新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/09/20(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Sunday September 20th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
The Chinese Ambassador to the US saying preparations are in full swing for President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit...
China's foreign ministry stating that the six-party talks are the basis for resolving tensions on the Korean Peninsula...
And security tightened ahead of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca...
In our weekly sci-tech feature... A Chinese hospital completing a small intestine transplant with the assistance of a robot....
In Sports...updates on standings after the last round of Chinese Super League Matches...
In Entertainment... the curtain falls on the 24th Golden Rooster Film Awards...
Top NewsChinese Ambassador on Xi's US VisitAnchor:
The Chinese Ambassador to the United States says preparations are in full swing for President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to the United States.
CRI's Victor Ning has more.
Ambassador Cui Tiankai says Xi Jinping's visit will highlight his exchanges with the American people at different levels and in multiple areas.
"We want to take this opportunity to arrange meetings between President Xi and people of all circles in the U.S., including the commercial and industrial circles, many friendly organizations and think tanks, as well as political leaders, so as to expound to them China's developing strategy, and what kind of path China will embark and what kind of foreign policies China is going to take. This is one of the main goals of this visit, which will become a highlight of it."The ambassador notes that China and the United States share more common interests than differences, citing the outcomes of recent China-U.S. collaborations in areas such as fighting crime and safeguarding cyber security.
"I always think that the real significance of the China-U.S. relationship is that the two countries are able to settle problems between them properly, rather than seeking a relationship free of problems. Both countries have kept communications and exchanges at different levels. Even if there are problems which can't be solved for the moment, still the two sides should manage those problems positively, and don't let them to reverse the main agenda of bilateral relations and become the dominant aspect of the China-U.S. relations."As the two largest economies in the world, the signing of a bilateral investment treaty is also highly expected by the two sides.
The ambassador calls for more effort to push the negotiations forward.
"I of course hope the negotiations can reach results quickly. However, it depends on the efforts of both sides. To me, the bilateral investment agreement must adapt to the fact that mutual investment between China and the U.S. is growing constantly. Investment from China will benefit the economy and regional development of the U.S., improving the U.S. people's livelihood and offering more jobs. It is a win-win situation, I hope the U.S. could remove those outdated and unnecessary political obstacles as soon as possible."President Xi's state visit to the United States, the first since he took office in 2013, will take place from Sept. 22nd to the 25th.
For CRI, this is Victor Ning.
Governor Inslee of Washington State expresses excitement about President Xi's Upcoming VisitAnchor:
Washington State is the first stop of Xi Jinping's US visit.
In an exclusive interview with CRI, State Governor Jay Inslee has talked about the Chinese president's upcoming trip.
CRI's Guo Yan has moreReporter:
Inslee says as early as April this year, he sent out his invitation to President Xi in anticipation of a visit to Seattle.
He says one of the most important factors to Xi Jinping's Seattle visit is the multi-dimensional cooperation between Washington State and China.
"The cooperation between China and Washington State has not just one, two or three platforms of growing relationships but many. We know that China is the largest export market from state of Washington; we know the Washington State is the largest exporting state in the United States to China. We have such burgeoning relationships in high technology, in clean-energy technology to help with our area issues."With regard to the China-U.S. relationship, Inslee says the two countries should focus on the common interests instead of the differences.
"Because of the growth of the Chinese economy, which has been spectacular; because of the interest in high technology of both countries; because of our mutual interest in economic growth and shared admiration for technology, we have huge mutual interest here that we should build upon, we should see as great asset both in America and China."Inslee says he also expects cooperation with China in the field of new energy.
"so we are experiencing real damage of carbon pollution. We know China is also very concerned and interested in doing some good work in trying to improve air quality. And China has very significant effort to increase the use of Clean energy, so we can improve air quality and deal with climate change."President Xi is scheduled to visit Seattle and Washington D.C. starting from next Tuesday.
For CRI, I'm Guo YanBusiness leaders in Seattle talk about Xi's visitAnchor:
Meanwhile dozens of business leaders of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce have sat down for a discussion on further cooperation with China.
CRI's Xie Cheng reports.
The Chamber is one of the most active commercial organizations on the U.S. west coast with more than 2,300 enterprise members including Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks.
Maud Daudon, CEO of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, talks about the ties between the city's business community and Asian countries such as China.
"We are very Asia-facing, I would say. We do understand that our future is connected to the future of the Pacific Rim. This has been our history for a very long time here."She also said that they are actively preparing for President Xi's visit.
