新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/09/22(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionPaul James you on this Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to arrive in the US later on this Tuesday to begin his much-anticipated trip.
Over 50 new business and economic deals have been signed between China and the UK.
Greece's Prime Minister promising to demand debt relief while taking his oath-of-office after his re-election.
In Business.... Taiwan phone maker HTC being pulled off the island's blue-chip exchange.
In Sports.... Guangzhou Evergrande retakes top spot in the Chinese Super League.
In entertainment..... a film about cycling has been tapped as Hong Kong's choice for the best foreign language film Oscar.
Top NewsXi's Visit Expected to Enhance Mutual TrustAnchorObservers from both China and the United States are suggesting Chinese President Xi Jinping's time in the US should be used to work on both bilateral and multilateral fronts.
CRI's Qi Zhi has more.
ReporterJohn L. Thornton, co-chair of board of the Brookings Institute, says most observers expect the Chinese president's time in the US will be focused mostly on economics.
Thornton says one of Xi Jinping's missions will be to convince US policy makers that China's economy is something the United States and the world simply can't live without.
"I think it's very important that President Xi make very clear to both American leaders, and American business people, and the American public, that China has been on a course of reform and opening for almost 40 years, and that trend is simply going to continue. And China's economy has been growing and becoming of higher quality, and that trend is simply going to continue. And China is becoming more interdependent in inter-related to the world economy, and the world's become more inter-related to the Chinese economy, and that trend is simply going to continue."Another area observers will be watching for during Xi Jinping's time will be areas of mutual concern for China and the United States, such as geo-politics.
Chinese foreign policy observer Ma Xiaolin suggests areas of concern, particularly in the Middle East, need to be addressed.
"There is no major contradiction between the two. The US is a world power, while China is a regional power with rising international influence. China is expected to shoulder greater global responsibilities, while the US also hopes to see a stronger and more prosperous China, with which it can share some of the burden."But at the same time, Fan Jishe with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says he expects the US side to be more direct when it comes to dealing with China.
"The US is worried about uncertainties in China's future development as well as China's possible challenge to its leading role in the western Pacific and the current world order. So it presses ahead with its Return to Asia strategy, the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and relations with its allies. They should have a look at the firm foundation of the Sino-US cooperation. They really worry too much."Among the issues to be covered as part of Xi Jinping's time in the US will be talk about a bilateral investment treaty, the South China Sea and cyber security.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
U.S.-China relationship not a zero-sum game: RiceUS National Security Advisor Susan Rice has made comment on Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to the US this week, saying the relationship between China and the US is not a "zero-sum game."Rice contends the US has deepened its engagement with China at every level under the Obama administration.
At the same time, she says the US relationship with China is a critical element of the Obama administration's larger strategy of its "pivot toward Asia."President Xi Jinping is set to start his journey in the West Coast city of Seattle later on this Tuesday.
He will then travel to Washington D.C. for talks with US President Barack Obama on Friday.
U.S. Ambassador to China hails President Xi's upcoming state visit to the USThe US ambassador to China says there's a lot of anticipation surrounding Chinese President Xi Jinping's time in the United States.
Max Baucus says the US side hopes the trip will expand practical cooperation and improve communication between the two countries.
"First is the opportunity to more fully expand our cooperative engagement with China. Each passing year there are more and more areas - environment, economic, political. It's a great opportunity. The second opportunity is for more frank discussions between our two countries. It's quite clear to me that we're entering into a new phase in the relationship."Baucus says both sides have to work a bit harder these days to make the relationship move forward.
"In the meantime, as China grows, the United States and China have to adjust a little differently than in the past. And that's where I think it's really important to be honest and candid with each other because our goals are the same. We want a future for our kids and our grand kids."Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to arrive in Seattle later on this Tuesday to begin his trip to the US, which will also see him make stops in Washington and New York.
Review of U.S.-China TiesAnchor:
The current US relationship with the People's Republic of China officially began in 1979 with the formal establishment of diplomatic ties.
