新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/26(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you here on this Saturday, September 26th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese president Xi Jinping has arrived in New York for an upcoming United Nations Summit...
The UN has adopted a new agenda for guiding global development...
And Swiss authorities have announced that FIFA president Sepp Blatter is now the subject of a criminal investigation...
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you some of the business stories that have made headlines over the past week.
In Sports...Team China in the final 12 at the Asian Championships...
And in Entertainment...a record opening day at the Chinese box office for Lost in Hong Kong...
Top NewsChinese president arrives in New York for UN summitsChinese President Xi Jinping is now in New York for the upcoming United Nation summits marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the world body.
President Xi is due to take part in a series of UN summits covering a wide range of topics, including post-2015 development agenda, women's empowerment, and South-South Cooperation, among others.
He will also speak for the first time at the annual UN General Assembly high-level debate, expounding on China's views about how to promote peace and development and address major challenges in today's world.
China and U.S. to improve relationshipAnchor:
China and the United States have jointly announced agreements on issues of climate change, cyber space, and bilateral relations following meetings between the two countries' presidents at the White House.
CRI's Qian Shanming has more.
On the issue of cyber security, President Xi says China and the U.S. have agreed to step up investigation assistance and information sharing on cyber crime cases.
"China strongly opposes and combats the theft of commercial secrets and other kinds of hacking attacks. The US side has concerns in this respect. We can, through the existing channels express those concerns. The Chinese will take seriously the US provision of any information we have already now and in the future we will still through the law enforcement authorities maintain a communication and coordination on this matter and appropriately address them."Talking about the issue of territory, President Xi says that China is committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea.
"We are committed to respecting and upholding the freedom of navigation and overflight that countries enjoy according to international law. The relevant construction activities that China is undertaking in the islands in the south will not target or impact any country and China does not intend to pursue militarisation."President Xi says islands in the South China Sea, since ancient times, are China's territory, and China has the right to uphold its own territorial sovereignty and lawful and legitimate maritime rights and interests.
Meantime, a China-U.S. joint presidential state on climate change has been released.
According to the statement, China plans to start its national emission trading system in 2017 and will lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60 to 65 percent from the 2005 level by 2030.
For his part, President Obama expresses his confidence towards the climate change cooperation between the two sides.
"I'm pleased that we're building on last year's climate commitments. Last month I issued our clean power plant to help reduce America's carbon emissions. Today I want to commend China for announcing that it will being a national market based cap and trade system to limit emissions from some of its largest sectors. Last year I announced our pledge of 3 billion dollars to the green climate fund to help developing nations deal with climate change. Today I welcome China's major commitment of climate finance for the most vulnerable countries as well."On the issue of currency, President Xi says there's no basis for the Renminbi to have a devaluation in the long run, and China will further improve the marketisation and formation regime of the Renminbi exchange rate and maintain the normal fluctuation of the exchange rate and maintain the basic stability of the Renminbi at an adaptive equilibrium level.
Earlier at a welcome ceremony, President Xi also stressed that the two sides must uphold the right direction of building a new model of major-country relations, and make sure the relationship is defined by peace, respect and cooperation.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
Experts view on outcomes reached during Xi's state visit to the Unites StatesFor more on that, we spoke earlier with Shen Dingli, Associate Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University.
Xi's US visit reinforces common vision on tackling climate change: US energy chiefAnchor:
The U.S. Energy Secretary says the prospects for China-US cooperation in combating climate change are encouraging.
He made the remark after leaders from the two countries issued a joint presidential announcement.
CRI's Wang Wei has more.
Ernest Moniz says President Xi's visit has pushed forward the implementation of commitments announced by China and the United States.
"First of all, I think the visit of President Xi is one that is reinforcing what is I think a common vision between the United States and China in terms of addressing climate change. Obviously, it started with their joint announcement, President Obama and President Xi last November in Beijing, and I might say that announcement itself was very, very important. It really changed the nature, I think, of the global dialogue in terms of how we will address climate. But now with this visit, we are going to the next step. We're talking about implementation."Moniz says China has made great efforts to honor its commitments on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
"In addition, we have a very important collaboration, which, I think, gets less attention, is the one between sub-national governments, states or cities. And there we see also Chinese cities and American cities often partnering, and we are seeing their commitments about, in fact, peaking the urban emissions much earlier than 2030."He says the U.S. has adopted an open view in cooperating with Chinese companies.
