新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/09/27(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you here on this Sunday, September 27th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this evening...
The Chinese president has made his debut speech at UN headquarters in New York, talking about global development...
Chinese authorities look forward to stronger economic ties with the US...
And authorities in Tianjin are working to ensure compensation is paid to the victims of the warehouse explosion last month...
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you some of the science & technology stories that have made headlines over the past week.
In action from the Asian championships featuring China vs. Kazakhstan...
And in Entertainment...the Golden Bell Awards honouring the best on TV in Taiwan...
Top NewsChinese President Xi Jinping Makes His First Speech at UN on SDGsAnchor:
Chinese President Xi Jinping has wrapped up his visit in the American capital and is now in New York for a series of UN summits marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.
Earlier today, President Xi made his debut at the UN headquarters, vowing that China will make a concerted effort to realize the 2030 development agenda.
CRI's He Fei reports from New York.
The Sustainable Development Summit continues into its second day with more than 70 heads of state and government delivering speeches stating their resolution to realize the 2030 development agenda.
Among them, Chinese President Xi Jinping has made his first speech at the UN headquarters. When addressing the summit, he says over the past 30 years and more, China has embarked on a reform and opening up policy, lifting 439 million people out of poverty and making remarkable progress in areas of education, health and women's welfare. And the country has basically realized the Millennium Development Goals. The Chinese President also calls on the international community to redouble their collective efforts to jointly implement the 2030 Agenda.
"All countries should enhance their development capacity, the international environment for development should be improved, the development partnership between rich and poor countries should be optimized, and coordination mechanism for development should be strengthened."In his speech, President Xi Jinping also highlighted China's active role in international development cooperation. China has provided 166 countries and international organizations with nearly 400 billion yuan worth of assistance and dispatched over 600,000 aid workers. And over 700 of them have laid down their precious lives in aiding the development of other countries.
According to Xi Jinping, China will also establish an assistance fund for South-South cooperation, with an initial pledge of 2 billion US dollars in support of developing countries' implementation of the 2030 development agenda.
In addition to the calls for international community, Xi Jinping says China will continue its effort on the world stage to push forward the Sustainable Development Goals, being listed in the 2030 Agenda.
"China will continue to increase investment in the least developed countries, aiming to increase its total to 12 billion US dollars by 2030. And China will exempt the debt of the outstanding intergovernmental interest-free loans due by the end of 2015 owed by the relevant least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing countries."On Sep. 25th, the UN General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda, along with 17 Sustainable Development Goals to guide the development of the international community over the next 15 years.
For CRI, I'm He Fei in New York.
More on UN70 summitsAnchor:
For more about Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the UN headquarters, CRI's Spencer Musick spoke earlier with our UN correspondent Su Yi.
UN Summit Participants Appreciate Chinese Responsibility Shown in Xi's SpeechAnchor:
Participants at Saturday's United Nations Sustainable Development Summit have shown appreciation to China for its contributions to developing countries.
CRI's Victor Ning has more.
Speaking at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, President Xi Jinping told delegates that China would invest up to 12 billion U.S. dollars by 2030 to help the world's least developed countries.
Along with that, he also announced a package of anti-poverty initiatives covering poverty reduction, agricultural cooperation, trade promotion, environmental protection, climate change, health, and education.
Arancha Gonzalez, executive director of the UN International Trade Centre, expresses her appreciation of what China is contributing to help poor countries, especially in the area of climate change.
"Leadership means leading, showing the way, like China has done now, for example, on climate change, putting three billion dollars on the table to help other poor countries adapt to climate change, but at the same time remaining modest, remaining constructive, remaining capable of also giving when it is about building consensus. This is what we need from China. This is what we need from many big countries in this United Nations."Croatian foreign minister Vesna Pusic also lauded China for its actions.
"China is taking its responsibility really as the permanent member of the Security Council. It's simply such a powerful force. And getting more interested in multilateral organizations means that China is prepared to, I would say, take more responsibility for the broader world in general. "President Xi says China has contributed 400 billion yuan, or about 63 billion USD, worth of aid to help 166 countries and international organizations over the past 60-plus years.
