

  At age 59, the lovely Yasmina Rossi is breaking all the rules of the fashion world. Despite herage, she is a highly sought-after model, working for several international brands.


  French-born Yasmina had an unusual start to her career – she began modelling in her latetwenties, which is when most professional models retire. She got her big break at age 45,when she relocated to New York. That's when she starred in ad campaigns for Macy's,AT&T, and Mastercard. Eventually, she landed a job modelling for Marks & Spencers inEurope.


  Everyone is naturally curious to know the secret behind her everlasting beauty, but Yasminasays there is none. “All I have ever done is eat organic food – long before it became trendy,”she told the Sunday Times' Style Magazine. She also gets a bit of exercise, a healthy diet, andplenty of rapeseed oil for her hair and skin.


  “I take oil and use it on my skin: I put rapeseed oil on my hair,” she explained. “I scrub my skinonce a week with olive oil and sugar. I eat an avocado a day and organic meat and fish.” Shealso added that it's important not to overdo exercise. “This is very important. And don't takemedicine if possible. Go with nature instead of fighting it – this is the rule for everything.”


  What's most striking about Yasmina's photographs is that she appears to proudly flaunt herlines and wrinkles – and they only seem to add to her beauty. That's almost unheard of in anindustry that's obsessed with perfection. But Yasmina, a grandmother-of-two, says she'shappier with her looks now than she was in her twenties.


  “I like the way I look now than how I looked 20 years ago,” she said. “My body is nicer and I feelhappier than when I was 20.” Amazing!


  But 59-year-old Yasmina Rossi is definitely not the oldest fashion model in the industry. Thattitle goes to 87-year-old Daphne Selfe.