"For one thing we've been very engaged in preparations for his visit. So we have been a part of a team trying to sort out how to make sure that the companies who can best interface with China at present and be able to make connections and build relationships. So that's the key part of what we do. That's not easy because there are so many companies who would love to have the chance to be involved."The Chinese president is scheduled to visit some companies in Seattle, including the headquarters and a manufacturing plant of aviation giant Boeing.
Randy Tinseth is the vice president of marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes in Seattle.
"We are very excited that President Xi will be coming to visit Boeing. He is the third Chinese leader to come to visit Boeing and I think it speaks to the strong relationship we have with the Chinese aviation industry. Next week, there will be leaders from business around the state of Washington. They will meet President Xi, and our president and CEO Raymond Conner from the commercial side of our business will be there. He is very excited, I'm sure."President Xi Jinping will attend a roundtable organized by The Paulson Institute and hosted by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in Seattle.
Fifteen chief executives of prominent U.S. companies -- and the same number from China -- will participate.
Big names such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Boeing and Amazon are on the list.
They will be joined with leaders of Chinese Internet giants such as Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent.
For CRI, I'm Xie ChengChinese chemical company launches methanol project in LouisianaA Chinese chemical company held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new methanol manufacturing complex in the US State of Louisiana.
The Houston-based Yuhuang Chemical Inc., a subsidiary of China's Shandong Yuhuang Chemical Co. Ltd, intends to build two methanol plants with an area of about 1,300 acres.
The first phase of the methanol project in Louisiana is expected to go into operation by the end of 2017.
Wang Jinshu, CEO of Shandong Yuhuang Chemical Co. Ltd, introduces the project.
"The project will use natural gas to produce 1.8 million tons of methanol annually. The total investment is 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. The project will create some 300 new jobs in the United States."The products of the methanol plants will be sold on North American markets and exported to China for the use of making other commercial chemicals.
As one of the entrepreneurs who will accompany Chinese President Xi Jinping during his upcoming visit to the United States, Wang says the new methanol project will further boost the growth of China-US business relations.
Sept. 19 statement "best way" to address Korean Peninsula nuclear issue: Chinese FMAnchor:
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on all parties to adhere to the spirit of the September 19 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks so as to end North Korea's nuclear programme.
Wang Yi made the remarks during a symposium to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the statement on Six-Party talks in Beijing.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen brings you more.
Considered the most important agreement since the six-party talks were launched in 2003, the Sep 19 document stressed the aim that the Korean Peninsula will be denuclearized in a peaceful manner.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says the joint statement reached a decade ago is not outdated and is still the best solution to the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.
"We call on all parties to re-confirm the content, principle and concept made by the statement. The joint statement is an open and solemn commitment the six parties made to the whole world. Each party should keep their promises and fulfill their commitment. We call on each party concerned to take the opportunity of the statement's 10th anniversary to retake their duty and responsibility confirmed in the statement."Wang says it is urgent for all the parties involved to reactivate the joint statement and make efforts to create conditions, reach a consensus and pave the way for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks.
Back in September 19, 2005, the fourth round of Six-Party Talks reached an agreement to facilitate the denuclearization process of North Korea.
The US, North Korea, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan made commitments in a joint statement on that date.
However, North Korea carried out a rocket launch in April 2009. Pyongyang then pulled out of the talks in protest against UN sanctions. The process has been at a stand-still ever since.
Guo Xiangang, vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies, reaffirmed the importance of the Sep 19 Statement despite major setbacks in multilateral negotiations.
"The fundamental purpose of resolving the Korean peninsula issue is definite and cannot be changed, that is, the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the commitment each of the six parties has solemnly made to the International community in the Sept.19 joint statement."In late 2012, North Korea conducted a long-range missile launch, and another nuclear test in early 2013.
Earlier this month, North Korea has declared the restart of atomic fuel plants, prompting speculation that the country is preparing for its fourth nuclear test.
Man Haifeng, director of the Korean Peninsula Studies Center in Eastern Liaoning University, has appealed for new ways to reboot the six-party dialogue.
"At present, it is necessary to apply a new way of thinking and seek a new way to solve this issue, that is, to create dialogue opportunities by cooperation, as all parties need cooperation. On the one hand, North Korea needs foreign cooperation in its economic development. On the other hand, it also needs all kinds of international support in its efforts to seek its national security."Some one hundred experts and government officials from China and related countries have attended the two-day international seminar over the weekend.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
Chinese expert on Japan's intention of war bills legislationAnchor:
The upper house of Japan's parliament has passed controversial legislation expanding the role of the Japanese military.