The president also pledged a 20-billion-yuan, or some 3 billion USD, fund to help developing countries combat climate change. Details of that were released on Friday in a China-U.S. joint presidential statement.
For CRI, this is Victor Ning.
China's First Lady Highlights Education on High-level UN RoundtableAnchor:
Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan says her dream is that all children in her country have access to a good education.
The UNESCO Special Envoy for the Advancement of Girls' and Women's Education made the remarks when delivering a speech in English at the Global Education First Initiative event at the United Nations in New York.
Our reporter Wang Wei has more.
"I was once asked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls can have access to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one day education first will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality enjoyed by every young woman on this planet."Peng Liyuan says her father made a small difference in his village many years ago by teaching children to read. She followed his steps and became a professor of music.
During her speech, Peng called for more educational resources in poverty-stricken areas.
"Education is about equality. In poor countries and regions the number of school dropouts is astonishing. We call for more educational resources to these places."Peng also noted why young people need a good education.
"Education is about the young people. Young people are the future. Education is important because it not only gave young people knowledge and skills but also help them become responsible citizens. As the UNESCO special envoy and a mother myself, my commitment to education for all will never change."Meanwhile, Peng Liyuan also stressed the importance of education for women and girls. She said as a mother herself, she understands how important education is for women as they are the first teacher of their children.
For CRI, this is Wang Wei.
Peng Liyuan Calls for More Efforts for Women and Children's HealthMeanwhile, in another high-level UN roundtable themed "Every Woman Every Child," Peng Liyuan has vowed that China will continue to work with other countries to cope with the health challenges faced by women and children worldwide.
'China will always be your strong partner and give full support for the new strategy. As Mr. Sectary-General said, we all have a role to play for our children and children's children. Let's work together to make the strategy a success."Peng's remarks comes follow an announcement by the UN Secretary-General of the launch of the Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health.
Peng, as World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, also revealed the remarkable progress China had made on preventing HIV transmission.
China-U.S. economic ties to get closer after President Xi's visit: vice finance ministerThe Chinese vice finance minister says China and the United States will further tighten economic ties in the future.
During the Chinese President's visit to the US, the two countries have arrived at a series of important outcomes on economic cooperation.
Zhu Guangyao believes this will help to further promote overall bilateral ties.
"The detailed arrangement to be implemented soon will have a significant impact on the future of both countries. For example, the United States has made a commitment that it will treat Chinese enterprises investing in the U.S., including Chinese state-owned companies, impartially, which is an important policy commitment made by the U.S.,"The finance minister says both sides also reached agreements on financial cooperation.
"Both sides have reached a consensus that we will continue to hold in-depth negotiation on establishing an RMB settling and clearing center in the U.S. And the U.S. has also reiterated its support for the inclusion of the RMB in the Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket provided the currency meets the IMF's existing criteria in its SDR review."Tighter communications to promote cooperation are also expected to be developed by the two countries.
U.S. Farmers Welcome Xi's Visit for Vast Market, ExportsAnchor:
New cooperation plans announced during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the United States have garnered a strong response among farmers in the U.S. CRI's Sophie William brings more details.
John Kiefner has owned a farm for several decades in central Illinois. These days, he has been following news about the Chinese president's state visit.
Kiefner says new cooperation in agriculture between China and the US will bring a lot of change to his daily life.
"Within a week, I'll be harvesting soybeans that I've grown under contract. They will be shipped to China. So, we want those markets to continue. The economy has been growing at an incredible pace. Since China's such a huge trading partner for agricultural products, agricultural products that I grow, we welcome the chance for our presidents to meet and for them to do anything they can to increase trade,"Kiefner is growing 120 hectares of soybeans this year. Over a quarter of that harvest will go to China, and that alone will increase his profit by at least 20 percent.
Farm owner Rodger Kehn has also benefited from increasing trade in agriculture, as three quarters of his grain will be exported abroad. He says his family probably wouldn't lead such a good life without Chinese market.
"China comes here and buys our grain, and we're very happy with that, because we want to provide revenue to feed our families here. And if we didn't have that Chinese market, probably our quality of life wouldn't be as good as it is today,"Kehn believes the Chinese market is playing a big part in the success of American agriculture.
During Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to US this week, China and the US jointly announced a series of agreements on issues such as climate change, cyber space, bilateral trade, and infrastructure construction.