Our Nina-Maria Potts has more on how the relationship came to be.
Back AnchorOur Nina-Maria Potts reporting from Washington.
Seattle Ready to Host XiAnchorThe city of Seattle in Washington State has been in the spotlight ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's first stop there later on this Tuesday.
CRI's Min Rui reports.
ReporterMany Chinese got to know Seattle through two films: Sleepless in Seattle and Finding Mr. Right.
Now, the city comes back into the limelight with Chinese President Xi Jinping set to arrive for his first official state visit to the United States.
Seattle Mayor Edward Murray is proud of the role his city plays in boosting bilateral trade and cooperation.
"When the United States and China normalized relations, the first ship from China came to Seattle. Washington State is where Seattle sits. Our No.1 trading partner is China and we do more trade with China than any other state in the United States. In addition, we have a large Chinese-American population and feel proud of their heritage. And we share so many things in common in regard to our technology, our interest in innovation and addressing issues of climate sustainability."Tao Wenzhao with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says there are multiple reasons for the city to be picked as the first stop of President Xi Jinping's visit.
"Seattle plays an important role in boosting trade, commercial and academic exchanges between China and the US. We know the city is home to giant companies like Boeing and Microsoft. So it's not strange for the city to become President Xi Jinping's first stop this time."During his time in Washington State, the Chinese leader will also make a stop in the port city of Tacoma.
Tacoma City formed sister-city ties with China's Fuzhou City 21 years ago with the support from Xi Jinping, the then party chief of Fuzhou.
Connie Bacon, commissioner of Tacoma Port, still keeps photos she took with Xi Jinping after the signing ceremony for the sister-city agreement over two decades ago.
Bacon will be present at the welcome dinner held for President Xi Jinping when he visits the State of Washington.
She says she will like to express her gratitude to Xi Jinping.
"I wanted to thank him for his support in making the sister city arrangement happen. Because had he not been willing, it wouldn't have happened. And because it happened, we have the long-standing, very successful, very mutually beneficial opportunity."China is a significant source of income for Washington State.
Trade between the state of Washington and China hit close to 3-billion yuan last year.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
China-Britain economic dialogue fruitfulAnchorOver 50 new agreements covering areas such as nuclear energy, high-speed railway and currency swaps have been signed at a just-concluded China-Britain Economic and Financial session in Beijing.
CRI's Luo Wen has more.
AnchorOne of the agreements announced at the talks is the expansion of the RMB/Pound Sterling swap line.
The currency swap line, which was established two years ago, is an agreement to exchange one-another's currencies at a set rate, and at a certain time in the future.
Chinese vice Premier Ma Kai, who co-chaired the session with British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, says expanding the swap line is going to help push forward the internationalization of the renminbi.
"Britain supports the internationalization of the renminbi. It also supports the inclusion of the yuan in the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights basket. The People's Bank of China will issue a renminbi denominated central bank note in London in the near future, which will be the first outside of China."The two sides have also agreed to carry out a feasibility study on a stock connect system between London and Shanghai.
At the same time, new calls are being made for both sides to work more closely within international forums, such as the G20, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
For his part, George Osborne says Britain remains confident in China's economy.
As part of the meeting, Osbourne has also announced a 2-billion-pound government investment in the Hinkley Point nuclear plant to be built in Somerset County in southwest England.
The nuclear plant is to be built by a consortium which includes state-owned China General Nuclear Corporation and China National Nuclear Corporation.
Osborne says the deal works well for both sides.
"I think it's a partnership that is good for both countries. We get secure, reliable, low-carbon electricity for decades to come without drawing on vast sums of taxpayers' money. And China gets a great investment opportunity, and as a great civil nuclear power, an opportunity to develop that technology abroad."George Osborne is calling on Chinese investment to support the British government's "Northern Powerhouse" plans.
This is a business proposal meant to boost economic growth in the north of England including the cities of Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield.
Chen Fengying, director of the Institute of Global Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says the "Northern Powerhouse" initiative is a great opportunity for Chinese investors.