The new law allows the Japanese government to deploy its Self Defense Force overseas for the first time since the end of World War II.
A senior Chinese researcher has commented on the impact of Japan's changes to its military policy.
CRI's Niu Honglin has more.
Yang Bojiang, deputy director of the Institute for Japan Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says the new legislation marks the start of an overhaul in Japan's defense policy.
"Japan has long stuck to the strategy of 'purely defensive defense', which means that it won't fight until an enemy attacks on Japanese soil. But now it allows the troops to fight overseas, not only to fight against the invasion on their own territory, but to fight against attacks on the land of Japan's allies and the countries in close relations with Japan in case of emergencies."Under the Potsdam Declaration at the end of World War II, the Japanese military was disarmed, leaving only a self-defense force.
Yang says he is concerned over this newly passed legislation.
"Japan's security policy tends to be more aggressive and offensive under the new legislation. But the "active pacifism" Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has followed has already showed the posture of attack."Yang says it's reasonable for the international community to doubt the real intention of Japan, as Shinzo Abe on one hand cleansing the country's wartime history and denying its aggression, while on the other hand reinforcing amendments and change to Japan's security policy.
Yang says the new law has a further impact on Japan and international society.
"Domestically, the new law will bring a further split socially and politically. Internationally, the law will threaten the regional balance and possibly trigger an arms race. And the situation in sensitive areas such as the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait will probably be more tense. These are what we are concerned about,"Security experts believe the laws will force a re-evaluation of Japan's place on the world stage.
For CRI, this is Niu Honglin.
Chinese Economic Suspect Repatriated from SpainA Chinese economic suspect has been repatriated from Spain.
The suspect, surnamed Ding, arrived on Saturday and is the first economic fugitive to be returned to China from Spain.
Ding was charged of embezzlement, money laundering and contract and loan fraud, amounting to over 200 million RMB, or over 31 million US dollars.
He fled from China with his family members in 2008.
China's Ministry of Public Security issued a warrant for Ding in 2011.
With the information provided by Chinese police, the Spanish side put Ding under arrest at the end of last year.
Jose Rodriguez is the Internal Affairs Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in China.
"The Chinese police proved to be open when cooperating with international police, sharing case information. The arrest of Ding is the result of cooperation between the police forces from China and Spain."Ding was on the list of the most wanted suspects in operation Fox Hunt 2015, a campaign to catch economic fugitives who have fled overseas.
10 Killed in Air Strikers on Sanna's Old CitySaudi-led coalition jets have struck a UNESCO World Heritage Site with at least one home destroyed and 10 members of the same family killed.
The airstrikes on Sanna's Old City started in the early hours yesterday morning.
One of the only survivors of the family Umm Saleh recalls what happened.
"We heard the sound of the explosion and suddenly the house came down over us. The missile flung me outside onto the ground and my husband was hanging off the side of the house. I was quickly rescued and taken to hospital. My in laws were on the first floor I didn't see them or hear them. My husband and I were the only survivors."Local residents said the bodies of the 10 people killed had been pulled from the rubble in the Fuleihi neighborhood of the Old City.
Saudi-led coalition planes have been pounding towns and cities across Yemen since last March with the aim of ousting Houthi fighters.
Residents said about 10 air strikes were launched on the ministry building in the north of the capital, a police camp close to it and a military building.
Security Tightened Ahead of Annual Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi ArabiaSome 100 thousand security personnel have been deployed to over see the annual hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Among those securing the massive crowds during hajj are members of an elite counter-terrorism unit, traffic police and emergency civil defense personnel.
They are being supported by additional troops from the army and national guard.
Interior Ministry spokesperson Major General Mansour al-Turki"We've seen in other countries actually where such terrorists groups (Islamic State group) exist when they control a specific area, and control everybody who lives in that area. Well, then they can say, well we have a state. Okay, this is not the case in Saudi Arabia."Next week's pilgrimage comes after a crane collapsed at Mecca's Grand Mosque last week, killing at least 111 people and injuring over 390.
The hajj is expected to draw up to 3 million people from around the world this year to Mecca.
Chile Earthquake- Death toll climbs to 13The death toll from an 8.3-magnitude earthquake that hit Chile on Wednesday night has risen to 13.
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet returned to the affected area to take stock of the damage as residents began rebuilding homes and businesses.
Bachelet said the damage caused by the quake was huge.
"There are homes that can be fixed, (but) there is a huge amount of homes that are uninhabitable and probably not only beyond repair but they will have to be demolished."Soldiers were helping residents in the city of Coquimbo to clear rubble and move mud and debris from the streets.
