新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/21(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Monday September 21st 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
The U.S. Ambassador to China hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming state visit to the United States...
The 7th annual China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue kicking off in Beijing....
And Greece's Syriza party looking set to form a coalition government in parliament after a snap-election...
In Business...Public opinions being solicited on the stock market circuit breaker mechanism...
In Sports...Guangzhou R&F take on city rivals Evergrande tonight in the Chinese super league...
And in Entertainment...a great night for HBO at the Emmy awards...
Top NewsU.S. Ambassador to China hails President Xi's upcoming state visit to the USU.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus is hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming state visit to the United States.
He believes the visit will expand practical cooperation and improve candid communication between the two countries.
"First is the opportunity to more fully expand our cooperative engagement with China. Each passing year there are more and more areas - environment, economic, political. It's a great opportunity. The second opportunity is for more frank discussions between our two countries. It's quite clear to me that we're entering into a new phase in the relationship."China and the US have been stepping up efforts to forge a new type of major country relationship.
Baucus says both sides should face up differences while engaging in candid cooperation.
"In the meantime, as China grows, the United States and China have to adjust a little differently than in the past. And that's where I think it's really important to be honest and candid with each other because our goals are the same. We want a future for our kids and our grand kids."Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to the United States from Sept. 22 to 25 at the invitation of U.S. President Barack Obama.
Xi's U.S. Visit to Enhance Mutual Trust: ExpertsAnchor:
One of the main areas of concern to be addressed this week as part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to the US will be trust.
CRI's Luo Wen with more on what observers on both sides are saying about this important issue.
Noting differences between China and the U.S. over issues in the South China Sea, Professor Wang Gengwu with the National University of Singapore says he believes China is not trying to create maritime hegemony.
"So for the Chinese to be concerned to build a navy in the context of a global economy, that China has joined part of that global economy, not to have any kind of sense of security at sea when the economic development of China today depends on maritime trade. I am not saying that China is challenging that, not at all. But what the Chinese are saying is now they face a problem of having to protect their naval and maritime interests. And this is not a question of a dispute between two equals. Can there ever be a true balance between those two powers, I think it needs understanding on both sides."Clarifying misunderstandings is expected to be one of the main priorities of the Chinese President's trip to the United States.
Professor Robert Keohane with Princeton University says he believes if the two sides can get past their differences and work together, cooperation will work in both their interests.
"Cooperation comes from discord not from harmony. The rise of China increases discord so then the problem is a challenge for cooperation, can there be some way to bring cooperation out of discord. If there can be then the cooperation will be much wider, much more global than ever there was before. "Professor Xia Liping, head of Political Science & International Relations at Tongji University notes both countries are tied together economically.
"The economic interdependence between the world's two largest economies has rendered China and the U.S. "inseparable." If the two sides confront each other, both will suffer the consequences. And I think China will suffer more considering its current situation. In a state of conflict, China will never realize a peaceful rise, peaceful development and peaceful reunification. For the U.S., cooperation with China is also in its interests."Princton's Robert Keohane echo's that suggestion, saying he believes conflict will just end up hurting one-another.
"In a world of great possibility of destructive harm from weapons, the only way to work forward is a win-win situation when all the major powers can gain from some set of bargains and agreements. It's not harmony because there are different interests. So from my point of view, the most important thing is to see how to accept the reality of discord, to work with the issues and ask which are the most important issues are for each side and reach cooperative arrangements which give each side what is more important to it in the context of an overall favorable response while giving up in each case what is less important to them."Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to arrive in the US on Tuesday, beginning with a stop in the northwest city of Seattle.
From there, he's due to travel to Washington for a meeting with US President Barack Obama before ending his trip in New York.
For CRI, I'm Luo WenChina's Minister of Commerce Urges Mutually-beneficial Sino-US CooperationThe Chinese Commerce Minister says that China and the United States should strive together to achieve mutually-beneficial cooperation and win-win results, in order to lay down a solid foundation for future cooperation.
In an article published on the People's Daily, Gao Hucheng says that Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming state visit to the US will elevate bilateral economic and trade ties between the two countries to a new level at this critical historical juncture.
In 2014, bilateral trade volume between China and US reached a record high of 555 billion US dollars.
At the moment, the two countries are each other's second largest trading partner.
Xi to Visit Microsoft HQs in SeattleAnchor:
As part of his time in Seattle, Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to make a stop-over at Microsoft's headquarters.
CRI's Liu Yuanhui reports.