"The Chinese government has been actively pressing for more international cooperation. I think investing in the north of England will be a great opportunity for Chinese investors. This is because Britain has advanced technology and an efficient capital market with good supervision and a comprehensive legal system. Chinese firms can use the opportunity to enter the European market. Chinese companies can also work with British firms to make investments in other parts of the world."As part of his time in China, George Osborne has also met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
Osborne has told the premier his government wants to be more active in working on mutual investment projects with China.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Chinese, Russian president’s send congratulatory messages to bilateral friendship organizationA Sino-Russian joint committee meeting is underway in Moscow.
The meeting of the China-Russia Committee of Friendship, Peace and Development is the 10th since the group was formed in 1997.
In delivering a message to the group, Chinese President Xi Jinping says the group has done a lot over the years to help ties between China and Russia.
He says he'd like to see the group work on creating more people-to-people exchanges between China and Russia.
China welcomes Norwegian court ruling against scholar's expulsionChinese officials in Norway are applauding a Norwegian court ruling connected to a Chinese scholar's expulsion from the country.
The Chinese doctoral student and his professor were kicked out of Norway earlier this year amid allegations they were conducting research that could be used for military purposes.
Both the professor and the Chinese student have denied the allegations.
However, a court in Oslo has ruled Norway's Ministry of Justice and Public Security's decision to expel them was invalid.
A statement has been issued by the Chinese embassy in Norway, saying they believe the ruling is proof of the Chinese scholar's innocence.
Norwegian officials have a month to appeal the ruling.
If not, the Chinese doctoral student and his professor should be allowed back into Norway.
Tsipras sworn in as Greek PMAlexis Tsipras has been sworn in as Greece's Prime Minister for a second term.
This comes after his party took victory in Sunday's parliamentary elections.
In taking the oath of office, Tsipras says demanding debt relief from the country's European creditors will be his "first big battle.""We are committed and dedicated to do anything in our power in order for the country and the people to exit this tremendous hardship, for our country to become once again powerful, an equal partner within the European Union and our people proud and dignified."Tsipras' Syriza party secured 145 of the 300 seats in the Greek parliament, which falls just short of a majority.
However, Syriza will govern with the same minority party it worked with when his party was first elected in January.
Tsipras is expected to announce his cabinet sometime on Wednesday.
His long "to do" list includes implementing austerity polices and dealing with migrants landing on Greek shores.
The first review of Greece's new 86-billion euro bailout program is due next month.
Tsipras will also travel to Brussels for a meeting on Wednesday with his EU counterparts.
Russia, Israel in talks over Syria fearsRussian President Vladimir Putin is moving to try to assuage Israeli concerns over the situation in Syria.
Russia's increased military presence in Syria has created Israeli concerns about the creation of a wider conflict if Israeli forces somehow become engaged with Russian troops in the Syrian theatre.
Putin has met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the concerns.
"All Russia's actions in the region have always been and will be very responsible. As to the shelling, we are aware of it, we condemn these actions, the shelling of the Israeli territory. As far as I know, self-made rocket launchers are being used for this."At the same time, Netanyahu says the Israeli side is concerned Iran and Syria, both backed by Russia, have been supplying Hezbollah with advanced weapons and are trying to create a second front on the Golan Heights.
Israel annexed the Golan Heights from Syria in 1981.
Putin has also sought to reassure Netanyahu about this concern, suggesting the Bashar al-Assad government is currently too busy trying to save its own state to forge a second front which may threaten Israel.
French delegation visits Iran to rebuild relationsA high-level economic delegation from France is in Iran to restore ties following July's nuclear agreement.
The delegation has been established by France's largest business lobby group Medef.
Matthias Fekl, head of Medef, says they're working to establish a business liaison center in Iran to facilitate business between Tehran and Paris.