Fitch rating agency said the economic cost of the earthquake, which followed floods in northern Chile and volcanic eruptions in the south earlier this year, could be anywhere between 100 million and 1 billion US dollars.
Greece Heads into a Cliffhanger ElectionGreece heads for a cliffhanger election today with former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras taking a slight lead in the race against the conservatives for the helm of a government facing tough economic reforms.
Hours before a midnight ban on voter surveys expired Friday, two polls forecast victory for Tsipras over conservative party chief Vangelis Meimarakis by margins ranging from 0.7 to 3 percentage points.
However, pollsters advise caution with many recalling the 2000 election that was decided by a mere 72-thousand votes.
Tsipras told his closing rally that a victory for Syriza would deliver a key message for Europe, referring to the refugee crisis and EU economic woes.
In a flurry of interviews this week, Tsipras defended his decision to put the country above his party, saying that the refusal to agree the three-year bailout will lead Greece to be ejected from the eurozone.
He said he would tug the rope in order to secure relief on Greece's huge national debt from EU creditors in the coming months.
Kenya inks new deal to extend China-funded high speed railwayThe Kenyan government has signed a new agreement that partners with a Chinese firm to extend the Mombasa-Nairobi standard gauge railway line to a town which lies about 120 kilometers northwest of the capital.
The extension of the SGR will open up Naivasha, the country's geothermal production centre, for increased economic activities, especially farming.
China Road and Bridge Corporation has invested in the project.
CRBC has by far employed more than 25,000 local workers and trained over 16,000 Kenyan engineers and technicians since the start of the construction in January this year.
The 472km railway is expected to cut the travel time from Mombasa to Nairobi from the current eight hours to about four and a half hours.
Construction of the SGR from Mombasa to Nairobi is scheduled to be completed by June 2017.
First train linking east China city to Europe returnsThe first cross-border train linking Xiamen and Europe has returned to the Chinese city in southeast China's Fujian province.
The train departed Lodz in Poland on Aug. 26 and arrived in Xiamen after a 23-day non-stop journey.
The cross-border rail is an extension of the Chengdu-Europe express railway, the fastest cargo passage from western China to Europe.
The train carried 600 tons of imported products, including food and beverages worth more than 10 million yuan.
Fan Jialin, president of the Xiamen-Chengdu-Europe Supply Chain Management Co. Ltd, says the direct rail link has huge potential.
"The prices of the products are very competitive because they skipped intermediate trade links. We purchased products directly from overseas suppliers and used a direct logistical pathway. The products are to enter the main stores and supermarkets in Xiamen directly."Insiders expect that the Xiamen-Chengdu-Europe railway will transport cargo worth up to 40 billion yuan each year, bringing an annual revenue of 300 million yuan to the Haicang District of Xiamen.
China Opens New High-speed Rail to Northern Border City in JilinThe first high-speed rail line to a border city in northeast China is set to open in Jilin Province on Sunday.
The new line is to link Jilin City with Hunchun, which is at the borders of North Korea and Russia.
Local residents have come to the railway station ahead of the opening of the new line.
"I've been living in Hunchun for more than 70 years. I've never been to any big cities like Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing. Now that we have high-speed rail here, I want to go to those places and have a look."The new line spans 360 kilometers and will cover nine stations.
It's designed to allow for speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, though the initial operational speed will be 200 kilometers per hour.
Friendship agreement signed between Ch?teau de Chambord, Summer PalaceAdministrators of French Ch?teau de Chambord and China's Summer Palace have signed a friendship agreement to boost the exchange between the two historical royal constructions.
Jean d'Haussonville, general manager of Ch?teau de Chambord, comments on the agreement.
"Chinese landscape designing dates back to thousands of years ago and here in France, we also have traditional art on gardening. The landscape of the Ch?teau de Chambord has both the styles of French and Italian gardens. And we are very delighted to exchange with our Chinese counterparts and discuss on the ways to maintain the gardens."Qin Lei, deputy head of Summer Palace, says China and France can cooperate in many fields, such as heritage protection and management, training of staff and the design of exhibitions.
A photo exhibition of the Summer Palace follows the agreement signing ceremony, and in exchange, a picture exhibition of Ch?teau de Chambord is scheduled to be held in Beijing's Summer Palace next month.
Headline NewsChinese Ambassador on Xi's US VisitThe Chinese Ambassador to the United States says preparations are in full swing for President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to the United States.
Cui Tiankai says Xi Jinping's visit will highlight his exchanges with the American people at different levels and in multiple areas.
President Xi's state visit to the US, the first since he took office in 2013, will take place from Sept. 22nd to the 25th.