Ralph Haupter, Microsoft's Greater China CEO, says Microsoft will want to hear more about China's plan for economic restructuring when President Xi Jinping arrives.
"The state visit I think is just an opportunity for us to engage deeper, and learn deeper, and thinking of President Xi…And it is also an opportunity for us to see how we can help on that transformation from economic perspective as Microsoft here in China."As part of his time in Seattle, Xi Jinping is expected to address a forum between a number of Chinese tech executives, including Baidu's Robin Li and Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who will be joined by executives from top U.S. tech companies including Apple, Facebook and Google.
Microsoft's Ralph Haupter says he's very interested to hear what Xi Jinping has to say about technological innovation.
"I think having the President visit in the United States and establishing through that visit a platform for technology discussion, technology information exchange and giving an opportunity for companies on exchanging their economic vision and interest is just unique. Having that opportunity coming forward is fantastic. So specific outcomes we will all need wait to see. But I felt very encouraged on him giving in the interest, in industry, him giving the signal on the interest of helping companies to drive innovation is fantastic."Haupter says Microsoft's current position in China puts the company in a good position when it comes to developing talent and opportunities from the country.
"When there is a huge portfolio of innovation coming from market here, the good thing and exciting thing for us is Microsoft being here in China is that I think we are engaging with these companies in many many ways and they are using our technology in many ways. Because we are here in China to be in market and play with companies for a better off economy, for the better off the success of the companies.
Xi Jinping is scheduled to have dinner with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates at his lakeside estate before making his way to Washington.
For CRI, I'm Liu Yuanhui.
Seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue Kicks Off in BeijingThe Seventh China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue has kicked off in Beijing.
During the dialogue, co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai and visiting British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, issues including the current macro-economic situation and policies as well as financial stability were discussed.
The annual dialogue is a platform for China and the UK to discuss strategic, overall and long-term issues.
The two countries have hosted the dialogue in alternating turns since 2008.
China and UK to Deepen Cooperation on Radio, Film and TV: Vice PremierChinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong says that China and UK will further deepen cooperation in the field of radio, film and television, so as to enhance the mutual acknowledgement and friendship between the two peoples.
Liu Yandong, who has just finished her official visit to UK, made the remarks while attending an opening ceremony in London launching the broadcast of a series Chinese programs in the UK.
She says radio, film and TV are important carriers for developing mass culture, and many old, classic UK films have impressed Chinese people of her generation.
"Some old films including Twelfth Night, as well as A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Prince and the Pauper, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, I could give a list of examples. After those, there are famous works such as the James Bond film series, Mr. Bean, and also the recent Sherlock, Shaun the Sheep, Paddington Bear, Downtown Abbey as well as Octonauts. Those films are household names in China now."UK Minister for Culture Communications & Sport Ed Vaizey gives his thoughts on the agreement.
"Our ability to raise finance, a light regulation environment, good education and skills, protection of intellectual property rights, and the tax incentives. All of these combined enable creative people and businesses to thrive in the UK."A number of famous Chinese films including 'Dearest' and 'The Great Hypnotist' will be broadcast on Propeller TV in the UK.
China releases document concerning standings towards UNChina has released a document regarding its standing towards the role of the United Nations to mark the 70th anniversary of the organization's inception.
The document, issued by China's foreign ministry, elaborates on the Chinese viewpoints of issues to be discussed in the upcoming UN summit.
Those topics include the role of the UN Security Council, UN works related to peace keeping missions, public health safety, climate change, anti-terrorism, Internet security and human rights.
Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong says China will take a series of measures to maintain world peace and development.
"We will push the broad support of multilateralism in the international community. By upholding the role of the UN and maintaining the international order guided by the principles of the UN Charter, we will push the construction of a new type of international relations based on win-win cooperation and mutual benefit and contribute to human community of shared destiny."The UN will hold a series of high-level meetings later this month to mark the 70th anniversary of its founding.
Chinese president Xi Jinping will attend this year's summit from Sept 26 to 28 during his state visit to the United States starting from tomorrow.
Premier urges progress in SOE reformsChinese Premier Li Keqiang has called on state-owned enterprises to get on-board with the government's new plans for reform.
Li Keqiang made the remarks at a meeting to discuss the SOE reform guidelines laid out earlier this month by the State Council.
"We must be unwavering in consolidating and developing the public sector of the economy, while at the same time encouraging and supporting the development of the private sector to fully unlock the benefits of the reforms for the people to enjoy."Under the new plans, the government is proposing mixed ownership of certain State-Owned companies.