For CRI, this is Sophie William.
Chinese Medical Team in Guinea Honored for Ebola FightA Chinese medical team that helped fight the Ebola epidemic in Guinea has been honored at the South-South Awards on Saturday night in New York.
The Awards honor distinguished countries, individuals and organizations that embody transformative sustainable development worldwide.
In particular, areas such as poverty reduction, education advancement, and humanitarian impact are the focal points.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his appreciation of their decision to recognize the achievements of the United Nations.
The 23rd Chinese medical team is comprised of 19 members from Beijing Anzhen Hospital.
They were dedicated to fighting Ebola in Africa for 6 months after a breakout of the disease in early 2014.
Tianjin warehouse owner to compensate for losses caused by blastsAuthorities in Tianjin say steps are being taken to ensure compensation is paid by the owner of the warehouse that exploded in the port city on August 12th.
The warehouse is owned by Rui Hai Logistics, which was founded in 2011. Several company executives and local officials have been arrested in relation to this case.
120 people remain in hospital with injuries sustained in the blasts. Several hundred others have been treated and released in the weeks since the explosions.
165 people were killed.
An international airshow Kicks off in C ChinaAnchor:
An international airshow featuring the world's top aerobatic display teams has kicked off in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan province earlier this week.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
Aviad Skyboard, an American aerial advertising team, was the first presenter.
Pilots from the team scrambled their planes with a massive banner printed with a slogan reading "Remember the History, Cherish the Peace."The performance is designed to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.
Mao Mao, deputy director of the Airshow Executive Committee, says it was the first time for Aviad to conduct a show in China.
"We've invited 4 world's top aerobatic teams with 15 aircraft to this event. It's the first time for teams such as Aviad's Skyboard and World Air Carnival group come to China for air display."The World Air Carnival is an aerobatic display show that involves eight pilots from six different nations.
Rolandas Paksas, former President of Lithuania is one of the pilots.
Breitling Jet, a wing-walking aerobatic team has attracted great public attention by staging mid-air performances.
Captain of the team Martyn Carrington, says they have carried out many rehearsals to familiarize themselves with their routine.
"They have a five point harness. They have a shoulder harness and they have a waist harness. Then they have a strap that comes right up through the middle. And all five go together with an extra safety lock, which is like a double safety security system, so you can't accidentally unstrap yourself."The Air walking activity started after World War I and has a history of nearly 100 years.
Now the speed of the aerobatic airplanes can reach up to 150 miles per hour, which means the performers have to resist accelerated gravity of up to 4Gs.
Emily, another performer says the most daring part is when the wing-walkers need to unstrap from their harness before landing.
"At the end of the display where we unstrap from our harness, and we sit on the front of the wing, so we are free, and that is the most exciting part of the display."International exhibitors believe the airshow offers them an opportunity to have a close look at China's aviation market.
Zhengzhou Airshow will last till Sunday, September 27.
The organizer is holding a live cast through Wechat, a popular mobile instant messaging App in China.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Hong Kong on the Way to be A Smart cityAnchor:
Hong Kong, a compact and densely populated metropolis, is trying to build as a "smart city" by leveraging technological advances to better manage the city and improve services for locals.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has the story.
A Smart City is a very comprehensive concept which brings together technology, government, and society to enable a smart economy, smart mobility, and a smart environment.
Winnie Ho with Energizing Kowloon East Office explains what has been done to transform the old industrial area of Hong Kong into a more livable place.
"Initially, we think this is a land supply project to resolve the lack of land in Hong Kong, but as we move on, there are a lot more. I always imagine can we have smarter traffic lights? Like a robotic police who can sense the real situation at road junction, analyze the situation. How many times are you at road juncture waiting for the red light to change, but there are actually no cars. If we can have a smarter system, we can make better use of time and space sharing in the city."Hong Kong boasts one of the most advanced and efficient transportation networks in the world. Kowloon Motor Bus Company is a major transport operator in Hong Kong and carries 2.7 million passengers every day. The company's Head of Planning and Development, Alok Jain, says a mobile app has been launched, providing a wide range of information that passengers may need regarding buses.