He will first make a stop at Seattle, attending a welcoming banquet jointly held by local government and friendly organizations, and deliver a speech on China-US relations, and meeting with a number of business delegates from both China and prominent US companies.
President Xi will later meet his US counterpart Barack Obama in Washington D.C. before attending a UN summit in New York.
The Six-Party Talks Remain the Best Solution to Nuclear Issue in the Korean Penisula: Chinese FMChina is urging a renewed joint effort to resume the Six-Party Talks on North Korea's nuclear issue.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the call on Saturday, as he addressed a symposium to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the September 19 Joint Statement.
The fourth round of Six-Party Talks, that gathered officials from the US, North Korea, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan, reached an agreement in 2005 to facilitate the process to de-nuclearize North Korea and all parties made commitments in the released joint statement.
In April 2009, North Korea carried out a rocket launch, which was condemned by a UN Security Council presidential statement.
Pyongyang then pulled out of the talks, and the process has been at a stand-still ever since.
Beijing holds air raid drill to raise national defense awarenessAir raid sirens from drills can be heard in 10 suburban districts and counties of Beijing on Saturday.
Residents and college students in some districts participate in the drill which includes evacuation, taking shelter and protecting important facilities.
Authorities say the drill is aimed to check air raid sirens and to raise people's awareness of air defense.
Last year, the drill was held in the suburban Mentougou and Fangshan districts and Yanqing county.
Air strikes leave 15 militants killed in NW PakistanAt least 15 militants have been killed in an air strike launched by the Pakistani army on Saturday in the country' s northwest tribal area of Khyber Agency.
The killed militants are said to be members of outlawed outfits Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Lashkar-a-Islam.
The strike came a day after a deadly attack at Pakistan Air Force base in Peshawar city.
The attack in Peshawar claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan left 42 people dead.
Saturday's air strike is the continuation of the Khyber Agency operation being launched by the Pakistani army since October 2014.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Anchor:
It's time to check on the latest updates from the science and technology sector in the past week in our Weekly Sci-Tech feature.
This week:
A Chinese hospital has successfully conducted a small intestine transplant with the assistance of a robot.
A British agency is funding technology to develop an "invisibility cloak" for military vehicles.
And a new report suggests that too much social media could be bad for teenagers' health.
Let's catch up on all the latest with CRI's Wenjie.
A hospital in northwest China's Shaanxi Province has successfully performed a rare and difficult small intestine transplant with the assistance of a robot.
During the surgery, the robot, controlled by a doctor, inserted its arms into several small holes dug into the abdomen of 53-year-old Yang Xiaoming to take out a 1.8-meter-long section of his small intestine.
The organ was transplanted into his son Yang Lin, who had most of his own small intestine removed due to severe intestinal failure.
Doctors say the robot-assisted surgery leaves a much smaller cut on the donor's abdomen and is more conducive to his recovery.
======Apple says it is working on a way to allow users to delete built-in apps.
Apple CEO Tim Cook says he is aware that the iPhone's built-in apps can be nothing but a nuisance, and he's working on a way to let users delete some of them.
Wang Yanhui, Secretary General of China Mobile Alliance believes this is good news for apple users.
"Many built-in apps take much storage space and most of the apps are useless for many users. Therefore, if users have the option to delete those apps, it must be good since it will free up some space."The nested apps include Stocks, Newsstand, Podcasts, Apple Watch, Tips and iBooks.
Cook didn't reveal a time frame for the change.
======A British government agency has announced funding for technology to develop an "invisibility cloak" for military vehicles.
The Center for Defense Enterprise (CDE) has awarded the funding to a company called Folium Optics to help it develop its technology for adaptive camouflage: camouflage that can change its color to better match the background.
A spokesman at CDE says a total system using this adaptive camouflage could be used on a vehicle to allow the crew to switch between different camouflage patterns depending on the type of terrain they are operating in.
Folium Optics uses plastic as the core technology of the adaptive camouflage, which means it's robust, thin and can be any shape - even curved.
====The Finnish postal service has begun testing drones to deliver online purchases.
According to Posti Group, it is the first company in Europe to experiment with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for mail delivery in an urban area.
Jukka Rosenberg, Senior Vice President of parcel and logistics services at Posti Group, says the company is testing ways to make online shopping quicker and better for both the sender and recipient.
"This is part of the testing new technologies in our parcel delivery and post deliveries and this could be an opportunity which we are now testing."The very first drone delivery went off without a glitch, even though it landed away from the designated landing zone.