A corporate system of governance for the companies is also being put forward.
Li Keqiang says the government is going to "correctly handle" the relationship between itself and the market.
"State firms are first and foremost independent market entities that shoulder the responsibility for their own profits and losses. All their operations are aimed at making profits. To better manage the SOEs, the government needs to follow market economics."There are around 150-thousand state-run companies in China.
They employ over 30-million people and hold some 100-trillion yuan in overall assets.
First-half year stats show the state-owned sector here in China showed an overall decline in profits of some 2.3 percent.
China highlights development of industrial cultureThe first China Industrial Culture Summit Forum kicks off in Beijing on Sunday.
More than 500 representatives from China's industrial authorities, companies and research centers are set to attend the forum.
Luo Min with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says that industrial culture is the pillar for a country's development.
"The industrial culture represents the development level of a region and a country. No advanced industrial culture, no high-level, sustainable industrialization."As China still lags behind in self-innovation, brand building and industrial structure, officials say it is urgent to accelerate industrial re-structuring.
Chinese company invests in Malaysian rail to boost maritime silk roadAnchor:
The 12th China-ASEAN Expo concludes on Monday in Nanning city of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. This year all the featured cities at the expo are situated along the 21st century Maritime Silk Road.
CRI's Xyee brings you a closer look at the railway development in Malaysia, a geologically important country along the Maritime Silk Road.
18-year-old Adawiah has to take the inter-city train every week between her home and school.
"The new train is more comfortable and much faster than the older one. The women-only compartments also make me feel safer."The train Adawiah takes comes from the first order that China's railway manufacturer CRRC Corporation Limited's gets from Malaysia. After five years of participation in the Malaysian market, CRRC now shares 80 percent of the market and its ASEAN manufacturing center in Batu Gajah also went into operation months ago.
Wang Luke, general manager of a branch company of CRRC explains why CRRC can become the main driving force of Malaysia's railway transportation equipment.
"Because our first order is successful. After the 38 trains put into operation in 2010, all of them have been running well. Besides, we also provide maintenance service for them. So our clients are satisfied with us and thus trust us. After that we received orders of light rail and trunk rail in succession."CRRC also provides 90 percent of its positions at the manufacturing center in Batu Gajah with the locals and shares the most advanced technologies with them.
As CRRC's module of integrating products, service, investment and technology grows mature in Malaysia, it has also attracted many clients from surrounding countries.
Malaysian transport minister Liow Tiong Lai highlights China's initiative of the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, saying it is a good opportunity to improve Malaysia's transport network.
"As the transport minister, my job is to ensure the construction of railway and harbors, which are the most important part of Malaysia's infrastructure construction. Malaysia fully supports China's 'One Belt One Road' initiative because this initiative goes in line with Malaysia's current economic adjustment and reform and it will benefit both China and Malaysia."Chinese counselor to Malaysia Wu Zhengping says since countries included in the "One Belt One Road" initiative have great demand in railway construction, the Malaysian side hopes to hop on the express train of the Chinese economy through the initiative.
"They believe the Chinese market and China's economy will bring good chance for them to develop Malaysian economy. So they are very willing to cooperate with China."China and ASEAN countries have already initiated a series of cooperation programs.
They have also decided to sign a framework agreement on China-ASEAN city-to-city cooperation.
For CRI, I'm Xyee.
Tsipras wins Greek electionsChina on Monday congratulates former prime minister Alexis Tsipras' Syriza party on its victory in the general election.
China also expresses willingness to cooperate with the new government.
With around 60-percent of the votes counted, Syriza is projected to be just short of a majority.
However, its expected Syriza will be able to cobble together a coalition.
Opposition party New Democracy has already conceded defeat.
Tsipras says the results shows the Greek people are backing his decision to sign a new financial bailout package.
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great victory, for this clear victory. This victory is.. We gave a tough and difficult fight and today I feel vindicated because the Greek people gave a clear mandate for us to continue to battle in and out of the country to rise up our people's dignity."The latest figures give Syriza 35-percent of the vote.
New Democracy will stay on as the main opposition party.
Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Political Science Professor at the University of Athens, analysizes Tsipras has a better message to offer than his opponents.
"The message is that he has been obliged to sign the memorandum of the 13th of July, however he will do his best to alleviate the income losses and other negative social effects which will certainly take place as soon as the new third bailout package starts to be implemented."The snap election was called in August after the Tsipras government signed an unpopular new financial bailout deal with Greece's international creditors.
