新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/15(在线收听

The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Tuesday September 15th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...

Coming up on the program this evening...

Chinese President Xi Jinping pressing for China's economy to open wider to the outside world...

The Chinese government outlining new plans for reforms in the state-owned enterprise sector...

North Korea saying its nuclear facilities have started operation...

In Business... Boeing mulling opening a finishing plant here in China...

In Sports...China's Guangzhou Evergrande edging closer to the Semi-finals of the AFC champions league...

And in Entertainment...The Lion King's director heaping praise on China's The Monkey King...

TopXi urges to open economy wider to worldChinese President Xi Jinping has stressed that China's economy must open wider to the outside world to add fuel to national growth.

President Xi made the remarks today here in Beijing at the 16th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform.

He says that promoting opening up while pushing forward reforms will add new impetus and vitality and provide new room for economic growth.

The leading group is in charge of steering China's reform.

It adopted a series of guidelines covering subjects including a negative list approach to regulating market access, encouraging state-owned enterprises to absorb private capital and granting permanent residence permits to foreigners.

China to Pilot State-asset Investment and Operating CompaniesAnchor:

The Chinese government has outlined some of its new plans for reforms in the state-owned sector, including allowing some of them to set up their own investment divisions.

CRI's Luo Wen reports.


Xu Hongcai, assistant Minister of Finance, says more than 110 State-owned firms currently administered by the State Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission are going to be allowed to set up their own investment arms, much like Singapore's Temasek.

"Under the new system, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission can authorize these companies to be shareholders of state-owned enterprises operating core businesses. The companies will serve as a layer between the government and the market."The government began testing this model earlier this year in the Province of Shandong.

Shandong Luxin Investment Holdings Group and Shandong State-owned Assets Investment Holdings have been set up to act as investment arms for state-run companies in that province.

Professor Zhang Chunxiao with the Chinese Academy of Governance says the creation of these types of investment companies will help with efficiency.

"State-owned enterprises turning into independent market entities will help maintain and increase the value of state assets. At the same time, state assets regulators on different levels will have more time to focus on how to better supervise and manage state assets. In this way, SOEs' operating efficiency is improved and so is the supervision efficiency."Li Daxiao, chief economist with Yingda Securities, says he believes the move will also help stabilize the stock markets.

"State-owned enterprises dominate China's A-share market. The guideline to deepen reforms of state-owned enterprises offers these companies more freedom to ensure their own future development. The reforms will gradually enhance the SOE's efficiency and should increase the valuation of their shares. Consequently, the A-share market, particularly among the blue chip stocks, will be more stable."The new SOE reform agenda also calls for a gradual move to mixed ownership of SOE's.

A deadline of 2020 to implement the changes has been laid-out.

It comes as the profits of state-owned companies continue to narrow.

For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.

China and Iran to launch negotiations on strategic partnershipChina and Iran have pledged to deepen cooperation as well as launch negotiations concerning advancing their bilateral strategic partnership.

It comes as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his visiting Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Beijing.

Wang Yi says the negotiation will help upgrade and enrich the bilateral relationship between the two sides.

"China and Iran agreed that bilateral mutual-beneficial cooperation has a good foundation and is complementary, China's 'One Belt and One Road' Initiative could be connected with Iran's developing strategy. China and Iran should cooperate in not only traditional fields such as energy and infrastructure, but also in new fields like international energy capacity cooperation."Wang adds that he's confident about bilateral cooperation in the future.

For his part, Zarif says Iran attaches great importance to its relationship with China.

"China and Iran could implement more strategic cooperation, leading to a very bright future. The market in Iran has great potential and needs. I believe enterprises from around the world including China will have more space for development. I look forward to the prospects for future bilateral cooperation."Speaking about the nuclear issue, Wang Yi says that China calls on all sides to continue dialogue and cooperation.

China values cultural exchanges with Europe: Vice PremierChinese vice premier Liu Yandong says China always attaches great importance to cultural exchanges with European countries.

Liu made the remarks during her meeting with some sinologists in Brussels during her trip to EU to attend the third round of China-EU High-level People-to-People Dialogue.

"All the friends here have long been devoted to studies in Sinology and have made great contribution to improving mutual understanding among people from China and European countries. On behalf of all the members of the delegation, I'd like to express heart-felt thanks to all of you."Liu says she highly appreciates the efforts made by the scholars who have been dedicated to promoting the China-Europe relationship.

Beijing to hold China-UK economic, financial dialogueBeijing will host the 7th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue on Sept. 21.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei announced Tuesday in Beijing that Chinese vice Premier Ma Kai and British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne will co-chair the dialogue.

The two countries' senior officials in charge of financial and economic affairs will attend the event.