"The steady ties between Iran and France have not been weakened over the past years and the French government has the determination to cooperate with Iran politically, economically and culturally. We are following a very clear and transparent economic diplomacy toward Iran and today we reinforced this diplomacy by opening the Iran-France trade office at the economic department of the French embassy (in Tehran)."Representatives from more than 100 French firms working in energy, agricultural and other sectors have met with Iran's Agriculture Minister and officials with Iran's Chamber of Commerce.
Tehran has been playing host to various delegations from European countries since signing off on the nuclear deal in July.
Japan's FM visits Moscow on island dispute, Putin's visitThe Russian and Japanese governments have agreed to hold bilateral talks on the potential creation of a peace treaty early next month.
The agreement has been reached as part of a 3-day trip to Moscow by Japan's foreign minister Fumio Kishida, who has been meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
"The renewal of such direct contact gives us hope, that we will finally be able to start working together on managing the difficult situation in our dialogue, which was formed by the factors that have no relation with our bilateral relations."Russia and Japan have been in a long-standing territorial dispute over a series of small islands between the two countries which the Soviet Union seized in the last days of World War Two.
The dispute, along with other geo-political considerations at the time, prevented the Soviet Union and Japan from inking a peace treaty after World War II.
This is something Japan and Russia have yet to formalize, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Kishida's visit to Russia is mostly meant to lay the groundwork for a proposed visit to Japan later this year by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Indonesian President to visit the USIndonesian President Joko Widodo is set to make his first visit to the United States since taking office last year.
The announcement has been made by US Secretary of State John Kerry while meeting with his Indonesian counterpart in Washington.
"Indonesia plays a critical role with respect to ASEAN, the South China Sea, our concerns about climate change and other issues. And because of the importance of this relationship, I am very pleased to announce that on October 26th, President Joko (Widodo) will come to Washington and meet with President Obama, where we can further develop the bilateral trade relationship as well as other things that we are working on together."Washington has long been pressing for stronger ties with Indonesia.
However, Indonesian authorities have traditionally tried to remain neutral when it comes to geo-politics.
US President Barack Obama does have a personal connection with Indonesia, having lived there for a time when he was a child.
N. Korea threatens to leave UN bodyNorth Korea is blasting a new report by the United Nations connected to state-sponsored abductions.
A UN Human Rights Council session has concluded that over the past 50 years, North Korea's government has orchestrated the kidnapping of nationals from China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Europe and the Middle East.
North Korea's chief UN ambassador in Geneva, Ri Hung Sik, is blasting the allegations as politically-motivated.
"As long as the U.N. body or U.N. arena is misused for political purpose with a lack of objectivity and impartiality, we will have to reconsider whether we will further engage in activities of the UN Human Rights Council."North Korea finally admitted in 2002 to the kidnapping 13 Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 80s.
Only five of the abductees and their families have been returned to Japan.
North Korea agreed in May of last year to reopen an investigation into the abductions.
WeatherBeijing will have slight rain with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 18.
Shanghai will see slight rain with a high of 26 and a low of 21.
In Chongqing, it will have slight rain during the daytime with a high of 23 and lows of 21.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 30.
Kabul will see slight rain with a high of 21.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 22 degrees.
Washington, overcast with a high of 25 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 29.
Toronto will see slight rain with a high of 21 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have slight rain with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with a high of 30 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsU.S.-China relationship not a zero-sum game: RiceUS National Security Advisor Susan Rice has made comment on Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to the US this week, saying the relationship between China and the US is not a "zero-sum game."Rice contends the US has deepened its engagement with China at every level under the Obama administration.
At the same time, she says the US relationship with China is a critical element of the Obama administration's larger strategy of its "pivot toward Asia."President Xi Jinping is set to start his journey in the West Coast city of Seattle later on this Tuesday.
He will then travel to Washington D.C. for talks with US President Barack Obama on Friday.
China-Britain economic dialogue fruitfulChina and Britain have signed 53 agreements at a just-concluded China-Britain Economic and Financial session in Beijing.
One of the agreements is the expansion of the RMB/Pound Sterling swap line which was established two years ago.