Tero Heinonen from Sharper Shape, which is responsible for the technical aspects and operation of the drone, says there is great interest in drone technology and there are many potential uses.
"It seems that drones are one of the new technology areas which really ignite people's imagination, so we get probably twenty requests per week for different applications that we ever could not have imagined. So I expect that while the technology further matures we will see many companies doing different kinds of applications starting from precision agriculture, forestry inventory, the deliveries of course, power-line inspections, counting traffic."Amazon announced a potential drone-based delivery service last year.
But a number of major obstacles namely weight limits, distance limits, and weather restrictions remain before drone delivery services become the norm.
======Volvo is looking into developing a robot that can collect garbage, allowing garbage truck drivers to avoid heavy lifting.
The truck's operating system would instruct a robot to pick up garbage bins and empty them into the garbage truck.
Researchers from the United States have joined Volvo's team to design the robot.
The robot is set to be tested sometime next summer.
======Amazon has introduced a $50 tablet, a price tag analysts say is low enough to set it apart in a crowded market and draw more customers to its online services.
The new Fire tablet comes with a screen that measures 7 inches (17 cm) diagonally and a front-and-back camera.
Dave Limp, senior vice president of Amazon devices introduces the tablet.
"Well I think it's a pretty pretty product in itself but since the initial introduction of fire four years ago, we want to set new, amazing, break through prices. We started at $199 dollars four years ago and today, getting under $50 dollars with the tablet sets a new bar for what customers can expect."The company has said it does not plan to profit from devices but wants to use them to draw more customers to its services.
It will start shipping on Sept. 30.
====A new report claims that use of sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, especially at night, can lead to depression, anxiety, and poor quality sleep.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow say it's not just a lack of sleep caused by late nights online that are causing these issues, but that it's the emotional investment in maintaining a 24-7 social media profile that could also be a major factor.
Dr. Heather Cleland Woods, a researcher on the project, explains what they've found:
"We saw that overall social media use was related to someone's anxiety, their depression. They want to be online 24-7 and as that need increased we also saw that that had an impact on their sleep quality."It's estimated that 90-percent of adolescents are on social media.
Tracy Stuart, a school principal, tries to encourage students to use the technology responsibly. "What we try to do here is develop some self regulation skills in the young people so they understand when to turn off, when to turn on, when to make sure they've got other commitments, other parts of their lives so that their whole world doesn't become a virtual world."The advice is to moderate people's social media use - easy to say but for many young people, not so easy to do.
======A mobile phone app has been developed to stop emotional eaters caving in to their cravings and binging on food.
Emotional eaters are people who eat to try to escape depression, loneliness, fear, anxiety, anger and numerous other emotions.
One emotion often triggers another which increases the desire for certain foods which provide a brief comfort.
What this phone app is doing is interrupting that headlong rush towards eating, with a series of easily answered short questions which draw people out of that fixation.
The app's developer, psychiatrist Roger Gould says the aim is to make people analyze why they want to go down a particular path, that way they stop thinking emotionally and start thinking rationally.
"You have an emotional part of your mind that reacts immediately and intensely with strong feelings. You have a rational part of your mind in which you can sort out those feelings and figure out what's real. Then you can figure out what to do."Gould adds this is a program that leads emotional eaters along several paths which aim to find out their current state of mind, what caused their current state of mind and whether they can address the problem without binging.
======And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology feature.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsBeijing Marathon to start this SundayNow let's sprint into some marathon news from China's capital:
Just three weeks after the end of the IAAF World Championships, athletes return to the Chinese capital to take part in the 35th Beijing International Marathon on this Sunday.
The Beijing Marathon changed its date this year after the race was moved from October to September.
The time of the race has also changed to 7:30am to avoid high temperatures.
Despite some adjustments that have been made in the route of the marathon, the starting line will still be in Tiananmen Square, with the finish line being just outside the Bird's Nest.
In this year's marathon, all participants will be completing the full-length race.
Around 30,000 runners are expected to participate in Beijing's IAAF Gold Label Road race.
Vertical Run takes place in the China World TowerIn some more running news:
People from around the world competed in a race to get to the top of Beijing's tallest building on Saturday, taking on 82 floors as part of a series of races around the globe.
The Beijing event is just one of three taking place in China, with a total of eight events world-wide.
To complete the course participants had to run up a total of 2,041 steps to reach the top of the China World Tower which stands 330 meters tall.
The tallest building on the circuit is the Taipei 101 building, coming in at 404 meters tall.
The race is separated into two different classes, elite and amateur.
The Elite class is for runners who are competing in the global series of competitions.