"We are certainly very open and welcoming. In fact, in the Department of Energy, first of all, we have some major projects, for example, in carbon capture and sequestration where Chinese participants are both welcomed and deeply engaged in the discussion. But we've also had Chinese companies have equity stakes in some of the companies that we have supported. So we look forward very much to investments in both directions."Meanwhile, Moniz says the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) provides a good example in technology cooperation.
"I might just note that specifically in technology cooperation, we do have what, I think, is a very successful joint program called the Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), which has a number of different tracks, involving buildings, involving coal and carbon capture and sequestration and the like. And we had a major review of that program earlier this year. And I think that's been very successful and frankly, could provide a template for bilateral collaboration that we have not only with China, but with other countries as well."For CRI, I am Wang Wei.
First Ladies of China and US Names Baby Panda at the Smithsonian National ZooAnchor:
Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan and US First Lady Michelle Obama have jointly announced the name of the Smithsonian National Zoo's month-old panda cub - "Bei Bei," which means precious treasure.
The trip to the zoo by the two first ladies has once again triggered a "panda frenzy."CRI's Washington correspondent He Fei has the details.
"She is so beautiful and she is the perfect first lady. I'm so happy to see her."Crowds are gathered at the National Zoo, welcoming the visiting first lady of China, Madame Peng Liyuan.
In fact, the two first ladies are no stranger to the zoo as well as the panda cubs. They named "Bao Bao" in 2013 and this time, they jointly picked the name "Bei Bei" for the newly born boy. Same as his elder sister's, his name also means precious treasure in Chinese.
Madame Peng, who is in town on a state visit with President Xi Jinping — called the new panda cub "absolutely adorable.""Michelle once said that the giant panda exemplifies the common bond between China and the United States. That's a lot of responsibility for a cute animal like the giant panda, but she is certain that they are up to the task, and I agree with her very much. I expect and I am confident that the giant pandas will continue to serve as an important link between our peoples and it will bring greater joy and friendship to the people of our two countries, especially the kids of China and the United States."At the ceremony, students from the local Yu Ying Chinese immersion public charter school performed Chinese songs for the two first ladies and assisted them by unfurling the scrolls to reveal the cub's name.
US First Lady Michelle Obama,"We're here because we want young people like you to keep doing what you're doing, and that is connecting with people in other cultures, exposing yourself to new cultures, learning new languages, and you all have done it so well. That's why President Obama and President Xi just announced the One Million Strong initiative to reach one million students here in the US to speak Mandarin Chinese by the year 2020."According to the zoo, "Bei Bei" is doing great and bigger than its other two cubs were at this stage. Officials said the cub now weighs about three pounds, 10 times what it weighed when it was born Aug. 22.
Smithsonian Secretary David Skorton said it was an honor to have the two first ladies celebrating the more than four-decade history of China and the Smithsonian working together to preserve giant pandas and to name the newest addition to its panda family.
Among the crowds, Huang Qihong, a visiting scholar at the Catholic University of America says people both from the US and China will remember this moment as they remember the name.
"The name of the panda will last long and people will remember this moment. And the panda itself is an icon for our friendship with the US. To name the cub together, is a way to strengthen the friendship between our two countries."Leslie Johnson is a local resident who has been a die-hard fan of the panda family here in Washington D.C.
"I actually have lived in Washington my whole life so I started with Ling-Ling and HSing-Hsing with my panda obsession. And this family is just extraordinarily special. So I come as often as I can to see them and so excited about the new baby."In 1972, following President Richard Nixon's state visit to China, the National Zoo received a state gift of two pandas, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing. It was since then pandas are seen as the bond to tie the two people closer.
For CRI, I'm He Fei in Washington.
2030 Agenda adopted at the UN SummitAnchor:
The United Nations has adopted a new agenda for guiding global development between now and 2030.