The two sides will discuss issues including the macro-economic situation and policies, how to deepen cooperation in trade and investment, as well as financial stability and financial market development.

China's focus on nuclear safety 'encouraging': IAEA chiefThe director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency has spoken highly of China's focus on safety features in its nuclear energy development.

Director general of IAEA Yukiya Amano made the remarks at the ongoing IAEA Scientific Forum in Vienna, where a number of China's latest nuclear energy technologies were displayed.

"I believe that nuclear power has a future. The difference now is that the center of expansion is moving to Asia, in particular China. It is very encouraging to note that China is developing new technologies with the emphasis on safety features. We can benefit from various technologies and in particular, the strong interest of your country in safety features."Those technologies include the CP-1400 gas-cooled reactor and the Third Generation pressurized water reactor Hualong-1.

Head of the Atomic Energy Authority of China Xu Dazhe, in leading the attending Chinese delegation, reiterated China's commitment to the IAEA at the forum.

"China attaches great importance to its collaboration with the IAEA. We are strengthening our efforts to develop clean energies such as nuclear energy. China's nuclear power stations under construction account for around 40 percent of the total number of the nuclear power stations under construction across the world. This proportion is not small. Moreover, as a member of the IAEA, we fulfill our due obligations."The CP-1400 reactors feature double layers of protection containment which can protect the reactors from an earthquake same magnitude of the one damaging Japan's Fukushima nuclear power station, and the crash from a large airliner.

State Grid Promotes Global Energy InterconnectionThe State Grid Corporation of China, or SGCC, has published the English version of its Global Energy Interconnection in New York, in a bid to promote their vision of efficient and sustainable use of energy.

SGCC CEO Liu Zhenya says he hopes the energy interconnection can be first set up among Chinese provinces, then within Asia, and finally covering the whole world by 2050.

"The global energy interconnection is an unprecedented huge project, involving many aspects, such as international politics, economy, diplomacy, national defense, and climate change; which needs mutual efforts and cooperation."The SGCC is now publicizing extra-high voltage, or EHV technology, to transmit power from resourceful areas to energy restrained ones without transporting petrochemical raw materials.

Janos Pasztor, UN official in charge of climate change, says the concept of global energy interconnection provides an operational resolution for the tackling of global climate change.

"China itself is a leader in deploying new ideas on science and technologies to reduce emissions. It has also assumed a leadership role in bringing these new technologies to other developing countries, allowing them to a real pathway to sustainable development."China has promised to reduce its carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 60 to 65 percent by 2030 compared to the level in 2005.

UN member states should have final say in intergovernmental dialogue of SC reforms: ChinaThe Chinese representative at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly says that current intergovernmental dialogues have contributed little to the reforms of the UN Security Council.

Liu Jieyi, China's Permanent Representative to the UN, expressed the view that UN member states should have the final say on decisions.

"Facts state obviously that the interactive dialogue didn't play a constructive role and what's more, it exacerbates the divergences among member states."Liu hopes that substantial results can be achieved through negotiations at the coming session of the General Assembly.

Similar decisions have been reached every year since the intergovernmental talks were initiated in 2009.

However, Liu says, China believes certain actions taken by the chairman of the intergovernmental negotiation mechanism and the framework document were not authorized by UN member states, and therefore could be considered as going against the Security Council reform decision which was adopted in 2008.

UN Reiterates the Importance of Protecting Human RightsAnchor:

UN officials have reiterated the importance of respecting human rights at the ongoing 30th regular session of its Human Rights Council.

CRI's Xie Cheng has more.


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein stressed that a dignified life, security and peace, as well as sustainable development would all be out of the question without the protection of basic human rights.

"Upholding human rights is intrinsic to the obligations of sovereignty, and constitutes the fundamental basis for a healthy state. The voice of human rights is raised and support of your governments, to assist in building societies that are peaceful and prosperous."Talking about safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity, Zeid urged all the states to establish effective policies towards migrants, making it clear that conditions for migrants' entry are met while ensuring border security.

He also emphasized the importance of building participatory, responsible and transparent legal institutions.

"The government and the UN must do more to support the fight against impunity and to protect people from undergoing threats. It is critical to redress the national justice system and to swift the set up of the special criminal court. Impunity is not the price of political stability; it is a strong driver of conflict."For his part, Ren Yisheng, a Chinese representative, says China is concerned about the situation of refugees and urged the international community to avoid violations of human rights.

"All states should reflect on the root causes of the current refugee crisis, respect the principles of sovereignty and independence of other states, and cooperate to fight against terrorism together."He added that China hoped sufficient resources would be provided for the implementation of the right to peaceful development.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.

Hungary arrests refugees illegally crossing from SerbiaHungarian authorities have made their first arrests Tuesday morning of migrants violating strict border rules that were introduced at midnight.