Ministers of Australia's new Cabinet sworn inMinisters of Australia's new 21-member Cabinet have been sworn in.
It included a number of younger Ministers and an unprecedented 5 female ministers.
Marise Payne was sworn in as the first female Defense Minister in Australia's history.
Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull on his new government:
"We are forming a government for the 21st Century, a ministry whose composition and focus reflects our determination to ensure that Australia ceases the opportunities of this, the most exciting times in human history."Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott was defeated in a surprise leadership ballot of lawmakers within the ruling Liberal Party last week.
To mend party divisions, Scott Morrison was appointed as treasurer, handing the conservative lawmaker the top economic job in the new cabinet.
Analysts believe the pressure that Turnbull faces now is to keep and lift the confidence for his party among the public in order to win the next government election.
Dozens of Refugees Missing as Vessel Sinks off the Island of Lesbos13 migrants, including six children, have been reportedly killed after their vessel attempting to cross from Turkey sank off the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea in Greece over the weekend, Reuters cites a Turkish coastguard.
Survivors said that the boat was overturned by waves created from a larger passenger vessel that was sailing nearby.
Official data shows over 300 thousand undocumented refugees have reached Greece's shores since the beginning of this year.
In the meantime, US Secretary of State John Kerry says the Obama administration will increase the number of refugees the United States is willing to accept in 2017 to 100-thousand.
This is up from the 70-thousand the US took in last year.
Kerry has made the announcement after meeting with a group of Syrian refugees who are seeking asylum in Berlin.
"I'm pleased to announced that today the United States will significantly increase our numbers for refugee resettlement in the course of this next year and the year after. Last year, I think we were at 70 thousand, we are now going to go up to 85 thousand with at least, and I underscore the 'at least': it is not a ceiling, it's a floor, of ten thousands over the next year from Syria specifically, even as we also receive more refugees from other areas."Under the new plan, the U.S. limit on refugee visas will be increased to 85-thousand next year.
That will rise to 100-thousand the following year.
The US has only taken in about 15-hundred Syrian refugees since the start of the conflict more than four years ago.
Continental Europe has been absorbing hundreds of thousands.
The United Nations estimates there are some 4-million Syrians living as refugeeU.S. museum honors American pilot who fought in China during WWIIA museum in the US state of Louisiana has opened an exhibition to honor a U.S. pilot who fought together with Chinese pilots in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
Those pilots are best known as the Flying Tigers.
The Chennault Aviation and Military Museum in Monroe launched an expanded Chennault Exhibit Area depicting the history of Claire Lee Chennault, who was the commander of the Flying Tigers.
The museum's director and Chennault's granddaughter Nell Calloway said it is important to honor China and the U.S.'s wartime cooperation.
"If we had not all come together at that time and fought against the Japanese, our histories might be very different. So what now we are trying to show how cooperation between all of our countries is so very important to help improve our relations today. "The event also honored surviving Flying Tigers pilots, including Richard Sherman, 93.
Sherman expressed gratitude for the kindness shown to him by Chinese people during the war.
"They were good to me. They fed me; they clothed me. They gave me house to live in. They were very gracious to us. I love the Chinese people".
Today, the flying tigers have become one of the symbols of China-US friendship.
Nepal adopts first democratic constitutionNepal has adopted its first democratic constitution on Sunday in a largely peaceful event.
The new constitution is a historic step for the nation that has seen great hardship over the past decades.
Satya Pahari is a Maoist Constituent Assembly member.
"We have discussed a lot to address the issues of exploited people in general by the amendment of constitution, and it has been successful to address the six-decade long aspirations of the people, and Nepal now has entered into a new age."The promulgation has exacerbated divisions in some places with 40 people killed in protests against it in recent weeks.
There were no reports of major violence on Sunday though three people were wounded when police fired at people who tried to break a curfew in Birgunj in the south.
The earthquakes that killed more than 9,000 people in Nepal this year galvanized politicians, who had squabbled for seven years to finish the charter.
Headline NewsChina's Minister of Commerce Urges Mutually-beneficial Sino-US CooperationThe Chinese Commerce Minister says that China and the United States should strive together to achieve mutually-beneficial cooperation and win-win results, in order to lay down a solid foundation for future cooperation.
In an article published on the People's Daily, Gao Hucheng says that Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming state visit to the US will elevate bilateral economic and trade ties between the two countries to a new level at this critical historical juncture.