The two sides have also agreed to carry out a feasibility study on a stock connect between London and Shanghai.
Meanwhile, British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, who co-chaired the session with Chinese vice Premier Ma Kai, has announced a 2-billion-pound government investment in the Hinkley Point nuclear plant to be built in Somerset County in southwest England.
The nuclear plant is to be built by a consortium which includes state-owned China General Nuclear Corporation and China National Nuclear Corporation.
Scott Walker dropping out of 2016 race: reportUS media say Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is going to drop out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Walker has seen his poll numbers plummet in recent weeks.
A new CNN poll shows Walker, who was once leading the crowded GOP field, has registered less than 0.5-percent support among Republican voters.
If confirmed, the Wisconsin governor will be the second GOP candidate to bow out of the race.
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry ended his presidential bid earlier this month.
54 Killed in NE Nigeria's multiple explosionsOver 50 people have been killed in multiple bombings in Nigeria.
The first was a suicide bombing at a busy night-market in the city of Maiduguri in northeastern Nigeria.
This was followed two more explosions, including one at a mosque.
So far the death toll stands at 54, with close to 100 others hurt.
Boko Haram is being blamed for the attacks.
French collector returns gold artifacts to ChinaA French collector is returning a collection of two-dozen rare artifacts back to China.
The artifacts were originally purchased at auction by the collector after they were looted from tombs in Gansu in the 1990's.
24 gold pieces dating back over 25-hundred years to the Spring and Autumn period of early China were stolen and then smuggled out of the country.
The items are being returned to the provincial museum in Gansu.
Biz ReportsAnchorTurning onto business news. First, a quick look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe as well as a recap on the Chinese market.
ReporterUS markets ended higher on Monday, as investors continued mull the U.S. Federal Reserve's decision to leave short-term interest rates unchanged.
The U.S. central bank decided to keep its benchmark rate near zero after concluding its two-day monetary policy meeting last Thursday.
Investors are now looking ahead to the next Fed meeting slated for October 27th to 28th.
At the closing bell,Dow Jones was up 0.8 percent.
S&P 500 rose 0.5 percent.
The Nasdaq edged up 0.04 percent.
Meanwhile in Europe, markets there also saw a slight rebound on Monday.
At the closing bell,The UK's FTSE 100 ended almost flat.
Germany's DAX increased 0.3 percent.
France's CAC 40 increased 1.1 percent.
Finally in China,The shares fluctuated drastically again on Monday, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index retrieving earlier losses to end up 1.9 percent.
At the same time, the Shenzhen Component Index gained 3.3 percent.
Taiwan's bourse removes HTC from indexTaiwan's stock exchange has removed smartphone maker HTC from its index of blue chip companies.
The exchange has removed HTC from its FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 index after the company's market value declined below the level required for inclusion in the market benchmark.
The index lists Taiwan's 50 biggest companies, which represent 70 percent of the market value on the island.
HTC has struggled in recent years because of marketing and supply chain glitches.
It's also been unable to keep with leading smartphone makers such as Apple and Samsung.
HTC announced a 15 percent cut in its staff in August after a second-quarter loss of 250 million U.S. dollars.
Huawei joins hands with African telecommunication union to boost ICTHuawei is teaming up with the African Telecommunication Union to help increase information and communication technology in Africa.
Huawei Technologies Kenya is going to provide technical know-how to the ATU to increase its own reach.
The Chinese technology giant has a presence in most of the 54 countries in Africa.
It has been working closely with local telecom firms to expand mobile phone coverage.
UK guarantee on China nuclear plantAnchorAs mentioned during the first half of the Beijing Hour, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has announced a UK government pledge of 2-billion pounds for a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point in Somerset.
A pair of Chinese state-backed Nuclear power producers are to be involved in its construction.
The proposed plant is being described as 'essential' as ageing nuclear and coal-fired power plants are retired over the next 10 years.
Hinkley Point is expected to be Britain's first new nuclear power station in some 20-years.
Reports say the final decision on the scope of Chinese investment in the plant could be announced during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the UK next month.
