm coming for my respect."Mayweather will match the 49-0 record of former heavyweight great Rocky Marciano if he wins.
Both fighters have predicted victory by way of a knockout.
EntertainmentMission: Impossible - Rogue Nation takes record for highest grossing debut in China for a Hollywood 2D film.
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation has taken the record for the highest grossing debut ever here in China for a Hollywood 2D film.
The film took 18.5 million US dollars on Tuesday in China marking the fifth best opening day for a Hollywood title. Fast and Furious 7 holds the record with opening day takings of 54.4 million US dollars.
The film's opening day takings is 116 percent up on Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol which earned over $100 million in China.
Rogue Nation is the fifth installment in the Mission: Impossible franchise and stars Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. Now on his own, Ethan Hunt goes after a rogue organization called the Syndicate.
Over the weekend, Rogue Nation passed $500 million at the global box office.
Gong Li speaks about working with Zhang YimouGong Li has spoken out about her recent collaboration with Zhang Yimou for film 'Coming Home' which opened in North American theaters yesterday.
Coming Home tells the story of a devoted couple who are separated during the Cultural Revolution. Upon the husband's return home, he finds that his wife has amnesia.
The film is Gong Li's ninth collaboration with director Zhang Yimou and the actress says their method of working means that she had a lot of creative freedom when playing the role of the wife in the film.
"We discuss the screenplay but then he doesn't give me that much direction on the actual - how to play the part or how to kind of capture that role. That's all on my shoulders but he has trust and faith in me and he'll usually give me some time to kind of work out and find the voice of the character. "Coming Home is out on limited release in North America now.
Bruno Mars invited back to Super Bowl next yearThe NFL have invited back Grammy award winner Bruno Mars to play the halftime show at next year's Super Bowl.
According to Billboard magazine, the singer has been asked to curate the Super Bowl 50 show meaning that there could be some impressive guests from the singers' past collaborations and musical friends.
Bruno Mars was the star of the Super Bowl's halftime show two years ago. He scored the second highest audience ever with 115 million people tuning in to watch his performance with special guests the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Katy Perry holds the record for the most watched Super Bowl halftime show in history with viewing figures of 118.5 million.
Past performers at the Super Bowl include U2, Madonna and The Black Eyed Peas.
Next year's Super Bowl will be held in Santa Clara, California in February.
Taylor Swift's 1989 tour grosses 130 million US dollarsTaylor Swift's 1989 tour has now grossed 130 million US dollars and is set to become her highest grossing tour ever.
According to Billboard, Swift has sold 1.1 million tickets for 37 performances. The tour still has four months to go including two dates at the Mercedes Benz arena in Shanghai. Swift wraps up her tour on December 12 in Australia.
The 1989 tour has been constantly in the news with Swift bringing on special guests during every show from Julia Roberts to former Friends actress Lisa Kudrow.
It's been a good week for Taylor Swift. The singer has just become the most followed person on photo sharing site Instagram. The singer now has 45.5 million followers beating Kim Kardashian who has 45.4 million followers. Beyonce is in third place. Swift often interacts with her fans on the site, commenting on their photos and posting pictures of gifts fans have given her.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
The Chinese premier highlights innovation and entrepreneurship during his speech to open the Summer Davos forum in Dalian...
Chinese authorities are trying to verify whether a citizen working in Syria has been kidnapped by Islamic State militants...
and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has expressed her support for the Iran nuclear agreement...
In Business...a major international ratings agency says the local government debt issue in China is manageable...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together... 