Australian Suzie Walshom was the first of the female elite runners to break through the finish line.
"I've been running stairs for about nine years now, almost nine years so it's just something different, I was a track runner and looking for new challenges, and I love the challenge, they're really tough races no matter where you are, this is a particularly hard one because it's a very high building but you just have to try and stay focused and I try and concentrate on my, just keeping my rhythm and just sort of counting numbers and not looking at how many floors I have to go," The next race will be held in Shanghai.
Japan beats South Africa in Rugby World CupFor some Rugby news:
Japan achieved the biggest upset in Rugby World Cup history on Saturday, beating two-time former world champions South Africa 34-32.
The favored South Africa team faced Japan in a Pool B match in Brighton.
After having a lead of 12-10 at the half time mark, the Springboks were met with disappointment in the next half as Japan made a miraculous comeback.
Coach for the Japanese team Eddie Jones stated that he is proud of his team and what they have done for the sport.
"Now the history has changed for Japanese rugby. Now there will be little kids at home now who maybe wanted to be baseball or soccer players, who wanted to be the next (Masahiro) Tanaka at New York Yankees or (Shinji) Kagawa at.... whoever he plays for in Germany or Honda at AC Milan. Now they want to be the next Michael Leitch or Goromaru."Despite failing to put 24 extra points on the board, Ayumu Goromaru played a pivotal role in claiming Japan's victory.
Chinese Super League Standings following Saturdays matchesNow for some news from the Chinese Super League:
The standings are in following Saturday's matches:
Shanghai SIPG is at the top with 26 games played, 16 won, 7 drawn and 3 lost.
In second is Guangzhou Evergrande with 25 games played, 15 won, 9 drawn and 1 lost.
Third is Shandong Luneng with 25 games played, 15 won, 4 drawn and 6 lost.
And in fourth is Beijing Guoan with 25 games played, 13 won, 8 drawn and 4 lost.
Murray brothers win at Davis CupNow for some news in tennis:
Brothers Andy and Jamie Murray teamed up against Lleyton Hewitt and Sam Groth to give Great Britain a 2-1 advantage over Australia in the Davis Cup World Group semi-finals in Glasgow on Saturday.
Andy and Jamie Murray put Great Britain within touching distance of their first Davis Cup final in over 37 years.
The Murrays thrilled the home crowd at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow with a 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-7, 6-4 victory.
Andy now has the chance to seal Great Britain's place in the final when he takes on Bernard Tomic in the first of Sunday's reverse singles rubbers.
If Tomic can upset Murray, a deciding fifth rubber would be played between Dan Evans and Thanasi Kokkinakis.
Vettel sets the pace for Singapore Grand Prix QualifierIn F1 Racing news:
Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel set the pace in Saturday's qualifying for the Singapore Grand Prix.
Vettel captured the pole position for Sunday's race, lapping the Marina Bay street circuit in the fastest time of one minute, 43.885 seconds.
Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo took second place, with Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen in third.
Ricciardo's team-mate, Daniil Kvyat finished fourth, with Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg coming in fifth and sixth respectively.
Thompson and Kerr close the gap at SolheimNow lets swing into some golf news:
Lexi Thompson and Cristie Kerr earned a point for the United States to trail Europe 8-5 in the Solheim Cup on Saturday.
Kerr stated that some good putts gave their game the upper hand at the end of the day.
"We made some really clutch putts on the front nine. We were 1-up (then) even (then) 1-up (then) even. Then we got to 2-up on the 8th hole when Lexi (Thompson) made a clutch putt. They played great but we played better. But we ended up on top this time."The American duo defeated Spanish pair Carlota Ciganda and Azahara Munoz 3 and 2 to reduce the Europeans' lead.
The event will end on Sunday with 12 singles matches left to be played.
Rio preps its Olympic canoe slalom stadiumAnd now for Olympic news:
Brazil's Sports Ministry released a video this weekend showing that the the Olympic Canoe Slalom stadium is getting ready for the 2016 Olympic Games.
The venue recently received the 25 million liters of water required to fill the course.
The canoe slalom test event is due to be held in two months and officials have already installed all the necessary equipment.
Authorities have denied that there will be any risk from the water used in the venue.
Rio's municipal urbanization company, Riourbe, says that the water will be constantly monitored.
Entertainment24th Golden Rooster Film Festival Closed with Winners AnnouncedThe closing ceremony of the 24th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival took place in northeast China's Jilin Province last night, with major awards being announced.
Golden Horse award-wining director Chen Jianbin was named 'Best New Director' for his film 'One Spoon' at the ceremony.