For more on the project, we're now joined on the line by Gao Shang, Senior analyst with Guantong Futures.
Q1: What is is the Chinese benefit to getting involved in British nuclear project?
Q2: Having lived and gone to school in the UK, give us a sense of how much interest there is with British companies working with China.
Q3: Will expanded economic cooperation with the UK translate into more opportunities in Europe? What areas, aside from nuclear power, should China be looking at when it comes to investments in the UK and Europe?
Back anchor:
Gao Shang, senior analyst with Guantong Futures.
China's rural road network to reach 3.95 mln km by 2015New government analysis is expected to see the road network in rural areas of China expanded to nearly 4 million kilometers by the end of this year.
The central government has invested more than 300-billion yuan over the past five years on rural road construction.
Among the roads, more than 60-percent are being built in poverty-stricken areas.
The analysis suggests this has created 3 million jobs for people in rural areas.
China welcomes UK's Eden ProjectEden Project, a British education charity, has reached an agreement with Chinese developer Franshion properties to build a major tourist attraction in the city of Qingdao.
The China Eden project will include 17 themed restaurants and other facilities.
All are expected to be eco-friendly designs.
The first phase of the project is expected to cost around 1 billion yuan.
Didi Kuaidi signs deal with Lenovo in drive to target corporate clientsTaxi-hailing company Didi has signed a new corporate agreement with Lenovo.
Lenovo is opening a corporate account with Didi to allow its employees to bill their vehicle services directly to Lenovo.
The deal is being touted as a solid step forward for Didi, as the company has been looking to expand its reach into corporate clients.
There is also a family connection to the deal.
Didi president Liu Qing is the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, founder and chair of Lenovo.
McDonald's supports struggling U.N. effort to feed Syrian refugeesMcDonald's has announced its the latest company which is going to be working with the UN's World Food Program to help feed Syrian refugees.
The fast food giant is going to finance a 30-second commercial designed to raise money for the displaced families.
Other companies which are also throwing financial support behind the situation in Syria include Burger King, DreamWorks Animation, Facebook, Google, MasterCard and United Airlines.
Chinese think tank predicts 6.9-pct GDP growth for 2015The Chinese-government's main think-tank is expecting growth of 6.9 percent for the whole of this year.,The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says economic growth is being slowed by institutional barriers such as the rigid household registration system and the movement of people.
In making the analysis, CASS says the next 5-years will be critical for China's economic transition to slower and steadier growth.
It has suggested that measures should be taken to deal with a reduction of workers, slower investment and changing demand.
SportsEvergrande edge R + F in derby after last-minute winnerIn football,Defending champions Guangzhou Evergrande has reclaimed first place in the Chinese Super League standings after beating Guangzhou R&F 2-1 in a local derby last night.
Ricardo Goulart and Zou Zheng talled for Evergrande.
For Goulart, its his 15th goal of the Super League season.
The 2-1 victory has pushed Guangzhou Evergrande two points clear of Shanghai SIPG at the top of the table.  Guangzhou R&F sits in 14th place, and is at risk of being relegated.
------------------In Spain,Atletico Madrid is preparing for its La Liga match against Getafe tonight.
Head coach Diego Simeone.
"I am happy with the internal rivalry we're having, especially with how excited all of them are for participating. I have told them a thousand times and I tell them again, in a big team the quality of the minutes you play is much more important than the amount of minutes. Each one of them gives me an alternative I hope I can use."After winning three of their previous four games, the Atletico Madrid currently sit 5th in La Liga, but just three points back league leaders Barcelona. -------------------Elsewhere in Europe,Bundesliga side Bayern Munich will face off VfL Wolfsburg later today.
Bayern Munich head coach Pep Guardiola.
"They are the last vice-champions (runners-up). They are the last (DFB Pokal) cup-winners. They have one of the best coaches not only in Germany, but also in the world: Dieter Hecking. So, it is a good team with good players. It will be a good game tomorrow, but our only focus is on our game and on getting the three points. And after this, we will go to Mainz on Saturday then."Guardiola's Bayern side sit second in the standings, four points ahead of Wolfsburg in third.