Three men, believed to be Syrian, were arrested for illegally crossing from Serbia into Hungary under a wire fence at the border town of Roszke.

They were quickly apprehended by Hungarian police.

New laws introduced to deal with the influx of migrants and refugees from countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa made it a criminal offence, punishable by prison or deportation, to damage Hungary's newly erected border defences.

The border crossing point at Roszke was heavily guarded on Tuesday morning and only a small number of migrants were allowed into Hungary.

A migrant from Afghanistan says he will wait until the Hungarian government allows them to cross the border.

"No, not illegally. We all are human beings. We like in a world which personally I believe that my world doesn't have border. We are looking for freedom of movement. I won't take action illegally. I'll wait here until the government of Hungary let me go to the country."Serbian officials have said they will not accept migrants back from Hungary.

45,000 rally against Japan's gov't-backed security billsAnchor:

Tens of thousands of demonstrators rallied in front of the Japanese parliament on Monday night, protesting against a set of government-backed security bills and trying to stop the passage of the controversial legislation in the Diet's upper house this week.

CRI's Guo Yan reports.


The opponents hold placards that read "no war" and "scrap war legislation" in front of parliament.

They chanted slogans against the bills and demanded Prime Minister Shinzo Abe quit.

"Abe ignores people's voices, and he never cares. He is not qualified as prime minister. I hope he will quit his office and step down from his position immediately."Abe's legislation, which was rammed through the lower house by Cabinet in July, will be under vote in the upper house this week.

Once the legislation is passed, it would allow Japan's Self-Defense Forces to be deployed overseas in combat operations for the first time since WWII.

Monday night's massive crowd, which the organizers put at 45,000 people, followed mounting protest nationwide.

Many said the legislation will pave the way for Japan to go to war again, which is a clear violation of the country's pacifist constitution.

An unnamed street protester explains why he is against the bill.

"This legislation pushed through by the Abe administration will likely let Japan engage in another war, just like the war of aggression Japan waged before. That is why I am against it."Some protestors pointed out that Abe's legislation would ruin people's life both from Japan and other countries.

"If the bills are passed, Japan's Self-Defense Force soldiers will be killed, and they will kill people from other countries, which is contempt for human life. I do not think Prime Minister Abe takes people's lives seriously. As far as I can see, his so-called 'defending the citizens' is nothing but an excuse. I think he is tricking us."Last month, some 120,000 gathered in front of the Diet building, demanding the revocation of the controversial bills.

The organizers have said they will hold more protests in the coming days to try to block the passage of the bills.

For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.

Turnbull sworn in as Australia's new prime ministerFormer Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been sworn in as Australia's new prime minister in the capital of Canberra.

"I, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of prime minister and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, the Queen of Australia, so help me God."He defeated Tony Abbott in the ruling Liberal Party's leadership ballot by 54-45 one day ago.

The 60-year-old former journalist, lawyer and merchant banker is known for his moderate views.

He was party leader for two years before ousted in 2009 by Abbott by a single vote in a similar leadership ballot.

Turnbull is the nation's fourth leader in little more than two years.

Man wanted for fatal Mississippi shooting found deadA man wanted for the fatal shooting in the US state of Mississippi has died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Investigators were searching for 45-year-old Shannon Lamb as a suspect in the murder of 39-year-old Ethan Schmidt, a Delta State University history professor who was fatally shot in his own office on campus in Cleveland in Mississippi.

William LaForge, President of Delta State University, expressed condolences to the victim.

"It is indeed a tragic moment for this university and for the Delta State family. And we mourn the loss of our colleague Dr. Ethan Schmidt, an assistant professor of history, who has served us so well. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones and his friends. I spent thirty minutes with Mrs. Schmidt this afternoon to express the condolences of the university family."Earlier, 41-year-old Amy Prentiss was also found dead in the home she shared with Lamb in Gautier.

Greenville police were following Shannon Lamb when Lamb pulled over, jumped out of his car, and ran.

They then heard one gunshot and found Lamb with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Lamb was immediately sent to the hospital in Greenville where he was pronounced dead.

Officers in the two cities said they had not uncovered a motive for either killing.

North Korea says nuclear facilities started normal operationNorth Korea has announced that all the nuclear facilities around the city of Nyongbyon were rearranged, changed or readjusted to start normal operation.

Nyongbyon is a city about 100 km northeast of the capital Pyongyang, which houses both a uranium enrichment plant and a graphite-moderated reactor.

The main nuclear reactor in the city had been shuttered in 2007.

Nork Korean state media stressed that the country's nuclear program is of a self-defense nature.

S. Korea to rapidly respond to possible DPRK rocket launchSouth Korea's foreign ministry has vowed that it would make a rapid and effective response to the possible launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea via the UN Security Council.