Our reporter Victor Ning brings more details.
"Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" is composed of 17 goals and 169 targets.
It's set to wipe out poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change over the next 15 years.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the UN Sustainable Development Summit on Friday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere.
Ban says these goals are a blueprint for a better future. To reach those goals, partnership and commitment are necessary.
"We need action from everyone, everywhere. 17 sustainable development goals are our guide, they are a total list for people and planet and the blueprint for success. To achieve these global goals, we need your high level political commitment. We will need a renewed global partnership."Wu Hongbo is deputy secretary of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Wu believes the passing of the 2030 agenda is of great significance to the development of human society.
"Integrating sustainable consumption and sustainable production together, the 2030 Agenda has landmark significance to each country and people all over the world. People will gradually realize its significance as time goes on."The negotiation of this agenda lasted three years.
It aims to build on the work of the historic Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire this month.
The UN Secretary-General says China contributed a lot to the Millennium Development Goals.
"China has been contributing great in implementing the millennium development goals which meet deadline by September this year. The MDG is most successful global region to end poverty, in that regard, China has made great contribution."The Millennium Development Goals was adopted at the UN summit in 2000. It rallied the world around a common 15-year agenda to tackle the indignity of poverty.
The three-day UN Development Assembly began on Friday. It also marks the 70 years anniversary of establishment of the world organization.
For CRI, this is Victor Ning.
PROMO HERESwitzerland Opens Criminal Proceedings Against FIFA's BlatterThe Swiss Attorney General's office has opened a criminal investigation into FIFA President Sepp Blatter.
Accusations against Blatter include violations of fiduciary duties and actions against FIFA's interests, which involved the signing and implementation of an "unfavorable" contract with the Caribbean Football Union in September 2005.
Additionally, Blatter was suspected of a "disloyal payment" of around 2 million dollars to Michel Platini, President of UEFA, and frontrunner to succeed Blatter, who is stepping down in February.
A disloyal payment is one that is made contrary to the best interest of the employer, in this case FIFA. But Platini has said he was paid for work contracted by FIFA.
On Friday, authorities interrogated Blatter, searched his office and seized data.
The announcements came as FIFA ended a two-day executive committee meeting.
The 79-year-old Blatter has served as FIFA's president for 17 years.
He has denied any personal wrong-doing.
For more on the recent developments, CRI's Victor Ning earlier spoke with Mark Dreyer, founder of the China Sports Insider website.
Switzerland suspends sale of VW cars with problemed engineSales of Volkswagen's diesel-engine models have been temporarily banned in Switzerland.
This comes after the world's biggest car maker admitted to using illegal technology to cheat emissions testing in the US.
It's estimated that the move could affect 180 thousand cars.
Meanwhile the Brazilian government has also announced an investigation into whether Volkswagens in Brazil were involved in this emissions cheating scandal.
On Friday, Volkswagen named Matthias Mueller as its new CEO.
The former head of Porsche succeeds martin Winterkorn, who resigned over the scandal earlier this week.
Russia, Ukraine and EU Initial Gas Supply DealRussia, Ukraine and the EU have initialed a deal to supply gas to Kiev.
Maros Sefcovic, the European Commission's Vice President of Engery, made the announcement on Friday.
"I have to underline that I am very happy to announce that we have just initialled a trilateral gas agreement for the upcoming winter, a comprehensive Winter package for 2015 and 2016. I'm also glad to say that all technical details are agreed and framework is set. Confirmation and the signature would require separate procedures."Tensions between the two countries have remained high since Moscow's seizure of Crimea in 2014.
The two sides have been haggling over gas prices. In July, Moscow cut off supplies to Kiev.
Hopes for an agreement have been strong on all sides.
Also on Friday, Ukraine's Energy Minister said the terms laid out in the talk were agreeable to Ukraine.
The Russian energy minister expressed similar sentiment and said that financial arrangements for the deal have been properly laid out.
Russia is Europe's biggest natural gas supplier, while Ukraine provides the main transit route to the EU.