Borussia Dortmund sit atop the league standings, but only by goal differential.
Egyptian-American signs on with Spanish football clubIn off-field football news,23-year-old Amro Tarek has signed a new deal with Spanish side Real Betis.
The American-born Egyptian defender has inked a 4-year deal with the side from Seville, moving from his club in the Egyptian Premier League.
In fielding questions about his trade, Amro Tarek was asked about whether he would want to represent the US or Egyptian national teams.
"Of course the American national team is a very strong team. Also the leagues over there are improving. But I think it's not the right time to speak about this. I was born in America but I grew up in Egypt and my parents are Egyptian. So I don't think it's the right time to speak about this."Tarek started his career at Egyptian Premier League at the age of 17.
Colts look to go to .500 in NFL Monday nighterIn NFL football action,The Indianapolis Colts will look to get back to .500 as they take on the New York Jets later on this morning.
The Colts come into the game off a surprising Week-1 loss to Buffalo.
Indy is many observers pick to come out of the AFC to the Super Bowl.
However, the club looked shaky out of the gate, with star quarterback throwing a pair of interceptions in the 27-14 loss to the Bills.
On the flip side, the Jets look to start 2-0 to begin a season for the first time in 4-years.
Kick-off for the NFL Monday nighter goes in about half-an-hour, 8:25am Beijing Time.
World Cup Arrival Ceremony Held for IrelandIn Rugby,Today marks a day off in the action at the event.
However, there have been events taking place surrounding the event.
An official ceremony has been held to welcome Ireland's Rugby World Cup squad to the event.
World Rugby chief executive Brett Gosper.
"On behalf of World Rugby and Rugby World Cup Limited to officially welcome the players, management and officials of Irish Rugby Union to World Cup 2015."Ireland opened their World Cup campaign with a 50-7 blowout victory over Canada.
They will next face Romania on Sunday.
Tomorrow's action will include 3-matches, with Japan looking to come in off one of the biggest upsets ever in international rugby when they take on Scotland.
Japan stunned the rugby world in its opener with a 34-32 victory over South Africa.
Other action tomorrow will pit Australia against Fiji.
And the late match will have France against Romania.
Haider-Maurer beats Gimeno-Traver in 1st round of St. Petersburg OpenIn tennis,Here in China,Wang Qiang has managed to make it through qualifying for the Guangzhou Open, beating compatriot Liang Chen in a three set affair.
China's Zhang Kailin is also through after a three set win over Julia Glushko of Israel.
--------------Other tennis news,Maria Sharapova has announced she will return to the tour at next week's Wuhan Open.
Sharapova has been sidelined since Wimbledon due to a right leg injury.
The field in Wuhan now includes 18 of the Top 19 players in the world.
---In tennis action overseas,Austrian Andreas Haider-Maurer has reached the second round of the St. Petersburg Open.
The 28-year-old knocked out Daniel Gimeno-Traver from Spain in straight sets.
--------------On the women's side,Mona Barthel form Germany has made it to the second round of the Korean Open.
The fifth seed defeated wild card South Korean Jang Su Jeong 6-love, 7-6.
Other players including Slovenia's Polona Hercog, German Julia Goerges and Romania's Andreea Mitu have also progressed.
China Takes Bronze at FIVB Volleyball Men's U21 World ChampionshipIn volleyball,China has taken bronze at this year's Men's Under-21 World Volleyball championships with a 3-1 victory over four-time champions Mexico.
This is the Chinese Youth Team's best performance in nearly 40-years.
China finished runners-up at the first edition of the event back in 1977.
Li Yajun Wins IWF Grand Prix FuzhouIn weightlifting,China's Li Yajun has claimed the title in the Women's 53-kilo event at this year's IWF event in the city of Fuzhou in Fujian.
