
Hungary Criticized for Hyping Fear of Migrants, Muslims 匈牙利因渲染移民恐惧氛围遭批

BUDAPEST— Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban raised eyebrows when he said refugees and migrants flooding through the country are a potential threat to Europe's Christian values.

Most of them are Muslim and fleeing war and poverty in Asia and the Middle East. The comments ruffled Hungary's Muslim minority.

At least 5,000 refugees and migrants cross from Hungary to Austria every day, many seeking asylum from war and persecution back home.


“Most of them are very tired. So, you can see that they are tired. But, also many are happy to be here in Austria, to have crossed the border to Austria,” said Gerald Pangl, a spokesman for the Burgenland Police Department, in Austria.

“其中大部分人非常疲惫。你可以看到他们非常疲惫。但是,也有许多人非常高兴能够来到奥地利,穿越边境进入奥地利境内。”奥地利布尔根兰州警察局发言人Gerald Pangl说。

Less welcoming

Hungary has been less welcoming, determined to hold back the tide by erecting barriers along Serbia and Croatia to protect the European Union's borders.


Europe's Christian values are at stake, said Hungary's prime minister, a sentiment that broadly plays well at home, but not with everyone.


“I’m a native Hungarian. And, for me, it's not a good thing to hear such comments. ... I hope that the politicians don't mean it seriously, because this can undermine the structure or the peace in the society,” said Sultan Sulok, president of the Organization of Muslims in Hungary.

“我是匈牙利本土人。对我来说,听到这样的评论并不是好事。我希望政客们不是真的决定这样做,因为这会影响整个社会的结构与和平。”匈牙利穆斯林组织主席Sultan Sulok表示。

Playing up fears of Islam and migrants may give a boost of political support, but it also gives Hungary an image of intolerance.


Calm, quiet way

Lucaci Jeno, who lives in Budapest, called on Hungary’s leaders to be less outspoken in their handling of the situation.

住在布达佩斯的Lucaci Jeno呼吁匈牙利领导们在处理目前的形势方面应该有所保留。

“This situation should be handled in a more calm, more quiet way as we can see how Romania and Croatia deals with it,” said Jeno.


Despite two centuries under the Muslim Ottoman Empire, there are fewer than 50,000 Muslims in mainly Christian Hungary.


But it is prosperity, not intolerance, that drives Muslim refugees to settle elsewhere in Europe.


Despite recent rhetoric, Hungary's Muslim leadership said they are well-treated and integrated in this society.