In 2014, bilateral trade volume between China and US reached a record high of 555 billion US dollars.
At the moment, the two countries are each other's second largest trading partner.
World media plans Belt and Road coverageMedia representatives from 60 countries have gathered at a forum in Beijing to discuss coverage of the Belt and Road regional trade and infrastructure network proposed by China.
Head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Wang Jiarui attended the forum on Monday.
Wang called on the media to help promote the initiatives, which are estimated to involve 4.4 billion people.
The Silk Road Economic Belt stretches northwest from China's coast through Central Asia, the Middle East and on to Europe while the maritime Silk Road runs through the country's south to Southeast Asia.
10 students critical after botched fire drill in NW ChinaMore than 150 students remain in hospital, 10 of them in critical condition, after inhaling smoke during a fire drill at school.
The incident took place on Friday at a junior middle school in Tianshui City, northwest China's Gansu Province.
More than 400 students participated in the drill, which used smoke guns to simulate fire. Many of them began to cough and vomit after inhaling the smoke.
According to a statement issued by local government on Monday, a total of 165 students are now at four hospitals.
A Sunday statement said only nine students had been hospitalized after the incident.
S.Korea can rejects U.S. call for Japan troops intervention in emergency situations: DMSouth Korean Defense Minister has said that his country can reject the U.S. military's call for Japanese troops' entrance into the Korean Peninsula in emergency situations.
The Defense Minister Han Min-koo made the comments on Monday during the parliamentary audit of military courts under the defense ministry.
His comments came amid growing concerns about the enactment in Japan of controversial security bills that will allow Japan to fight overseas for the first time since the end of World War II.
South Korea's foreign ministry has reiterated that Japan must win consent or request from the Korean side before its collective self-defense right is exercised for reasons related with South Korea's national interest and the security of the Korean Peninsula.
Biz ReportsStocksAnchor:
Time to check the business news, first take a look at the closing numbers across the Asian market this Monday evening.
Chinese shares fluctuated drastically again on Monday, but finished in positive territory.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index retrieved earlier losses to end up nearly 2 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained over 3 and a quarter of a percent.
China's securities regulator stressed last Friday that it would stand by its recent market-stabilizing rules, saying it has completed review of 41 alleged instances of sales of shares that violated rules.
The regulator also said that those responsible in five cases of market manipulation would be punished.
Biomedical and aerospace industries led the gains on Monday.
Andon Health Company Limited and Tigermed Consulting Ltd. both surged by the daily limit of 10 percent.
The ChiNext Index, which tracks China's NASDAQ-style board of growth enterprises, jumped over 4.8 percent.
The benchmark Hang Seng Index moved down three quarters of a percent.
Elsewhere in Asia:
Japanese stocks ended lower, with the Nikki down nearly 2 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI was off one and half of a percent.
In Singapore, the Strait Times closed almost flat.
Australia's S&P/ASX 200 closed down over 2 percent.
Circuit Breaker MechanismAnchor:
Today is the last day for public opinions on the impending creation of a "circuit breaker mechanism" for the bourses here on the mainland.
Under the proposed plan, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is recommending trading-curbs kick-in after a 5-percent rise or fall in the CSI 300 Index compared to the previous day's close.
The 5-percent benchmark would trigger a 30-minute suspension of all trading if it happens before 2:30pm.
After 2:30pm, a 5-percent dip will shut down the bourses for the day.
At the same time, a 7-percent swing will kill the markets for the day, regardless of what time it happens.
For more on China's introducing this mechanism, CRI's Paul James earlier spoke to Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
Back anchor:
CRI's Paul James speaking with Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
Taiwan raises cap on mainland independent touristsThe cap on independent mainland tourists visiting Taiwan has been raised from 4,000 to 5,000 per day starting from this week as the island tried to recover from declining tourism revenue.
Taiwan authorities released the policy after the island's financial agency announced that its tourism revenue has got affected by the global spending slowdown.
At the same time, the number of visitors allowed to travel between east China's Fujian Province and Kinmen and Matsu was increased from 500 to 1,000 per day from Sept. 10.
The daily number of mainland group tourists remains the same.
Taiwan firms are further encouraged to give their mainland employees incentive tours to Taiwan without visa fees or quota restrictions.
Caps on visitors numbers have been raised several times since 2008, when mainland tourists were first allowed to visit Taiwan.