South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson Noh Kwang-il said on Tuesday that any launch of ballistic missile by the North will be a grave act of provocation and military threat in violation of the UN Security Council's resolutions that ban North Korea from using any ballistic missile technology.

His comments came a day after North Korean National Aerospace Development Administration said that it is accelerating efforts to put new satellites into space.

New Zealand air force in training exercises with S.Korea, Japan forcesA New Zealand air force contingent has left to carry out three weeks of training in S. Korea and Japan.

The New Zealand Defense Force announced today that a P-3K2 Orion surveillance aircraft and mission support personnel would take part in "readiness training activities".

The first activity in the training program is an anti-submarine warfare exercise with the S. Korean and U.S. navies in the Yellow Sea.

The air force unit would then train with the Japanese Maritime self-defense Force No 1 Squadron at Kanoya Air Base.

iPhone 6S meets challenge from other iPhones, domestic smart phones in ChinaAnchor:

A new survey conducted in Shanghai is suggesting there may be a lack of enthusiasm here in China toward the latest roll-out of Apple's iPhone design.

CRI's Luo Bin has more.


Just two days after Apple released its latest iPhone upgrade, the iPhone 6S, reporters in Shanghai did a straw poll survey of locals around the city to gauge the reaction.

While certainly not scientific, the lack of enthusiasm is quite evident.

"I think there are fewer and fewer innovations in the iPhone. At least nothing which surprises me. On the other hand, a lot of domestic phones are becoming quite good, and sell at reasonable prices. Why should I give all my money to the foreigners?"Mobile industry analysts note it's been Apple's strategy to roll out a dramatically upgraded new mobile product every two years, and to promote a minor upgrade to their latest device in the interim.

But some are suggesting the ability to upgrade the technology may have hit a bottle-neck.

Wang Yang is the director of IHS Technology.

"Electronic products, including mobile phones, have reached a phase where it takes longer to innovate; most of the upgrades are only small ones. It's just like the PC industry. Once the product becomes more mature, there will be less and less room for hardware innovation."Other Apple products, however, do remain quite popular in the Shanghai market.

Apple launches its new products every September.

This makes the third quarter a hot season for other tech brands to try to beat them to the punch.

Almost a dozen domestic phone makers, including Coolpad, Huawei and Smartisan have launched or are planning launches for their new phones.

Wang Yang from IHS says most of these phones are popular among those who want to have a second or third mobile phone.

"iPhones only have a single SIM card slot, but many people, especially in business, tend to have several SIM cards for different uses. So what we've seen is more and more people are buying an iPhone, and then also buying a quality smartphone that sells for around a thousand yuan. This is an area where domestic phone makers can make headway."While the iPhone6S may not surpass its previous generations' popularity in China, the country is still one of Apple's biggest markets.

For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.

China to streamline "green card" application for foreignersChina will make it easier for foreigners to apply for permanent residence permits, or "green card," to attract more talent from overseas.

A high-level meeting decided on Tuesday that China will "optimize" requirements and streamline procedures for applications.

Foreign employees working in seven kinds of companies or institutions, including national labs and engineering research centers, are currently able to apply.

Applicants must hold professional titles at or above associate professor or associate fellow and have been working in China for more than four years with sound tax records.

Foreigners with permanent residence will enjoy the same rights as Chinese citizens in areas such as investment, house purchases and schooling.

WeatherBeijing is clear tonight with a low of 15 degrees Celsius; a mix of sun and cloud tomorrow with a high of 27.

Shanghai expects showers tonight with a low of 20; tomorrow rainy to cloudy with a high of 26.

Chongqing is cloudy tonight with a low of 22; cloudy to overcast tomorrow with a high of 27.

Lhasa will see showers tonight with a low of 10; cloudy to overcast tomorrow with a high of 22.

Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 37.

Kabul, cloudy, 24.

Down in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sydney will be cloudy with a high of 21.

Brisbane, also cloudy with a high of 28.

Perth, cloudy, 21.

And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.

Headline newsXi urges to open economy wider to worldChinese President Xi Jinping has stressed that China's economy must open wider to the outside world to add fuel to national growth.

President Xi made the remarks today here in Beijing at the 16th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform.

He says that promoting opening up while pushing forward reforms will add new impetus and vitality and provide new room for economic growth.

The leading group is in charge of steering China's reform.

It adopted a series of guidelines covering subjects including a negative list approach to regulating market access, encouraging state-owned enterprises to absorb private capital and granting permanent residence permits to foreigners.

China, Iran to launch talks on strategic partnershipChina and Iran have pledged to deepen cooperation as well as launch negotiations concerning advancing their bilateral strategic partnership.