"This performance is well below my expectation, but it is my best performance recently."The silver went to Chinese lifter Hou Zhihui.
In women's 48 kg event, it was China's Guan Chunying claiming the title.
Asian Men's Basketball Championships PreviewIn basketball,This year's Asian Men's Basketball Championships is set to tip-off tomorrow in Hunan's capital, Changsha.
Team China will take on Singapore in their opener.
A total of 16 teams are taking part.
China is in group C with South Korea, Jordan and Singapore.
The winner of the tournament will automatically qualify for the Olympics next year.
EntertainmentOscars: Hong Kong Picks 'To the Fore' for Foreign-Language CategoryHong Kong director Dante Lam's drama "To the Fore" has been selected as Hong Kong's choice for the foreign-language film Oscar.
The selection was made and announced on Monday by the Federation of Motion Film Producers of Hong Kong.
The sports drama about the cycling world stars mainland actor Shawn Dou, as well as Taiwan actor Eddy Peng and South Korean star Choi Si-won.
"To the Fore" is about a team of cyclists whose limits are tested through their own personal desires for victory.
The film has grossed around 23.6 million US dollars since being released in August here in China.
"To the Fore" was chosen over films such as "Wild City," "Tale of Three Cities" and "Two Thumbs Up."Emmys Draw Smallest Audience on RecordThis year's "Emmy Awards" have drawn the show's smallest audience on record, with just under 12-million people bothering to tune in.
Nielson estimates of 11.9 million viewers is down by nearly 4-million viewers.
The Emmys have dropped to become just the 6th most popular awards show over the past year.
The Oscars, the Grammys, the Golden Globes, the Country Music Awards and the Academy of Country Music Award shows are more popular than the Emmy's.
This year's Emmys were dominated by HBO, with "Game of Thrones" setting a record for most wins in a year.
HBO took home a total of 14 Emmy's, including the statues for best drama, comedy, movie and miniseries.
Cara Delevingne, Kate Moss, Liu Wen attend Burberry fashion showA parade of supermodels have run the gauntlet ahead of Burberry's latest fashion show in London.
Chinese supermodel Liu Wen is among those who took part in the event.
"I mean, I love my job so much. I always have a passion for my job so I would love to stay in this industry as much as I can and I am very excited to be in the front row for the Burberry show" "It was so funny, in January I was here for the men's show and right now in September I'm here for woman's show so it's a different experience and different collection but I'm always very honored to be here."Supermodel Cara Delevingne, Kate Moss, former Bond girl Naomie Harris and many others ran the red carpet ahead of the Burberry event.
Harris remained tight-lipped about details of the forthcoming release of the new Bond film "Spectre."The Weekend’s 'Beauty Behind the Madness' Spends Third Week at Billboard 200's No. 1Canadian group 'The Weekend' is still dominating the Billboard 200 with their latest album "Beauty Behind the Madness" for a third consecutive week.
"Madness" is the first album in 9 months to have spent at least three weeks in a row atop the list.
Only Taylor Swift's "1989" did so before this in early January.
"Bring Me the Horizon" sits 2nd on the album chart with their latest effort called "That's the Spirit."Country singer Brett Eldredge sits 3rd with his sophomore album "Illinois".
80's metal band "Slayer" has emerged back on the scene, with their new album "Repentless" debuting at Number-4.
Taylor Swift's "1989" rounds out the top 5.
Drake and Future in party mode on 'What a Time to Be Alive'
One of the most anticipated rap album releases of the year has dropped, with just 24 hours' notice.
"What a Time to Be Alive" is a collaboration between Drake and Future.
It's been released exclusively on Apple Music, but will hit other music channels next week.
The new album has 11-tracks in total.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to arrive in the US later on this Tuesday to begin his much-anticipated trip.
Over 50 new business and economic deals have been signed between China and the UK.
Greece's Prime Minister promising to demand debt relief while taking his oath-of-office after his re-election.
In Business.... Taiwan phone maker HTC being pulled off the island's blue-chip exchange.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.
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