Gazprom, the Russian state gas extractor and the largest in the world, has fought to maintain its market share in Europe.
Meanwhile, EU's storage levels have been declining.
Pilots confirmed dead after aircraft lost contact with Taiwan air forceTwo pilots with Taiwan's air force have been confirmed dead following a crash early this week.
Their bodies were found in the wreckage of their AT-3 training aircraft on Saturday after a military helicopter located the crash site in a mountainous area of central Taiwan.
The plane had taken off from an air force base in southern Taiwan just before noon on Tuesday, and communication with air traffic controllers was lost about 30 minutes later.
The dead include a flight instructor and a pilot trainee.
Foreigners Play Moon Cake Making Game in South ChinaAnchor:
Ahead of the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls this weekend here in China, a mooncake-making competition has been held in the southern province of Guangdong.
Participants from different cultures were tasked with making traditional Chinese-style moon cakes to celebrate the festival with their Chinese friends.
CRI's Chi Huiguang has the story.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, second only to the Lunar New Year. It seems that eating a moon cake while appreciating the bright, full moon has been enjoyed by Chinese people for thousands of years.
However, in Guangzhou, capital city of south China's Guangdong province, a group of foreigners with strong curiosity and interests towards Chinese culture also want to experience and celebrate the festival, by playing a moon cake making game.
Vyshnavi Desiraju is an Indian participant.
"Making moon cakes is really difficult for me. When you are trying to cover it up, the fillings begin to break the skin. So I think this is the most difficult part."Since many of these participants had been in China for years, this wasn't the first time they tasted this special Chinese dessert, but not many of them had ever tried to make mooncakes on their own.
There are various ingredients in a traditional moon cake, including egg yolks, lotus seeds and different kinds of nuts. Participants needed to cover the balls filled with the ingredients with dough skins, and then mold them into various patterns.
Guillaume Marchand came from France.
"If you have very good quality of ingredients, you are going to have good products. Across the activity, I saw some different fillings, very different."After their first attempt, the participants invited their Chinese fellows to make some moon cakes together, and the group who made the best moon cake in the shortest time would be the winner. However, many believed that it wasn't the winning that was important, but giving the baked goods as special gifts ahead of the festival.
Michael Waite is an American participant.
"I was hoping that the ones I made I get to actually keep, so what I was going to do was make it extra special and deliver to my very good friends these home-made moon-cakes that I made myself."Besides the competition, the participants learned that Chinese people mark the festival by getting together with their families and eating different types of treats including grapes and crabs. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper celebration of the festival without moon cakes.
The baked treat, with various flavors, is an indispensable part of the tradition. The round shape of the moon cakes represents unity, one of the most important themes for Chinese people.
During the activity, the participants also tried to use a Chinese writing brush to put their wishes on red lanterns, which is another Chinese tradition. Their performance in using the brushes tickled the funny bones of the audience.
For CRI,I am Chi Huiguang.
WeatherBeijing is clear tonight with a low of 15 degrees Celsius; sunny to cloudy tomorrow with a high of 26.
Shanghai, cloudy tonight with a low of 21; sunny to cloudy tomorrow with a high of 28.
Chongqing, wet tonight with a low of 21; still rainy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Lhasa, clear tonight with a low of 10; sunny tomorrow with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, wet tomorrow with a high of 33.
Kabul, cloudy, 22.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney will see slight rain with a high of 18.
Brisbane, also slight rain with a high of 23.
Perth, cloudy, 27.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be wet with a high of 16 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChinese president arrives in New York for UN summitsChinese President Xi Jinping is now in New York for the upcoming United Nation summits marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the world body.
President Xi is due to take part in a series of UN summits covering a wide range of topics, including post-2015 development agenda, women's empowerment, and South-South Cooperation, among others.
He will also speak for the first time at the annual UN General Assembly high-level debate, expounding on China's views about how to promote peace and development and address major challenges in today's world.
China, U.S. share common interests on South China Sea issue: XiDuring his visit at the White House, President Xi Jinping said that China and the United States have "a lot of common interests" on the issue of the South China Sea.