It comes as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his visiting Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Beijing.

Wang Yi says the negotiation will help upgrade and enrich the bilateral relationship between the two sides.

Wang adds that China and Iran should cooperate in not only traditional fields such as energy and infrastructure, but also in new fields like international energy capacity cooperation.

For his part, Zarif says Iran attaches great importance to its relationship with China.

Speaking about the nuclear issue, Wang Yi says that China calls on all sides to continue dialogue and cooperation.

China to streamline "green card" application for foreignersChina will make it easier for foreigners to apply for permanent residence permits, or "green card," to attract more talent from overseas.

A high-level meeting decided on Tuesday that China will "optimize" requirements and streamline procedures for applications.

Foreign employees working in seven kinds of companies or institutions, including national labs and engineering research centers, are currently able to apply.

Applicants must hold professional titles at or above associate professor or associate fellow and have been working in China for more than four years with sound tax records.

Foreigners with permanent residence will enjoy the same rights as Chinese citizens in areas such as investment, house purchases and schooling.

North Korea says nuclear facilities started normal operationNorth Korea has announced that all the nuclear facilities around the city of Nyongbyon were rearranged, changed or readjusted to start normal operation.

Nyongbyon is a city about 100 km northeast of the capital Pyongyang, which houses both a uranium enrichment plant and a graphite-moderated reactor.

The main nuclear reactor in the city had been shuttered in 2007.

Nork Korean state media stressed that the country's nuclear program is of a self-defense nature.

Biz reportsStocksAnchor:

Time to check the business news, first take a look at the closing numbers in Asian market this Tuesday evening, joining us on the desk is CRI's Wang Mengzhen.


Thanks Spencer,Chinese shares continued their losing streak on Tuesday.

The Shanghai Composite Index dipped 3.5 percent, to end just above the psychologically important 3000 points.

Only 59 shares rose while over 860 shares lost in Shanghai.

This comes as China's stock market watchdog says its probe into illegal securities trading is not affecting the market after Monday's market loss.

The CSRC notes it's been cracking down on capital that enters the market via illegal channels since July.

The Shenzhen Component Index fell sharply by 5 percent.

The ChiNext Index, tracking China's growth enterprises, slumped 5.8 percent.

Hong Kong's the benchmark Hang Seng Index lost half of a percent, ending its gain on Monday.

Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks ended slighter higher, with the Nikkei up 0.3 percent.

South Korea's KOSPI also gained 0.3 percent at close.

In Singapore, the Strait Times lost 1 percent.

And finally in Australia, the ASX200 fell one and half a percent.

Boeing mulls finishing center in ChinaIt is being reported that Boeing Co is considering a deal with the Chinese government to set up a 737 jet delivery center in China.

According to a Seattle Times report, Boeing will assemble all 737 airframes in Renton in the United States and then ship the jets to the new Chinese facility for installation of interiors, exterior painting, customer flight tests and delivery.

If the deal is reached, this would be the first time jets from Boeing are to be finished and delivered outside the U.S.

So far, details including Boeing's Chinese partners, the location and timetable haven't been disclosed yet.

In 2008, Boeing's biggest competitor Airbus has already set up an A320 final assembly line in Tianjin, and will extend the cooperation from 2016.

China's Fiscal Revenue Growth Slows DownNew stats suggest that China's fiscal revenue has grown much slower in August amid the continuing concerns on economic slowdown.

According to the Ministry of Finance, fiscal revenue has climbed 6.2 percent year on year in August, reaching 967 billion yuan, or 152 billion US dollars.

The growth rate is less than half of the 12.5-percent rise in July.

Chinese government has attributed the slower growth to falling producer prices and slumping imports.

Structural tax reductions and fee cuts also kept a lid on fiscal revenue growth.

At the same time, China's fiscal expenditure has picked up due to more proactive fiscal policies.

In August, spending has jumped more than 25 percent to nearly 1.3 trillion yuan.

China's power use returns to growthChina's electricity consumption has returned to positive territory in August, suggesting a slight improvement in economic activity.

Official stats suggest power consumption rose 1.9 percent year on year, reaching over 510 billion kilowatt hours.

This is up from 1.3-percent decline in July and 1.8-percent increase in June.

Among all sectors, power use by service sectors jumped 7.5 percent, while the usage in primary industries went up 2.3 percent.

Before the decrease in July, electricity use remained mild growth from April to June.

Industry observers believe seasonal factors and lukewarm industrial activity led to the drop in July.

Heated Discussions on Energy Saving and Green Economy during Summer DavosAnchor:

China has pledged to further develop the country's energy-saving industry and green economy as a key growth point amid ongoing downward economic pressure.

