2015-09-18 BBC:巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密-26(在线收听

 This spiritual ambition and mastery of nature could be fundamental to the creation of Stonehenge. This is clearly the best view we ever have of Stonehenge from above. You can see the other parts of the monument, things like the ditch, which run around it, which is from around 3000 BC. It’s the kind of beginning of what becomes Stonehenge.        Radio carbon dating indicates that around 400 years after the ditch was dug, the stone circle was raised. But while the experts have a good idea of the ordering which the Stonehenge was built, the monuments seclusion has never been fully explained. The usual sense has been that Stonehenge sits splendidly in our nation within this broader landscape. This can arouse the idea that a sacred landscape developed around the Stonehenge during the Neolithic, within which very few other activities took place. The work we have been doing, the approaches in this landscape in a radically different way, intention is to see it as a seamless survey, not just what is on the top of the surface, but what is below the surface, who doing this were able to put Stonehenge in this landscape context in a much richer and much more detailed way