He notes that both countries support the maintenance of peace and stability in the South China Sea, as well as a peaceful solution to disputes among directly concerned parties.
President Xi also adds that both China and the US support the freedom of navigation and overflight under international law.
Xi Jinping made the remark at a joint press conference with US President Barack Obama, who chaired a state reception for the visiting Chinese leader.
Acknowledging that the Sino-US relationship is of global importance, the two Presidents agreed to enhance communications.
They have also agreed to step up investigation assistance and information sharing regarding cyber crimes.
China to explore new models to boost innovation, entrepreneurshipThe central government of China has vowed to accelerate its effort to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
That's according to a guideline released by the State Council on Saturday.
The guideline encourages a wide range of assistance and aims to connect innovators with sources of funding in the private sector.
It also promises that the government will grant easier market access to startup companies by cutting red tape and improving supervision.
Typhoon Dujuan to hit Fujian on TuesdayTyphoon Dujuan, which is moving towards Taiwan, is likely to hit southeast China's Fujian Province on Tuesday.
The provincial flood control center says that Dujuan is currently slowing down in speed but gaining power.
It estimates that the typhoon will bring a surge in water levels in the northern part of the province by some 1.8 meters.
The provincial authorities have ordered all vessels within Dujuan's landing zone to berth in ports and all personnel to be evacuated by Monday afternoon.
Weekly Biz RoundupAnchor:
It's time to take a look back at some business headlines from this past week in our Weekly Business Review.
The Asian Development Bank cuts this year's GDP growth for AsiaCaixin flash PMI hits 78-month low in September.
And a 'Negative list' to go nationwide in China in 2018.
Let's catch up on all of that and more with CRI's Wenjie.
==The Asian Development Bank has cut its GDP growth forecast for Asia to 5.8-percent this year.
This is down from the 6.3-percent the ADB originally forecast.
Meanwhile, ADB's report shows the Chinese economy is expected to expand 6.8 percent this year.
This is down from its original forecast of 7.2-percent.
Asian Development Bank chief economist Wei Shang-jin explains,"We expect in the next few years, Chinese working-age population is shrinking roughly at a rate of 0.3 percent a year, holding everything else constant, this leads to a reduction in growth rate by 0.18 percent a year. So that's the fundamental thing. On top of that, continuously rising wage cost also gives you additional reason to see the slowdown."The new ADB projections do suggest inflation throughout the developing countries in Asia is projected to slow down through the rest of the year.
The Bank is suggesting this is mostly due to lower global commodity prices.
==The Caixin flash China general manufacturing PMI plunged to a 78-month low at 47.0 in September.
This is down from August's 47.3 reading.
Readings have to be above 50 to indicate expansion.
He Fan, chief economist at Caixin Insight Group, believes the decline indicates the nation's manufacturing industry has reached a crucial stage in the structural transformation process.
Mizuho Securities chief Economist Shen Jianguang believes Caixin PMI cannot reflect all the factory activities in China.
"I think the Caixin PMI just reflects the factory activity of part of the enterprises, the small and medium sized enterprises, most of which are private companies. Factory activities of large companies may be better with the fiscal stimulus. We expect the official PMI will not be lower than the previous month."The flash index is published on a monthly basis ahead of final PMI data.
The estimate is based on approximately 85 to 90 percent of total PMI survey responses from over 420 manufacturers.
==Chinese authorities are making it easier for multi-national conglomerates to use and become part of the Renminbi cash-pooling system.
The People's Bank of China is allowing companies involved in the cash-pooling scheme to move in as much as 50-percent of their pool's contribution into the country.
This is up from the original 10-percent limit.
The PBOC is also making it easier for multi-nationals to join the scheme by reducing the requirements to join.
The cash-pooling program has been in-place in China since last year.
It allows Chinese and multi-national firms, to put renminbi resources into a pool so they can draw from it to fund their various divisions without having to go through the exchange process.
==China has vowed to apply its "negative list" system nationwide by the year of 2018.
An official statement issued early this week suggests the practice of opening all sectors except a proscribed few will be expanded gradually between 2015 and 2017, before a nationwide negative list is established in 2018.