"Doing a lot of layover management, journey time management of our buses, we can save a lot of miles while not affecting the delivery of services. At the same time, we've put what we call telematics equipment inside of our bus fleet, which allows us to monitor the precise location of the buses, the driving characteristics of the buses, which was designed to save some fuel. But what we have done is to utilize this to create an estimated time of arrival system. "Dominic Yin, who is in charge of the Hong Kong office of China Energy Conservation and Environment Protection Group, says they are trying to improve energy savings and management in the process of urban development.
"Smart city involves everything, with energy and environment to be the bases. We are now concentrating in the Pearl River Delta in order to establish some models that can be duplicated by other cities in China."Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia in Spain, is ranked as one of the world's best "smart" cities for its development projects in mobility, energy, the environment and services. Xavier Vilalta with the Government of Catalonia shares the experience of Barcelona.
"For instance, the lighting plan. It's not just sitting with suppliers and big companies hearing what they have to offer, but what you need in terms of lighting for your different roles. We have 5000 streets around Barcelona, they end up with 36 types of different streets that need different lighting, the city center, the industrial area, the residential area, the sea part of the city, the mountain part of the city."Hong Kong has well-developed IT infrastructure with great Internet connectivity as well as mobile service, it is trying to adopt emerging technologies, like cloud computing and big data, to make the city smarter.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
Syrian Representative Speaks at UN; UN Says Billions Needed for Refugee CrisisSyria's ambassador to the UN on Saturday blamed "outside" powers for the violence in his country in recent years.
"My country, Syria, which is situated at the heart of this region, is suffering from a wave of terrorism controlled from the outside, in an unprecedented manner, for the fourth year."Bashar Jaafari was speaking in New York during the UN Development summit. He also called for "international solidarity" with the Syrian government instead of economic sanctions, which he said added to the pressure brought by terrorism.
Meanwhile, when commenting on the ongoing influx of migrants from Syria and elsewhere into Europe, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said on Saturday the world had waited too long to respond.
"Unfortunately only when the poor enter the halls of the rich, do the rich notice that the poor exist. And indeed, until we had this massive movement into Europe, there was no recognition in the developed world of how serious this crisis was. If, in the past, we had more massive support to the refugees and to those countries in the developing world that have been receiving them and protecting them, this would not have happened."The high commissioner said billions of dollars will be needed to address the ongoing refugee crisis.
France launches first air strikes on IS in Syria: ElyseeFrance's government has announced the country's first air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria.
A statement says the move has been made to protect national security at home.
Earlier this month, the French government authorized reconnaissance flights over Syria in order to collect information on IS targets.
France had previously ruled out targeting IS positions in Syria over concerns the air strikes would benefit the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Instead, it limited its air strikes to Iraqi territory.
WeatherBeijing, clear to overcast tonight with a low of 15 degrees Celsius; expects rains tomorrow with a high of 16.
Shanghai, cloudy tonight with a low of 22; will see showers tomorrow with a high of 28.
Chongqing, wet tonight with a low of 21; still rainy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Lhasa, clear tonight with a low of 10; sunny tomorrow with a high of 21.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, wet tomorrow with a high of 34.
Kabul, also rainy, 22.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney will see slight rain with a high of 21.
Brisbane, cloudy, a high of 23.
Perth, cloudy, 27.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be wet with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina pledges 2 billion USD to support South-South cooperationPresident Xi Jinping has announced that China will provide 2 billion U.S. dollars to support South-South cooperation at the UN Sustainable Development Summit on Saturday.
Xi Jinping says China will also do its best to raise its investment in the least developed countries to 12 billion dollars by 2030.
President Xi calls for an equitable and open development path, stressing that no country should be left behind.
The Chinese president also forwarded a four-point proposal on global development.
Tianjin warehouse owner to compensate for losses caused by blastsAuthorities in Tianjin say steps are being taken to ensure compensation is paid by the owner of the warehouse that exploded in the port city on August 12th.
The warehouse is owned by Rui Hai Logistics, which was founded in 2011. Several company executives and local officials have been arrested in relation to this case.
120 people remain in hospital with injuries sustained in the blasts. Several hundred others have been treated and released in the weeks since the explosions.
165 people were killed.