Chinese think tank predicts 6.9-pct GDP growth for 2015A report released by a state think tank says China's 2015 GDP growth is expected to be 6.9 percentChinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that economic growth is likely to slow as institutional barriers such as a rigid household registration system and lack of human capital drag down GDP.
It notes that China relies more on infrastructure development and consumption brought on by urbanization than by manufacturing-based industrialization.
The report points out that the next five years will be critical for China's economic transition to slower and steadier growth, and measures should be taken to deal with a reduction in labor supply, slowing investment and changing demand structures.
It adds that better top-down reform design and fostering quality human capital will be key engines to power the transition.
Milk price falls hit farmers hard in New ZealandReports are emerging that New Zealand's farmers are in crisis, with a world milk glut and a decline in Chinese demand for imported dairy products.
Milk prices are said to be down by some 50 percent.
Many farmers are borrowing to stay afloat.
Chris Engel, a farmer with 400 cows near Carterton, has been farming for more than three decades.
He said that there have been droughts and other challenges in the past but never such bleak pay days.
"Well we saw it happening on the cash-flows way back in April, May, and could see well ahead that there was going to be just massive deficits. And just had to be in constant contact with the bank, updating them regularly, to get their support to pay the bills."Trying to prevent a farming-led recession, New Zealand's central bank has cut benchmark interest rates three times this year, as it seeks to give farmers and other exporters a boost by lowering the value of the country's currency.
Fonterra, which collects and sells most of the country's milk has also offered hundreds of millions of dollars in interest-free loans, repayable only when the price of milk rises.
Theo Spierings, the chief executive of Fonterra believes China is very serious about developing its own supply of milk.
But he says considering the huge demand there will still be a place for foreign suppliers.
Apple's iOS App Store suffers first major attackApple Inc said it is cleaning up its iOS App Store to remove malicious iPhone and iPad programs identified in the first large-scale attack on the popular mobile software outlet.
The company disclosed the effort after several cyber security firms reported finding a malicious program dubbed XcodeGhost was embedded in hundreds of legitimate apps.
Apple said the hackers embedded the malicious code in these apps by convincing developers of legitimate software to use a tainted, counterfeit version of Apple's software for creating iOS and Mac apps, which is known as Xcode.
Apple spokeswoman Christine Monaghan says in an email that they are working with the developers to make sure they're using the proper version of Xcode to rebuild their apps.
She did not say what steps iPhone and iPad users could take to determine whether their devices were infected.
SportsChinese Super League UpdateNow for an update in the Chinese Super League:
On Sunday, "Chongqing Lifan" tied "Liaoning Whowin" 1, 1.
and "Beijing Guan" beat "Jiangsu Sainty " 1 , 0 .
"Henan Jianye" tied "Changchun Yatai" in a scoreless game .
Finally, "Shandong Luneng" beat "Shanghai Shenhua" 2, 1.
And on the pitch right now, Guangzhou R&F are taking on city rivals Guangzhou Evergrande.
This is a critical game for R&F as struggle to stay in their Super League.
Murray takes Great Britain to Davis Cup FInalFor some news in Tennis:
Great Britain has reached the Davis Cup final for the first time in 37 years.
It was Andy Murray who beat Australia's Bernard Tomic in straight sets to give Great Britain a 3-1 lead in their semi-final tie in Glasgow on Sunday.
Australia's Bernard Tomic was no match for the Scot in front of his home crowd in Glasgow's Emirates Arena, where he triumphed 7-5, 6-3, 6-2.
Murray looked most vulnerable in the first set, but quickly regrouped to break once more and wrap up the first set.
And the world number three strengthened his grip in the second, playing at his defensive best and neutralising the Tomic serve.
A break in the fourth game proved decisive and Murray went on to serve out the set confidently to love.
Now ahead in the tie, Great Britain is assured a place in the final and will face Belgium in November.
Argentina beats Japan in Men's Volleyball World CupNow for some news in Volleyball:
Argentina keep their Olympic qualification hopes alive with a win over hosts Japan at the men's Volleyball World Cup in Tokyo on Monday.
Japan's chances to qualify for the Olympic games had evaporated after their defeat against Iran.
But the team was determined to put on a good show in front of a noisy home crowd.
Nevertheless, Japan just simply could not assert themselves over Argentina.
The south Americans won the big points and closed out a 26-24, 25-22, 25-21 in an hour and 53 minutes.
Argentina will now face Italy on Tuesday, while Japan will face unbeaten Poland.