This will help foreign investors gain more access to the Chinese market as well as streamline government administration.
The list, issued by the state council, China's cabinet, has left prohibitions or restrictions on foreign investment in several sectors.
Liu Baocheng, Professor of Beijing-based University of International Business and Economics, believes implementing the "negative list" system will be of great significance.
"For all businesses no matter they are foreign, private and state owned, they have been waiting this for 15 years since China joined WTO. This is significant because we promise we will have a national trade treaty for foreign enterprises but we do not have a trade treaty system at home…"The system has been piloted in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone since 2013==Over 50 new agreements covering areas such as nuclear energy, high-speed railway and currency swaps have been signed at a just-concluded China-Britain Economic and Financial session in Beijing.
One of the agreements announced at the talks is the expansion of the RMB/Pound Sterling swap line.
The currency swap line is an agreement to exchange one-another's currencies at a set rate, and at a certain time in the future.
The two sides have also agreed to carry out a feasibility study on a stock connect system between London and Shanghai.
A pair of Chinese state-backed nuclear power producers is expected to be involved in the building of a nuclear power station at Hinkley Point in Somerset.
Chinese companies have also been invited to bid on a new high-speed rail line in England.
----Yellen says Fed Reserve expected to raise ratesFed Chair Janet Yellen says she expects the Federal Reserve to begin raising interest rates from current record lows by the end of the year.
In a lecture at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Yellen suggested that global economic weakness won't likely be significant enough to dissuade the Fed from a rate hike by December.
"Most FOMC participants, including myself, currently anticipate that achieving these conditions will likely entail an initial increase in the federal funds rate later this year, followed by a gradual pace of tightening thereafter. But if the economy surprises us, our judgments about appropriate monetary policy will change."Yellen says she believes inflation will gradually move up to the Fed's target rate of 2 percent as unusually low oil prices and other factors prove to be temporary.
The Federal Reserve chose not to raise rates last week, citing global economic pressures and concern about excessively low inflation.
==On the Corporate News front,Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China has signed a cooperation document with Boeing Company, which will see the plane manufacturer build its first overseas aircraft completion center in China.
The center, mainly producing the 737 model, will be operated by a joint venture.
The plane maker has also inked a Memorandum of Understanding with China's top economic regulator, the NDRC, to further cooperate in the civil aviation industry.
Meanwhile several Chinese companies have signed purchasing agreements with Boeing.
China Aviation Supplies, ICBC Financial Leasing, and China Development Bank Leasing will jointly buy 300 Boeing aircraft.
==US-based Networking powerhouse Cisco Systems has announced a 100-million-U.S. dollar joint venture with China's information technology firm Inspur Group.
The JV will be located in China. But the specific place has not been announced.
The deal includes reselling Cisco networking gear and jointly developing a broad spectrum of software and hardware.
Inspur Group will have a 51 percent stake in the new venture, while Cisco has 49 percent.
The JV would deliver advanced technologies and services in information technology infrastructure, the cloud, data centers, smart cities and big data.
==Alibaba Group has designated Beijing as its second headquarters after Hangzhou.
China's biggest online retailer made the announcement on Thursday.
The company says Beijing will allow it to target the entire northern region, providing a digital platform for millions of merchants.
About one third of the company's business is based in the Chinese capital.
And that's this week's major business news, I'm Wenjie, thank you for listening.
SportsChina reaches Asian Championship last 12 as top of groupBeginning with basketball action from the Asian Championship,China had an easy 84-67 victory over Jordan and strutted into the last 12 as top of group C having won all three games.
Yi Jianlian hit a team high 26 points with 14 rebounds.
Coach Gong Luming says his team broke their psychological barriers but still need to improve on that.
"The group stages are over. We won all three games. All these games are different and we learned a lot from them. We showed today that we are maturing as a team. We had a significant psychological breakthrough in the game against South Korea. We still need to work on more issues after playing Jordan today. "China will meet Kazakhstan tomorrow evening.
China will also have to go over Qatar and Lebanon before the quarterfinalists are decided.