However, the film has been postponed to meet Chinese audience as one of its main actors was involved in a drug scandal.
Chen Jianbin expressed his feeling of gratitude after receiving the award.
"The encouragement of Golden Rooster Award can make more people know about this movie. After very long waiting, when my film hit theaters on 21 November, more people will enter cinemas to watch this movie. I'm very grateful to this award. Thank you."Director Xu Ke won the award of 'Best Director' for the film 'The Taking of Tiger Mountain'.
The 65-year-old director gives his thanks to the awards.
"The most important thing is looking ahead. Being rewarded is only an encouragement for one period of time. More needs to be done. This award is an honor, but we need to work harder and harder, making better movies."Zhang Hanyu won the best actor for his role in 'The Taking of Tiger Mountain'.
75-year-old Ba Dema has beaten famous actresses Zhao Wei and Tang Wei, receiving best actress for her acting in the Inner Mongolian feature film 'Nuo Ri Ji Ma'.
'Wolf Totem' won the award of "Best Film" at the Festival.
The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival is regarded as the "Chinese Oscars". And it will be held in Tangshan, Hebei Province, next year.
2015 Pingyao International Photography Festival Opened in Shanxi ProvinceThe 2015 Pingyao International Photography Festival has kicked off on Saturday, in north China's Pingyao city, Shanxi Province.
The theme of this year's festival is 'Home and Dream'.
More than 18 thousand pictures from over two thousand photographers and 66 photo agencies have been on display during the festival.
Meanwhile, renowned photographers from 30 countries and regions have participated in the event.
The festival has five sections, including the art exhibition, an academic forum, a photo trade fair, and a photo contest and award ceremony honoring the most celebrated works.
Regarded as the oldest and largest photography festival, Pingyao International Photography Festival is an influential annual event in the field of photography.
Placido Domingo Presents Free Concert Marking 30th Anniversary of Mexico City EarthquakeSpanish operatic tenor Placido Domingo has presented a free concert, marking the 30th anniversary of the Mexico City earthquake.
The devastating earthquake hit Mexico City in 1985, which had killed over ten thousand people, including four of Domingo's relatives.
As the concert was held right next to a housing complex that did not survive the tragedy, the 74-year-old singer shares a hopeful note with audience attending the concert.
"This place is so significant for everyone. For everyone, it brings back so so many memories, well let's embrace the emotion of the day and the hope that the tragedies that have occurred in this site never happen again. We hope that the next time isn't a requiem but a truly happy song, and we'll be able to put on a concert because things will be much better."Domingo lived in Mexico City from age eight to 21 years old.
During the years, the tenor has carried out a series of fundraising efforts to raise money for relief efforts after the quake.
Domingo is well known for his versatile and strong voice, and he has been marked as one of the world's three top-class tenorsFirst Signed Contract of The Beatles Sold at $75,000The first recording contract signed by The Beatles has been sold at 75 thousand US dollars at a New York auction.
Dean Harmeyer of Heritage Auctions explains the value of this six-page document.
"This was done in June 1961 when they were performing in Hamburg, Germany. It was signed for a one day recording session which resulted in the release in the German market of the single 'My Bonnie', which was actually released as 'Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers'."The total price of the winning bid was some 94 thousand US dollars, including the 25 percent buyer's premium. It was placed online by an anonymous bidder.
However, the hammer price was a little bit lower than the estimate.
An autographed first pressing of the "Love Me Do" 45-inch record also included in the auction, being sold with a total price of 25 thousand US dollars, which is way above the predicted price.
Bieber's Back at Number One in the UKThe comebacks keep on coming for Justin Bieber.
Two weeks after scoring his first ever UK Number 1 and his fastest-selling single, Bieber is back at the top ruling the Official Singles Chart in the UK.
What Do You Mean, which set a new record for the highest first-week streams for a single at 3.2 million plays, was knocked off the summit last week by Sigala's Jackson 5-sampling Easy Love.
Victory belongs to Justin today, however – he reclaims his Number 1 throne by over 15,000 chart sales, leaving Sigala at Number 2.
Calvin Harris and Disciples are back up one to Number 3 with How Deep Is Your Love, which scored over 2.1 million plays this week, while former chart-topper Don't Be So Hard On Yourself from Jess Glynne slips a place to Number 4.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A recap of your headlines:
The Chinese Ambassador to the US saying preparations are in full swing for President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit...
China's foreign ministry stating that the six-party talks are the basis for resolving tensions on the Korean Peninsula...
And security tightened ahead of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers: I'm Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together.