USA wins Solheim CupNow for some news in Golf:
The United States came back from 10-6 to beat Europe 14.5 to 13.5 and regain the Solheim Cup on Sunday.
It was Angela Stanford who beat Suzanne Pettersen 2&1 - after nine consecutive Solheim Cup match defeats - as the USA took the singles 8.5 to 3.5 to snatch victory.
After receiving the trophy from PING chairman John Solheim, USA captain Juli Inkster gave praise to her team for coming from behind to win the cup.
"You 12 players, it's just amazing what you did this week. You never stopped believing, you never stopped giving up (sic), you believed in each other, you picked each other up, and that's what being a team is all about and I couldn't be more proud."The United States will defend the Solheim Cup on home soil in Des Moines, Iowa in 2017.
Jason Day ranks world 1 after BMW ChampionshipAnd in more golf news:
Australia's Jason Day won the BMW Championship in Illinois, USA on Sunday and overtook Rory McIlroy to become the new world number one.
The final round of the BMW Championship took place at Conway Farms Golf Club in Lake Forest, Illinois on Sunday.
Former World No. 1 Rory McIlroy chipped in from off the green on the 13th to move 12-under.
However Day, the No. 1 player in the FedEx Cup race, made a putt from the fringe at the 16th to take his lead back five shots.
Day closed with a birdie at the last hole for a win over Berger at the BMW Championship.
The victory was his fourth in his last six starts and to took him past McIlroy in the ratings, displacing the Northern Irishman as the number one player in the world.
New Zealand beats Argentina in Rugby World CupAnd for some news in rugby:
New Zealand shrugged off a sluggish first half to beat Argentina 26-16 on Sunday in the opening match of their World Cup title defense.
A record number crowd packed into Wembley Staduim in London on Sunday.
They came to watch the match of the currently favored All Blacks against Argentina in their first pool C game.
In a tight first half, reigning champions New Zealand built a 9-0 lead.
But when they lost first captain Richie McCaw, they began to look rattled.
And Argentina made them pay in style coming back ahead with a 9-13But the All Blacks responded by bringing some substitutes, who swung the momentum in their favor.
In the end, the All Blacks came out as the victors and substitute Beauden Barrett couldn't have been happier.
"It was good to blow out some cobwebs and get that first game out of the way. We'll take that result and take a lot of lessons from it too because the performance wasn't perhaps where we would have liked, we left a few points out there, but it's a start."New Zealand will face Namibia in their next game on Thursday.
Solberg wins World Rallycross championship in BarcelonaAnd for some news in Racing:
Petter Solberg took a victory in the final of the World Rallycross round in Barcelona on Sunday.
Timmy Hansen was on pole position for the final of the 10th round.
Alongside him was Johan Kristoffersson but as they diced for the lead, Petter Solberg swept past both of them.
After some mixed performances in the qualifying rounds, Solberg was at the top of his game when it mattered and he never looked like being caught.
Round 11 of the World Rallycross Championship will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, in two weeks' time.
Vettel takes 1 in Singapore Grand PrixAnd in some more racing news:
Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel claimed his third victory of the 2015 Formula One season on Sunday, winning the Singapore Grand Prix from pole position.
The German praised his car and team for performing so well and helping him maintain his starting position.
"The car was fantastic yesterday with one lap. Amazing, the feeling I got. So much adrenaline in qualifying. And then the same today. I was able to look after my tyres, control the pace. So yes, all-in-all obviously a perfect weekend. So very, very happy."Championship leader Lewis Hamilton was in a battle with Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg for fourth place.
However, Hamilton suffered a loss of power heading into the second half of the race, headed back to the pits and later retired.
Vettel cruised to his third win of the season with Ricciardo taking second place and Raikkonen in third.
As a result, Vettel remains third in the championship standings with the next race being held in JapanEntertainment67th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Held in Los AngelesBig victories by 'Game of Thrones' and 'Veep' capped off a big night for HBO at the 67th Emmy Awards held on Sunday in Los Angeles.
Fantasy drama 'Game of Thrones 'has won four awards, including best drama series, best writing for co-creator David Benioff and executive producer D.B. Weiss, best directing and a best supporting actor prize.
And political satire 'Veep' is named as the top comedy series, which has broken a five-year winning streak by ABC's "Modern Family".
Julia Louis-Dreyfus expressed her great thanks to the show when receiving the prize of best actress Emmy, also marking her third consecutive Emmy win.