Some other results from last night,Chinese Taipei finally recorded their first win at the tournament, except it came too late. They are already out having lost both previous games but bowed out of action with a 72-64 win over Qatar.
And Lebanon downed Kazakhastan 91-55.
Jeremy Lin to start season as second-team point guard: coachOver in the NBA,Charlotte Hornets' coach Steve Clifford has announced their summer signing Jeremy Lin will start the season as the second-team point guard behind Kemba Walker.
Clifford says he made the choice based on the priority for the team.
"I think that we have a lot of time. I think we have a lot of guys who are capable of being rotation players. And a lot of times, again, as you know, it's the fit, you know, it's who fits together. Maybe there's someone that we're not even realising right now that can function better on the floor than somebody who's even been a little bit better than them because we do have different ways that we can go but I think that, you know, the first priority is to get to a playing group."The player of "Linsanity" fame believes he has got what the Hornets need.
"Somebody else said that over there but I didn't register it but I didn't know that he had said that. They were just like, 'Oh, it looks like you have the opportunity to do that.' I didn't know that came from his mouth but sweet, you know? As a player I just turned 27 and I feel like the last three years have, if I were to be very honest, just not, not the easiest years for me and I feel like I have a lot to give to the game and I have a lot to give to the team and I'm hoping it kind of materialises here."Lin signed a two-year, 4.37 million US dollar contract with the Hornets as a free agent in July.
He averaged 11.2 points in 25.8 minutes for the Los Angeles Lakers last season.
CSL previewIn football action from here in China,Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai SIPG resume their fight for the title in the Chinese Super League.
Leaders Evergrande, clear by two points, take on Guizhou Renhe who are second from bottom and in danger of relegation.
Evergrande coach Luis Felipe Scolari says it is a good opportunity for his team to extend their lead on the table.
Scolari thinks that Gao Lin not making the line-up for the national squad will allow the player to shift all his focus to his club.
It is Evergrande's last domestic game before their AFC Champions League clash against Japan's Gamba Osaka next Wednesday.
Runners-up Shanghai SIPG are up against stronger opponets in Shangdong Luneng who are trailing close behind in third place.
The result will potentially decide the standings for both teams with four games remaining this season.
Both games have just started and at the last check both are scoreless.
Beijing-based company wins broadcast rights for CSLBeijing based sports broadcaster Ti'ao Dongli has won the television broadcast rights of the Chinese Super League for the next five years.
It won by a record price of 8 billion yuan, or some 1.25 billion US dollars.
Neymar's assets frozen in tax evasion caseElsewhere in football,A judge in Brazil has frozen 47.6 million US dollars of Barcelona star Neymar's assets in a tax evasion case.
Neymar is accused of not paying nearly 16 million US dollars in taxes in a two-year period starting 2011.
The judge froze three times that amount for security reasons.
The frozen assets were in the name of Neymar and three companies which him and his parents co-own.
The action covers property and vehicles and is a preventive measure to stop the player from selling assets before the case is settled.
Neymar still has access to bank accounts.
Nico Rosberg leads Mercedes one-two at qualifying for Japanese GPIn formula one,Mercedes are back in their usual form after a dismal weekend in Singapore as Nico Rosberg led a team one-two in qualifying for the Japanese Grand Prix.
Hamilton said he might have taken pole had his last lap not been stopped by Daniil Kvyat's crash.
Kvyat rolled his Red Bull and slammed into the barriers after his wheel touched grass.
The driver walked away unscathed.
Williams' Valtteri Bottas and Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel are third and forth behind the Mercedes cars.
Henrik Stenson extends lead at Tour ChampionshipIn golf,Leader Henrik Stenson followed up his opening 63 with a solid 68 to extend his lead to three shots after the second round of Tour Championship.
Jordan Spieth closed a bogey-free round to move over Paul Casey to second.
Casey finished at even-par 70 to trail Stenson by four shots.
New world number one Jason Day shot a 71 which left him at even par through 36 holes.
Entertainment"Lost in Hong Kong" Sets a New Box Office Record on Its Opening DayChinese director Xu Zheng's comedy film "Lost in Hong Kong" hit cinema screens here in China on Friday.