CRI's Wang Mengzhen brings you more on what industry observers and entrepreneurs discussed during the just-concluded Summer Davos Forum in Dalian.


Inside the studio room of the Dalian International Conference Center, one particular session has been focusing on China's clean growth agenda.

Gao Jifan, CEO of the world's leading PV module supplier Trina Solar based in Beijing, is expressing his great hope as a representative from new energy sector, and a bit of concern for China's future green economy.

"Currently, China's non-fossil fuels take up some 10 percent of the country's total energy consumption, and it is in a very rapid growth. Among them, solar energy accounts for about 1 percent. Despite the small amount, China's solar energy consumption has a very fast annual growth rate and its growth range makes up 1/3 of the global increase. However, those high energy-consuming enterprises will face a huge profit loss once emission-reduction targets are fully implemented. As such, whether these enterprises could simply be shut down is an urgent problem to deal with."Back in Oct 2011, China announced plans to establish seven pilot carbon trading systems across the country.

During APEC meeting in Beijing last November, China, for the very first time, has pledged that its emissions will peak around 2030, and it will also increase non-fossil fuels share in its primary energy consumption to around 20 percent.

Despite the ambitious targets, one significant challenge is how governmental officials at the local level could carry out these incentives, especially when facing short-term interests.

Wu Changhua, director of Greater China at The Climate Group, says that the Chinese government is fully aware of the deadlock and that the International community is looking forward to seeing changes happening.

"The government, particularly the national government has taken it as a major issue they need to overcome. So, what is happening now, we set the overall targets. These targets are not only for leadership; they are for local government as well. So, in another five-year plan the government set, if I give the numbers, you take the number. If you fail, very possibly you will be removed from your position. "In this year' Summer Davos, Professor Lin Boqiang was also invited as one of key speakers to address China's energy industry. Moving forward, Professor Lin believes that several issues are worth paying attention.

"What I am saying is that renewable is more expensive, in terms of quality, it is not very good compared with coal fired power because they are stable. So therefore there is a need for the government to really pulling somewhere to make sure that the clean energy will be force produced and force procured. Secondly, the renewable sector is under difficulty. They are growing very fast but their profitability is their trouble. I think the government will need to continue looking into why that is the case."Talking with entrepreneurs during the Summer Davos, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says China must embrace its global obligations when it comes to combating climate change.

With more commitment from China and U.S, the world's two largest carbon emittera, experts and entrepreneurs are now putting their expectations on the forthcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Paris as a new starting point for essential changes.

For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.

Frankfurt Auto Show Focuses on the Chinese marketThe 66th International Motor Show has kicked off in the German city of Frankfurt from today with brand leaders eying the Chinese market.

Foreign brands including Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen AG's Audi, and BMW AG all boosted their presence on the Chinese market through exports and cars built with local partners in joint ventures.

Head of Sales and Marketing for Audi Luca De Meo says China is now transforming from a production-based economy into a service one.

"This is something that we have always somehow forecasted. But things are happening pretty quickly in China and that is what we are witnessing right now. But, we are very optimistic that in the long-term China will continue to grow. And the economy will be transformed like in other mature countries."Bucking the trend, auto sales demand in Europe has picked up after years of crisis, with new registrations increasing over 8 percent in the first half of this year.

Held every other year, the auto show will run through until September 27th.

Over 500 TMT companies awaiting IPO in A share marketsOver 500 technology, media and telecommunication or TMT companies in China are now in the pipeline for Initial Public Offerings on the mainland market.

This comes after IPOs in Shanghai stock exchanges were halted in July.

Gao Jianbin from Price Waterhouse Coopers elaborates on the current situation.

(BJH/soundbites/0915 Gao, Chinese ) "The Chinese TMT companies are continuing to look at two main capital markets, one in the US, the other on the A-share market. In terms of number, A-shares will probably be much bigger. TMT companies normally incur a loss at the beginning, but are fast growing. Right now, I think, the listing criteria in the A share market is getting more relaxed and also there are some proposed regulations."At the same time, smaller tech firms are also eyeing listing in over-the-counter boards like the New Third Board or Shanghai's tech innovation board.

Stats sugggest smaller companies on the New Third Board posted an average profit growth of almost 600 percent in the first half of this year.

SportsChina to take on Japan in AFC and Rayo Vallecano advances in La LigaSome news in soccer:

Former Champs China's Guangzhou Evergrande are close to secure a place in the semifinals of AFC Champions League quarterfinals as they take on visiting Japanese team Kashiwa Reysol on Tuesday.

And for La liga:

Team Rayo Vallecano beat Deportivo de La Coru?a 1 - 3 in the leagues match on Monday.

Canada not to bid for 2024 OlympicsAnd for some Olympic news:

As of Tuesday, the last day to bid for 2024 Summer Olympic Games, five bidders have already been on the list, including Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, Budapest in Hungary and Hamburg in Germany.

