美国文化脱口秀 第248期:屠呦呦的诺贝尔奖(在线收听


  Nobel Prize: 诺贝尔奖
  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Sweden: 瑞典
  Alfred Nobel: 诺贝尔奖创始人
  Will: 遗嘱
  Physiology: 生理学
  Medicine: 医药学、药
  To take medicine: 吃药
  Prize motivation: 授奖原因
  "For her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against malaria."
  Malaria: 疟疾
  The Gates Foundation: 盖茨基金会
  Eradicate: 消除
  Novel: 创新的、全新的
  Therapy: 治疗方法
  Artemisinin: 青蒿素
  The Nobel Laureates: 诺贝尔奖获得者
  Distinguished: 享有崇高荣誉的
  Secret mission: 秘密任务、神秘的使命
  The Guardian: 卫报
  "Tu Youyou has become the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize, for her work in helping to create an anti-malaria medicine.
  The 84-year-old's route to the honor has been anything but traditional."
  Route: 道路
  Path: 道路
  Honor: 荣誉
  "In China, she is being called the 'three noes': no medical degree, no doctrate, and she's never worked overseas."
  Medical degree: 医学学历
  Doctorate/Ph. D: 博士
  Philosophy: 哲学
  Recruited: 被召入、被聘为
  Top-secret: 一级机密
  TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine): 中医药
  Holistic treatment: 全身疗法
  Alternative medicine: 非主流医药
  Oncology: 肿瘤学、癌症专科
  The Nobel Prize in Literature:诺贝尔文学奖
  The Nobel Peace Price: 诺贝尔和平奖