Five injured as boats catch fire at typhoon shelter in Hong KongFive people sustained minor injuries and were sent to hospital on Sunday as nine boats caught fire at a typhoon shelter in Hong Kong.
The fire broke out at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon in Shau Kei Wan. Palls of black smoke could be seen billowing from the scene and explosions were heard.
Firefighters rushed to the scene and had the flames in control after about two hours. The cause of the fire is not known.
Chinese Medical Team in Guinea Honored for Ebola FightA Chinese medical team that helped fight the Ebola epidemic in Guinea has been honored at the South-South Awards on Saturday night in New York.
The Awards honor distinguished countries, individuals and organizations that embody transformative sustainable development worldwide.
In particular, areas such as poverty reduction, education advancement, and humanitarian impact are the focal points.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his appreciation of their decision to recognize the achievements of the United Nations.
The 23rd Chinese medical team is comprised of 19 members from Beijing Anzhen Hospital.
They were dedicated to fighting Ebola in Africa for 6 months after a breakout of the disease in early 2014.
Kerry Meets with Abbas in New YorkUS Secretary of State John Kerry met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday in New York.
The meeting took place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
Abbas is scheduled to deliver a speech to the annual meeting of global leaders on Wednesday. He will then take part in a Palestinian flag-raising ceremony at the UN.
The UN General Assembly approved a Palestinian resolution earlier in September with a majority, authorizing the flying of the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters.
Sci&TechIt's time to check some of the latest headlines from the science and technology sector in our Weekly Sci-Tech feature.
A deceased Chinese writer has had her head cyronicly frozen, hoping to be resurrected in the future.
Researchers in the UK are warning that dementia is a "looming crisis" in that country.
And a paralyzed man moves his legs using a brain-reading device.
Let's catch up on all the latest with CRI's Wenjie.
An author of children's literature and science fiction has become the first Chinese person to have her body frozen, hoping to be revived in the future.
61-year-old Du Hong died of pancreatic cancer on May 30 and had her body frozen through a process known as cryonics and shipped to the headquarters of Alcor Life Extension Foundation in the United States.
Alcor's surgeons removed her head and stored it in liquid nitrogen below minus 196 degrees Celsius, hoping that when technology becomes available in the future, her head can be defrosted, and transplanted onto another torso.
The process cost 120-thousand U.S. Dollars and Du agreed to have only her head frozen because it would cost three times as much to freeze the whole body.
====Robots are increasingly being used in China's factories.
This is part a transition in Chinese manufacturing from the current labor-oriented mode to more automated manufacturing.
Shenzhen Rapoo Technology is among the companies at ground zero of this transformation.
It installed 80 robots to assemble computer mice, keyboards and their sub-components.
Pboll Deng, deputy general manager of Rapoo points out the efficiencies:
"In the past, we had a similar production line with 20 workers, and then it changed to be the u-shape production line with 8 workers. Now, 2 people can finish the assembling of a computer mouse. In this process, robots finish the task that they are capable of and people finish the task that cannot be done by robots. The cooperation of people and robots finish the assembling of a computer mouse."The robots have allowed the company to save 1.6 million US dollars each year and trim its workforce to less than 1-thousand from a peak of over 3-thousand in 2010.
China held the title of world's biggest market for industrial robots for the second straight year in 2014, with sales of 56-thousand units, out of a total of 224-thousand sold globally.
Meanwhile, there's plenty more room for sales growth.
China has about 30 robots for every 10-thousand factory workers compared with 150 in the United States.
The government wants China's number to rise to 100 by 2020.
And it has announced measures such as subsidies and tax incentives to encourage industrial automation as well as development of a home grown robotics industry.
====Researchers in the UK are warning that dementia is a "looming national health crisis" in the country.
According to Alzheimer's Research UK, 32 percent of people born today will go on to develop some form of dementia in their lifetime.
That's 27 percent of the male population and 37 percent of the female population.
Dr. Matthew is the spokesman with Alzheimer's Research UK.
"Currently we have no treatments that can slow, or halt the condition. So those people who do go on to develop dementia will ultimately die with, or from the condition."Alzheimer's Research UK claims that if a drug could be developed to delay the onset of dementia by five years, the number of people living with the condition would be reduced by a third.