The movie has already broken the record for the highest grossing film for an opening day in China with figures of 234 million Yuan (37 million USD).
The film follows the story of middle-aged underwear designer Xu Lai who takes his wife and his immature younger brother-in-law to Hong Kong. However he secretly uses the trip as an opportunity to meet his old flame. It all goes wrong when he finds himself embroiled in a murder investigation.
This is the second directorial feature of Xu Zheng, after the huge domestic hit 'Lost in Thailand', which has earned more than two hundred million US dollars in box office revenues.
The director is also preparing to shoot the next film in the 'Lost' series which will be 'Lost in India' this November.
New Bond theme song unveiledThe theme song to James Bond film Spectre has been unveiled in the UK.
The song titled 'Writing's on the Wall' sung by Sam Smith was unveiled on BBC Radio One on Friday.
Despite Sam Smith's current popularity, the theme song has divided opinions in the UK. Former Bond actor Roger Moore said the song was 'wonderfully orchestrated'. While on the internet, users have described it as the 'worst Bond song ever'.
Sam Smith is the first solo British male act to perform a Bond theme song since 1964.
The last James Bond theme song was Skyfall which was sung by Adele reached number two in the UK singles charts.
No Bond song has ever reached number one on the UK singles chart and Smith is facing tough competition against Justin Bieber who is currently ruling the British charts.
Men in Black to be revived without Will SmithIt's been revealed that the Men in Black franchise is set to be revived without Will Smith.
Will Smith played a lead role alongside Tommy Lee Jones in the hit film Men and Black which was released in 1997 with two further films released in 2002 and 2013. Both actors played government agents in charge of monitoring alien activity and ensuring civilians remained unaware of their presence.
Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Producer Walter Parkes said he was in the middle of arranging the reboot and it would be a triology. He added that it was extremely unlikely that Smith would make a return.
Will Smith in the past has said that three Men in Black films were enough for him.
There have been rumours that the future Men in Black films could be a mashup with 21 Jump Street.
No release date has been confirmed yet.
Jennifer Lopez teams up with UN FoundationPop singer Jennifer Lopez has teamed up with the United Nations Foundation to help fight for the rights of girls and women around the world.
Lopez attended her inaugural event on Friday as the first ever Global Advocate for Girls and Women for the UN Foundation.
President of the foundation, Kathy Calvin says they are honoured to work with Lopez and are looking forward to working together to empower girls and women.
She will help raise awareness to ensure health services around the world and help to work towards ending gender based violence.
Sigourney Weaver to make appearance in Ghostbusters rebootSignourney Weaver has confirmed she will make an appearance in the Ghostbusters reboot.
The actress was in the original Ghostbusters movie and played the Ghostbusting crew's first customer. She joins original stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Annie Potts who will also be making cameos in the female-led reboot.
The size of her role has not been confirmed.
The film will be directed by Paul Feig and will introduce a new ghostbusting crew played by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon.
Chris Hemsworth is set to play the Ghostbusters receptionist. It's also been rumoured that musician Ozzy Osbourne may also make an appearance in the film.
Ghostbusters is scheduled for release in July next year.
Judge approves Caitlyn Jenner's request to make name change officialA judge in California has approved Caitlyn Jenner's request to make her name and gender change official.
The judge approved the sports star's petition to legally change her name on Friday. She didn't personally attend the hearing.
Jenner's new name will be Caitlyn Marie Jenner which replaces her birth name of William Bruce Jenner. She will now be able to obtain legal documents with her new identity.
Jenner made her transition to a woman in recent months and she debuted her new name and look on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. She has also featured in her own television show titled I am Cait.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese president Xi Jinping has arrived in New York for an upcoming United Nations Summit...
The UN has adopted a new agenda for guiding global development...
And Swiss authorities have announced that FIFA president Sepp Blatter is now the subject of a criminal investigation...
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you some of the business stories that have made headlines over the past week.
In Sports...Team China in the final 12 at the Asian Championships...
And in Entertainment...a record opening day at the Chinese box office for Lost in Hong Kong...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.