Toronto, Canada's largest city, may stay out of the race, according to a local official who spoke on condition of anonymity Monday night.

Mayor John Tory is due to announce the decision at a news conference Tuesday morning local time.

If Toronto declines to bid, it will be good news for Los Angeles, as it becomes the only North American bidder.

Canada spent about $2 billion USD to organize the Pan Am Games and has several Olympic-style venues in place.

After an initial wave of enthusiasm for an Olympic bid, many expressed concerns in recent weeks about the cost.

Despite the concern, the Canadian Olympic Committee has been urging Toronto to enter the race.

Toronto has failed twice with recent Olympic bids, once to Atlanta for the 1996 Games and once to Beijing for 2008.

The winner for the 2024 bid will be decided by the IOC in 2017.

US Attorney General speaks about FIFA InvestigationNow for some FIFA news:

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and other authorities have expanded their investigations into corruption within global soccer and expect to file additional criminal charges according to statements made on Monday.

As part of a separate Swiss investigation, Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber said his office had seized property and flats in the Swiss Alps in connection with its probe into FIFA.

The developments are the latest in the worst crisis in FIFA's 111-year history, which broke open with the arrest of seven senior FIFA officials over corruption accusations in Zurich in May.

Lauber said the Swiss investigation had not yet reached the half-way mark.

The United States has indicted nine soccer officials and five executives, charging them with racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud for orchestrating multi-million dollar bribery schemes over 24 years.

During the press event, Lynch gave no comment on whether FIFA president Sepp Blatter was under investigation and if he could travel freely without fear of arrest and extradition.

"I am not going to comment at this time on individuals who may or may not be the subject of the next round of arrests and so therefore I am not able to give you information about Mr Blatter's travel plans,"Franch rugby team receives warm welcome in EnglandIn rugby news:

French Head Coach Philippe Saint-Andre and his squad attended a welcome ceremony in Greenwich on Monday for the rugby world cup.

Saint-Andre praised the Trinity School in Croydon and their pitch where they are training ahead of the tournament.

"So I'm sure you can be behind England but the French team will be here to try to do our best. Our preparation was very, very good and we're looking forward to the first game in Twickenham against Italy. And also I just want to say thank you to all the facilities, all the people around us; at the moment our preparation it's brilliant."However, French newspapers have been critical of their base after complaints were received regarding a wedding party in the early hours of Sunday morning.

World Rugby CEO Brett Gosper was among the dignitaries in attendance and he presented World Cup caps to each member of the French squad.

France will meet Italy in their opener at Twickenham on Saturday with later matches to be against Ireland, Canada and Romania who are all in pool D.

Michal Rajnak wins Reebok Spartan RaceMichal Rajniak of Slovakia won the Reebok Spartan Race in Oberndorf on Saturday, which saw competitors negotiate mud, and carry logs and chains over a 20-kilometre course.

Oberndorf near the renowned skiing town of Kitzbuehel hosted the Reebok Spartan Race.

This was a Spartan 'Beast' race meaning a distance in excess of 19.2 kilometres with a number of obstacles including mud pools, log jumps, log and chain carries, the Herculean Hoist which involved pulling tyres by means of pulleys, and wall climbs.

Failure to complete an obstacle results in a penalty of 30 burpees.

The Spartan Races have become a worldwide phenomenon with an event taking place the same weekend in Mountain Creek, New Jersey in the United States.

The world championships will take place in Squaw Valley near Lake Tahoe in California on the first weekend of October.

Michal Rajniak took victory in Oberndforf as he negotiated the final fire jump to win in a time of two hours 51 minutes and 40 seconds.

Sydney boxer dies after fightAnd now some sad news from the boxing world:

Boxer Davey Browne Jr died from a fatal punch he receieved in regional title fight against Carlo Magali of the Philippines in Sydney on Friday night.

Browne's family made the decision to turn off his life support system following injuries caused during the fight.

The 28-year-old and father-of-two was knocked out 30 seconds from the scheduled end of his 12-round contest.

He initially regained consciousness but collapsed and was rushed to hospital in a critical condition suffering from brain injuries.

Minister for sports, Stuart Ayres, stated that the Combat Sports Authority would cooperate fully with the police in a investigation.

American Football scores for Mon. and Sun.

Now for an update on recent American football games:

For games on Sunday:

The Greenbay packers beat out the Chicago Bears 31-23St. Luis Rams beat the Seattle Seahawks 34-31NY Jets beat to the Cleveland Browns 31-10San Diego Chargers beat the Detroit Lions 33-28Denver Broncos beat the Baltimore Ravens 19-13Cincinnati Bengals beat the Oakland Raiders 33-13Dallas Cowboys beat the NY Giants 27-26And for Monday night football:

the San Francisco's 49ers beat out the Minnesota Vikings 20-3EntertainmentOscar-winning Director Praised Monkey King Animation as a Breakthrough'The Lion King's' director has praised the Chinese animated version of the Monkey King story as a breakthrough for China's animators in terms of technique and style.