Britain has 850-thousand people living with dementia, and that figure is expected to rise along with life expectancy.
====A paralyzed man who has been confined to a wheelchair for five years has regained some control over his legs using a device that reads his brain.
Neurosurgeons transmitted signals from the 26-year-old American's brain to electrodes placed around both knees.
The "neural bypass" procedure generated impulses, triggering movement that avoided the torn spinal cord.
After extensive training, the man managed to step falteringly along a 3.7 metre course, while a harness and walking frame prevented him from falling.
Scientists say even after years of paralysis, the brain can still generate robust brain waves that can be harnessed to enable basic walking.
It is the first time a paraplegic patient who was completely paralysed from the waist down after a spinal cord injury has been able to walk without relying on manually operated robotic limbs.
Scientists say this non-invasive system for leg muscle stimulation is an advance of the current brain-controlled systems that use virtual reality or a robotic exoskeleton.
====Chinese scientists have developed new smart fibers that react after exposure to certain stimuli.
Ranging between a nanometer and micrometer in size, the fibers can be moved and controlled, capable of motion such as shifting clockwise or contracting.
Inspired by the movement mechanism in plants, the fibers can be manipulated using different liquids or solvents.
Scientists say this gives possibility to smart clothes, automatic window shades and artificial limbs with the sensitivity of human muscles.
=======India's Cochin International Airport in the southern state of Kerala has become the first of its kind in the country to meet all its energy requirements using just solar power.
The airport - the country's fourth largest in terms of passenger traffic - first set up a 1 megawatt solar plant to meet part of their energy needs in 2013.
Looking at its financial viability, it recently inaugurated a new 12 megawatt solar plant.
The solar unit has over 46-thosand solar panels, located near the airport's cargo facility on vacant land that's been reserved for future airport expansion.
The total installed capacity generates nearly 52-thouand units a day, more than the airport's total consumption.
A week after installing the plant, airport authorities said in a statement they'd saved around 911 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
The airport expects to recover the cost of installing the solar panels within five years, the panels themselves are expected to last 25 years.
====Car parts producer Faurecia says it has made what it claims the world's first health-monitoring car seat.
The "Active Wellness" seat can actively monitor a driver's physical and mental status to offer an on-the-move therapy session.
Olaf Biedermann, director of innovation at Faurecia, explains how it works:
"What we basically do is to monitor respiration rate and heart rate in the seat, and we derive stress and energy level from that. Then, having this kind of wellness being information, we now can offer a closed-loop comfort system; so in case you are stressed you get a relaxation massage, in case you have low energy levels you get a very energizing massage."It uses a biometric sensing system built into the seat lining that can detect if the driver has a drop in energy levels or is under stress and responds with a specific massage pattern, along with air flow through the seat's ventilation systemThe Active Wellness seat is also designed to work alongside any wearable fitness device that the user may be wearing.
The seating system can synchronise with this data to understand what the individual was doing before entering the car, such as exercising, and provide appropriate therapies.
====BlackBerry has finally announced its first Android device.
The company is planning to release the phone – named Priv – in 2016.
It's announced that Priv combines the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive mobile application ecosystem available on the Android platform.
It will combine Google's software and services with BlackBerry's love of privacy and physical keys.
====And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology feature.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsAsian Championship: China vs. KazakhstanChina are back in action after a rest day at the basketball Asian Championship.
They are on the court against their first opponent in the last 12 Kazakhstan.
Captain Zhou Peng has returned to the team this afternoon after he rushed back home to tend to his sick daughter.
The teams are playing in the first quarter and it is (UPDATE SCORE)In action from earlier,Iran crushed Hong Kong 111-56 this morning to remain undefeated at the tournament,South Korea overhauled Lebanon 85-71,And India beat Pakistan 73-70.
CSL recapIn football action in the Chinese Super League,The gap between leaders Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai SIPG stays at 2 points after both teams won by a late winner.
Paulinho's low shot from the edge of the box in stoppage time helped Evergrande turn a potential defeat into a 3-2 victory against Guizhou Renhe.
It was the Brazilian player's first goal in the Chinese Super League since joining the champions in June.