"But I have to say the show is very dense. You may notice it's a huge labor of love, and every labour of love takes a lot of labours. So a lot of labour this one particularly. I really wanna thank everybody on the show for having an extraordinary grace under pressure and having so much fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you."'Veep' grabbed other two trophies as well, including supporting actor Tony Hale and an Emmy for comedy writing.
John Hamm took the prize for Best Drama Actor for his role in 'Mad Men', which ends running in May.
Viola Davis wins her first Emmy as Best Drama Actress for her performance in ABC's 'How to Get Away with Murder'.
For the limited series categories, 'Olive Kitteridge', adapted from Pulitzer winning novel with the same name, becomes the biggest winner.
It gained six trophies, including the top award, lead acting honors and a supporting award.
He Ping Honored as Platform Director at Toronto International Film FestivalChinese renowned director He Pin won the honorable mention of Platform Director, with his latest film 'The Promised Land', at the just-concluded Toronto International Film Festival.
The film focuses on current social changes in China, by featuring the struggles faced by a group of people, who used to make a living in Beijing, but finally go back to their home county.
Director He Ping elaborates on his inspiration when preparing the plot of the story.
"This film is a quite emotional project. About 3 or 4 years ago, I came up with the idea, therefore I visited more than 20 small towns, and interviewed over 100 people who have this kind of experience. I got for the film inspirations from their true stories."The star cast of the film including Wang Zhiwen, Wang Jiajia, and Zhang yi.
'The Promised Land' is due to hit big screens in China on October 29th.
Hugh Jackman Attends 'Pan' World Premier in LondonLive-action film 'Pan' made its world premiere in central London, as the leading cast dazzled the blue carpet crowds.
The X-men star Hugh Jackman shares the fun when dressed up in lavish costumes to play the legendary pirate Blackbeard.
"First of all it took me a while to put that costume on. But when we were going to the meetings we spent most of it laughing. I had an idea obviously of Blackbeard, I did research on him and he used to put incense sticks lit inside his beard so it looked like his face was on fire when he went into battle."This adventure fantasy film is a remake of J. M. Barrie's beloved novel 'Peter Pan'.
It portrays an orphan discover his true destiny after spirited away to the fantastic world of Neverland, and finally becomes a hero by saving Neverland from the ruthless pirates.
However, as Tiger Lilly is always cast as a native Indian, director Joe Wright defends his decision on choosing Rooney Mara to perform this character.
"No , well in Barry's original book he's not really specific about her nationality. And as we were using the book as our reference, that gave me freedom to cast whoever I liked from wherever I liked. And then that allowed me to find the right actress regardless of race."'Pan' is scheduled to be released in the US on October 9th and in UK on October 16th.
Gomez, Delevingne, and Vikander Attend the Launch of LV Exhibition in LondonSwedish actress Alicia Vikander, super model Cara Delevingne and pop star Selena Gomez all made their appearance at a party celebrating the launch of a Louis Vuitton exhibition in London.
The photo exhibition turns the spotlight onto creative inspirations behind its autumn collection.
Serving as the new face of the LV's Series 3 campaign, Alicia Vikander talked about the Oscar buzz surrounding her performance in "The Danish Girl" during an interview at the red carpet.
"I think all good buzz have just been really, really -- we had a wonderful reception in Venice and Toronto for this film and just quite overwhelming to see. Any good buzz that makes people come and watch the film that's just great."Gomez and Delevingne arrived in together last to the party, which has sent photographers and fans into a frenzy.
The exhibition with public access starts from today.
Previously, the French fashion house has held similar exhibitions in Tokyo, Shanghai and Rome.
Big Bang's 'Loser' becomes most-watched in Korean Music Video this yearKorean pop group Big Bang's music video for their latest hit single "Loser" has surpassed 60 million views by last weekend.
"Loser" is the first Korean music video to reach this impressive milestone in 2015.
Originally released on May 1, the hit single kicked off Big Bang's long awaited return to music as a group.
The track was simultaneously released with "Bae Bae".
All of Big Bang's subsequent releases have also done well in terms of fan reception and numbers.
Earlier this summer Big Bang took three of the top five spots for most watched K-pop music videos in the first half of 2015.
"Loser" ranked number two while "Bae Bae" and "Bang Bang Bang" followed in the third and fourth place spots.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
The U.S. Ambassador to China hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming state visit to the United States...
The 7th annual China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue kicking off in Beijing....
And Greece's Syriza party looking set to form a coalition government in parliament after a snap-election...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...