Impressed by the new story-telling skills, including tell an old epic through special effects, the Oscar-winning director says several clips of the film are innovative.

Marked as the top-grossing Chinese animated film, 'Monkey King: Hero is Back' is based on the classical epic "A Journey to the West".

It has earned over 900 million yuan or some 141 million U.S. since its opening on July 10th.

Besides new ideas in storytelling, producer of the film attributed its success to the innovative methods of fundraising as well.

Over seven million yuan were allocated through online crowd-funding, which not only helped fund the film, but worked as free advertising.

However, to gain a larger-scale success, the producer mentioned, Chinese film producers need to better interpret their local culture for a global audience.

World Leading Galleries Hold Exhibition in ShanghaiFifty world leading galleries held a joint exhibition in Shanghai, to display more than five hundred photos for sale.

Named Photo Shanghai, the three-day event has gathered several exciting names in the world of photography.

This year's exhibition has showcased many renowned photographers' works, including those of Yousuf Karsh, who took a famous portrait of Winston Churchill in 1941.

Brian Duffy's photo of David Bowie, along with Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki's photos also featured in the exhibition.

CEO of World Photography Organization, Scott Grey, indicates that the price of the items on display may vary obviously.

"I mean you can buy something for 500 dollars, you can also buy something for 900,000 dollars, so depending on where you want to go. So the average probably is in the sort of 5,000 to 20,000 dollar range, but there really is something for everyone. I mean fashion photography goes very well here in China, abstract, you know is different."Among the five hundred works on display, one third of them are from Chinese photographers.

Photo China also arranged forums for visitors, enabling them to chat with photographers and touch on the insights behind the pictures.

Schwarzenegger Replaces Trump to Host 'The Celebrity Apprentice'

"Terminator" star Arnold Schwarzenegger will take over for Donald Trump, as the new host of NBC's hit reality TV show "The Celebrity Apprentice."NBC announced on Monday, the movie star and two-term governor will start hosting as the show returns to the network for the 2016 season.

The 68-year-old actor is also said to bring "a fresh take" on the show, allowing celebrities compete with each other on business tasks while raising money for charities.

Donald Trump, who had turned "The Celebrity Apprentice" into a huge success, explains the reason why he stepped down from the show.

"And as long as I'm running for president they were not happy with it. They wanted me to do "The Apprentice" and now with my statements on immigration, which happen to be correct, they are going to take a different stance and that's OK. I mean, whatever they want to do is OK with me. I've had a great relationship with NBC."Depp Joins Redmayne for the Screening of 'The Danish Girl' in TorontoJohnny Depp has joined Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander for the screening of 'The Danish Girl' at this year's Toronto International Film Festival.

Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Tom Hooker, this British biographical drama film portrays the famous painter Lili Elbe, who is also known as the first recipient of a sex-change operation.

The Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne says, he spent lots of time on research of the character before the cameras rolled, during an interview at the screening.

"I spent a year meeting members of the trans community, different generations of trans women and their generosity and their kindness at explaining their stories, of course there's no one trans story, every single person has a different one but their transparency and kindness in order to educate me and to educate cisgender people was wonderful."Being the leading role in this controversial film, Redmayne is already getting Oscar buzz for his latest collaboration with director Tom Hooper.

'The Danish Girl' is scheduled to carry out a limited release on November 27 in the US.

Kardashian Empire to Launch Websites and AppsKim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are preparing to extend their empire into the field of personal media apps.

The media-centric sisters announced on Monday that they will launch websites and apps to get closer to their fans.

Kim Kardashian, the 34-year-old American television and social media personality, unveils more details of their upcoming social media platform, through a welcome video.

"There is a makeup tutorial from my glam team, exclusive behind -the-scene videos, and never before seen photos of me, my friends and family. I'll also be able to live stream to answer all your questions. And there'll be lots of fun, fashion and beauty content. I can't wait to see you soon."Before this ambitious plan, Kim Kardashian has already stepped into the digital space, by introducing a namesake game last year.

A California-based company, Kim Kardashian, that is putting the apps together, mentions that they will be a mixture of free content and material behind a pay wall.

The company further indicates, a site for Kourtney Kardashian is in progress.

That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...

A quick look at the headlines before we go...

Chinese President Xi Jinping pressing for China's economy to open wider to the outside world...

North Korea saying its nuclear facilities have started operation...

On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...