In other action, Wu Lei's buzz beater gave Shanghai SIPG a 1-0 win over Shandong Luneng.
So Evergrande and SIPG remain favorites for the title as Luneng fade out with the defeat.
The game between Fourth-placed Beijing Guo'an and bottom-of-the-league Shanghai Shenxin has just gotten underway.
There are also four other games tonight to close this round of play.
European football recapOver in La Liga,Barcelona beat Las Palmas 2-1 but lost Lionel Messi to a ligament tear.
Messi limped off the pitch 10 minutes into the game and is ruled out for six to eight weeks.
Barcelona came up to second place, one point ahead of Real Madrid after the season-opening leaders were held at a goalless draw at home by Malaga.
The referee's decision on a disputable last-minute winner denied Real three points in what could have been a victory for the home team.
Isco scored in the 90th minute but it was disallowed as an offside.
Villarreal are the new leaders after a 1-0 win over Atletico Madrid.
In the Premier League,Manchester United moved to top of the table with a 3-0 success against Sunderland.
Memphis Depay scored his first goal in the Premier League. Wayne Rooney ended his 11-round goal drought a minute into second half. Juan Mata added another just before full time.
Man. United coach Louis van Gaal says it's hard to stay on top but they got off to a good start.
"To continue is very difficult in this league, but you can better stay on the top of the league table than like last year when we had thirteen points after ten or eleven matches, and then we have to chase - and we have chased - and at the end we were fourth. But also last year we had the feeling that we could win the league, and I have explained that on a (indistinct non-English word) for fans and I have said that. So, this year it is a big difference. But you can start better from the top than from the bottom I think."In other results,Alexis Sanchez's hat trick gave Arsenal a 5-2 victory over Leicester City.
Defending champions Chelsea were held at a 2-all draw by Newcastle.
Finally in the Bundesliga,Bayern Munich equaled their best start of the season with another win over Mainz.
They have won all seven games this season and grabbed a maximum 21 points.
Unstoppable Robert Lewandowski scored twice in 12 minutes, following his midweek 5-goal rampant run.
They were the Polish striker's 100th and 101st goal in the Bundesliga.
Kingsley Coman assisted one of those goals and put in another himself to seal it 3-0 for Bayern.
Wales stun England 28-25 at Rugby World CupIn rugby,Wales downed England 28-25 in Pool A to take a big step towards the quarter-finals.
The result puts Wales on top of the "group of death" but leaves the host nation on brink of elimination.
England must now beat Australia to have any hope of emerging from the group.
Coach Stuart Lancaster says it's do or die for them come that game in a week's time.
"Oh, there's absolutely no doubt it's knockout Rugby. I mean, Wales have got to go and play Fiji, obviously, they have still got to play Australia, but our game against Australia is obviously, you know, is 'knockout stage'. Two go through from the pool as you know and teams from the past have lost a pool game and got through to the final, we've seen that happen before, so... I said to the boys in the changing room. Everything has to go now towards beating Australia. That's the end... that's fairly obvious."In other action,Italy beat Canada 23-18 in pool D,And South Africa trounced Samoa 46-6 in Pool B.
Lewis Hamilton wins Japanese GPIn formula one,Lewis Hamilton jumped Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg in the opening lap and led all the way to the finish line to win the Japanese Grand Prix.
It is the eighth victory in 14 races for Hamilton this season.
Rosberg started from pole but dropped to fourth after being forced wide by Hamilton in the first two turns. He fought back to finish second.
Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel completed the podium.
In other motor racing news,Honda's Marc Marquez smashed his own track record to take pole position at the MotoGP Aragon Grand Prix.
The Spanish driver clocked 1 minute, 46.635 seconds for his seventh pole of the season.
Jordan Spieth leads by one shot after third round at Tour ChampionshipIn golf,Jordan Spieth is holding a one-shot lead over Henrik Stenson after the third round of the Tour Championship.
Stenson started this round three shots clear of Spieth but the US Open and Masters champion shot a two-under 68 to go top at eight-under overall.
Stenson made three bogeys for a round of 72.
World number one Jason Day closed it at even par.
Lizzie Armitstead wins women's road cycling championshipFinally in cycling,British rider Lizzie Armitstead won a sprint finish to take the women's road race title at the UCI world championships in the US city of Richmond.
