NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-09-19(在线收听

 The Federal Reserve is holding the line oninterest rates for now. Any move to nudge rates higher has been put off for atleast another month. NPR's GW says Fed policy makers are waiting for abetter sense of the impact of slower global growth on the US economy. Fed chairJanet L. Yellen says another factor being watched is inflation which is stillbelow the Fed’s target level. “We’ve had some further developments, namelylower prices and further appreciation of the dollar that have put some downwardpressure in the near-term on inflation. And low inflation could be a drag on economicgrowth and the income of the American workers but Yellen says most of the Fedpolicy makers expect the central bank to start raising interest rates before the end ofthis year. GW,NPR news, Washington.”

By  midnight, the president can start lifting sanctions against Iran.Senate democrats banded together for a third time to block republican’s laststage effort to stop the nuclear deal with Iran. NPR’s EC reports congress is nowdone considering the agreements since its six-day review period ends today. “Thisfinal effort to undermine the Iran nuclear agreement would have prohibited thelifting of sanctions against Iran unless it recognized Israel and freedAmerican prisoners. Even democrats who opposed this deal voted against thismeasure. Senate minority leader Harry Reid criticized majority leader Mitchell McConnell for wasting timewhen lawmakers only have until September 30 to keep the government funded.There won’t be a few days of session next week. And we turn the following Mondayor we have just three days before a government funding expires. And that’s not much time to deal with opposition from some conservative republicans who avowto reject any spending bill that includes funding for Plant Parenthood. EC,NPRnews, the capital.”
  Another high-ranking FIFA official has implicated in a large corruptionscandal. Soccer world governing body announces it has released secretary general Jerome Valcke fromhis duty after he was linked to a large scheme to sell top-tier world cup ticketsabove their face value.
The federal government will fine General Motors 900 million dollarsfor misleading consumers about the defective ignition switches that have beenlinked to at least 124 deaths. The justice department also making GM appointedat an independent monitor fro there years to make sure the auto makers complieswith the conditions of the settlement. US attorney PB says prosecutors areruling out criminally charging GM employees. “*  expected in this case, the investigationcontinues. I am not necessarily saying that charges will be brought or won’t bebrought against any particular individual. We have made determinations to some butnot as to all. ” GM reaches the deal with the expectations that the chargesagainst it would be dropped.
  Before the close, the Dow was down 65 at 16675. This is NPR news.
American airline is investigating a computer glitch that force thecarrier to ground domestic flights to Dallas, Miami and Chicago for about twohours. NPR’s DS is at Chicago’s O'Hare. “Ground holder is lifted and Americanairlines flights are now taking off in O'Hare. There is still a bit of chaos with longlines of checking counters and at the security checkpoints particular. AnAmerican spokeswoman says this glitch happened at a good time of day if therecould be such a thing, the middle of the day when there are fewer flights thatwould be affected. However, scores of flights are significantly delayed. Someof them have been cancelled. And the airliner will spend the rest of the day catching up.DS, NPR news, at O'Hare airport in Chicago.”
  The most produced player across the country this season is a dramathat settles on a Muslim lawyer. NPR’s AW reports on the ongoing buzzsurrounding Disgraced. “Disgraced was inspired by a real life dinner partyattended by Pakistani American Ayad Akhtar. He remembered it vividly in a 2013 conversationon NPR. ‘The talk turned to Islam.’ And the conversation got heated. Hisfriends somehow hadn’t real life that Muslims might inform * prospected on topand second immigration and assimilation. After that night it always struck me thatthis would be great an idea for a play. Disgraced was Akhtar’s first play. Besides,when in the Pulitzer for drama two years ago, it’s been staged the season in 18 theatersaround the country. Three other theaters are producing different plays by *.That makes him the most produced playwright besides Shakespeare currently inAmerica.” NW reporting, NPR news.