Armitstead rode the better part of the 129.8 kilometer course in the rear of the pack but clung to the wheel of Anna van der Breggen to go clear in the last kilometer.
Van der Breggen took another silver after finishing runner-up in the time trial.
Coming in third place is Megan Guarnier.
EntertainmentGolden Bell Awards held in TaiwanThis year's Golden Bell Awards were held in Taiwan on Saturday evening. The awards, in their 50th edition, recognize achievements in the local television industry.
Zhu Zhiying took home the best actress award for her role in "Brave Forward", while Lan Zhenglong was named the Best Actor for his performance in "Apple in Your Eye".
The biggest upset of the night happened when actress Lin Xinru, a fan favorite to win the Best Actress, failed to do so. However, she was recognized when "The Way We Were" took home the Best Drama award. Lin had a starred in and produced the series.
The ceremony was hosted by local entertainment heavyweights, including Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhang Fei, Hu Gua and Wu Zongxian.
Global Citizen festival wraps up in NYCThe Global Citizen festival has just wrapped up in New York City.
US First Lady Michelle Obama introduced a new campaign which focuses on educating girls around the world.
Stars including Ed Sheeran, Beyonce and Coldplay performed to the large crowd in Central Park.
Leonardo DiCaprio who is a UN messenger of Peace also addressed those who turned out for the events.
Tonight the world is watching. We have gathered here tonight to commit ourselves to these global goals to build a future in which shelter, food, clean water, education and basic medical care are seen no longer as privileges for some but as an inalienable human right for all."While Malala Yousafzai, last year's Nobel Prize Winner thanked the crowd for their"And I am Malala from Pakistan. I am so thankful to all of you for your love, for your support, but I'm here standing with four young girls for a cause, for a mission, for a basic human right. The right to go to school, the right to get an education, which every child deserves."US Vice President Joe Biden also appeared on stage and introduced a video message from President Barack Obama.
Trevor Noah's first Daily Show to premiere on MondayTrevor Noah's first episode as the new host of The Daily Show is set to air in the US on Monday evening.
The comedian says he brings a fresh perspective to the table having watched American news and elections from outside the US. Noah was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
He is replacing Jon Stewart who started hosting the show in January 1999 after Craig Kilborn's departure. Noah says he feels nervous stepping into Stewart's shoes but welcomes the challenge.
"I'm aiming to start a new Legacy after Jon. So replacing him, in my mind sounds like the same thing, but it really isn't. Jon has left, he has chosen to leave, so now I'm at the helm and aiming the ship in the direction I think can go on from here,"The Daily Show with Trevor Noah premieres Monday night on Comedy Central.
New Bond song hits No 1 on Billboard trending chartsSam Smith's Bond theme has hit number one on the Billboard trending charts.
It was confirmed earlier this month that Smith would be performing the song for the latest installment of the Bond franchise 'Spectre'.
In an interview with NPR, Smith said the song took him twenty to thirty minutes to write and another twenty minutes to record. The song was never re-recorded.
'Writing's on the Wall' follows the success of Adele's Skyfall which was the hit song for the 2012 film of the same name. It won a Grammy award along with best song awards at the Golden Globes and the Oscars.
The song has had mixed reviews online with some internet users claiming a more experienced musician could have been picked for the job.
Drew Barrymore ready to take break from actingHollywood actress Drew Barrymore says she is ready to take a break from acting.
She said that she doesn't want to spend time away from her children and therefore she's taking some time away from Hollywood.
Speaking with English newspaper The Times, Barrymore says her working hours were keeping her away from her children.
She is married with two daughters.
The actress won't be giving up acting for good, she says that in the future she will be 'pickier' about the roles she chooses while her children are growing up.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
The Chinese president has made his debut speech at UN headquarters in New York, talking about global development...
Chinese authorities look forward to stronger economic ties with the US...
And authorities in Tianjin are working to ensure compensation is paid to the victims of the warehouse explosion last month...
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you some of the science & technology stories that have made headlines over the past week.
In action from the Asian championships featuring China vs. Kazakhstan...
And in Entertainment...the Golden Bell Awards honouring the best on TV in Taiwan...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.