新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/10/11(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Sunday, October 11th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
At least 95 people have died following twin bombing attacks in the Turkish capital...
Chinese authorities have introduced new draft regulations covering app-based ride-hailing services...
And China's first police force dedicated to protecting tourists has begun patrols in a southern resort city...
We will look back at the science & technology stories that have made headlines over the past week...
In Sports...Novak Djokavic will play for a sixth China Open title...
In Entertainment...the annual Busan International Film Festival comes to a close...
Top NewsTurkey Twin Blasts Kill 95Turkey has declared a three-day period of national mourning following a pair of bombings in its capital Ankara.
At least 95 people have been confirmed dead with another 245 injured.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu calls for national unity.
"There are very strong indications that the attack was perpetrated by two suicide bombers. Once again, on behalf of our nation, our state, our government, our people, we call to stand shoulder to shoulder against terror."Witnesses say two separate bombs went off within minutes of each other at the main train station in Ankara.
The blasts took place as hundreds had gathered for a rally organized by the country's main public sector trade union.
The rally itself was meant to call for an end to the renewed violence between Turkey's Kurdish rebels and the country's security forces.
On Saturday night, thousands of protesters flooded into the main streets of Istanbul, shouting slogans condemning the deadliest attack in Turkey in recent years.
"It is so horrible - human bodies being scattered. There were mothers, children, fathers, youngsters, women, elderly... I am here because I could have been there, or my family could have been there. After all, all those who died were only people. I do not even care where they come from or who they are, I only see them as people who lost their lives. That is why I am here - it is a human's duty. ""I participated in response to the attack in Ankara, to condemn it. These incidents keep happening these days. Government holds anybody that wants peace at gun-point. I think, truly, government attacks everybody without discriminating Turkish and Kurdish if they support peace. Hence I think government is responsible - just like it was in Suruc and Diyarbakir before."Hundreds of people also took to the streets in Diyarbakir, the largest city in the mainly Kurdish region of southeast Turkey, blaming the government for bomb attacks.
Riot police fired smoke grenades and water cannons to disperse the crowds.
The bombings come just a couple of weeks ahead of the November 1st national elections in Turkey.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cut short his election campaign in Istanbul in order to return to the capital.
In the meantime, the Chinese embassy in Turkey says it has not received any injury reports regarding Chinese nationals in that county.
Turkey is a favorite destination for Chinese tourists.
Military Parade Marks Anniversary of NK's Ruling PartyA huge military parade was staged in North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, on Saturday, to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea.
Thousands of soldiers and other military personnel took part in the event in Kim Il Sung Square in the heart of the city.
In a speech before the march-past, North Korea's top leader Kim Jong Un said the WPK is the organizer of all of North Korea's victories, and the party's objective is to serve the people.
He said North Korea will be built into a world military heavyweight under the leadership of the Party, and pledged that the country has the confidence to rise up to any war moves and to defend its people.
A wide array of military hardware including tanks, multiple launch rockets, and missiles rolled along the parade route.
The Communist Party of China was represented at the event by politburo member Liu Yunshan.
He met with the North Korean leader upon arrival in Pyongyang, personally delivering a message of congratulations from Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The parade was among a host of commemorative events being carried out during a week of celebrations.
17 killed in E China restaurant blastAt least 17 people are dead after an explosion ripped through a restaurant in the eastern Chinese province of Anhui.
The massive explosion on Saturday hit just before noon as people were sitting down for lunch in the downtown core of Wuhu city.
A witness reports hearing at least two blasts.
"First, it was the fire and smoke, and then, after we rushed out, we heard two blasts. The second one came more than ten minutes later. There was a loud boom, and we all ran to the back."Initial investigation shows the explosion was probably caused by a gas cylinder that was leaking.
China regulator mulls drafting rules on ride-hailing servicesAnchor:
It appears ride-hailing services that compete with taxis will soon have official approval in China.
The country's transport regulator has released two first-of-their-kind draft regulations permitting such companies to operate.
CRI's Niu Honglin brings the details.
The two draft regulations cover reforms in the traditional taxi industry, and online taxi reservation service management respectively.
They're released amid escalating competition between traditional taxi companies and new operators relying on Internet-based ride-hailing apps.
Xu Yahua, an inspector with the Ministry of Transport, explains what the new regulations will cover.
"We are planning to provide differentiated management and services to the taxis cruising streets for customers and taxis serving reservation orders. The first kind can pick up customers on roads, or wait for them at taxis stops. They can also provide reservation services. The second kind can only provide reservation services. "However, the new drafts state that online ride-booking services can only be offered by taxis registered as online ride-booking service providers.
Private cars are banned from providing such services.
Wu Dong, deputy director of regulations and legislation at the ministry, details the criteria.
"The vehicles must have obtained operating qualifications, which is a clear standard. But the detailed requirements need to be decided by the local governments in accordance with their realities."The drafts also call for the reform of the traditional taxi industry.
Xu Yahua says the industry need to form sound and fair standards on contracts and fees.
"Contract operation aims to motivate drivers and improve efficiency. So it is rational in reality. The contract fees are closely related with taxi drivers' interests and development of taxi companies. We should coordinate the drivers, companies and industry association to reach sound and fair contract fees."Public opinions are now being solicited on the drafts, and opinions will be collected over the next month.
The drafts come two days after ride-hailing industry leader Didi Kuaidi secured a municipal license in Shanghai for private-car booking services.
The company says it is also working with transportation regulators in other cities in China to replicate the licensing model.
Stats show that as of the end of last year, China had 1.4 million taxis nationwide and over 2.6 million people were engaged in the taxi industry.
For CRI, this is Niu Honglin.
China welcomes UNESCO listing of Nanjing massacre filesAnchor:
China is welcoming UNESCO's inscription of documents related to the Nanjing Massacre on its Memory of the World Register.
Our reporter Li Jianhua has more.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says that the inscription gives the Nanjing Massacre recognition across the international community.
The files show the atrocities of Japanese troops in the killing of 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers from December 13, 1937 to January of 1938.
The spokeswoman adds that China will ensure these valuable documents are protected and circulated, and make them play a positive role in remembering history and cherishing peace.
Zhu Chengshan, curator of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, led the preparation of the documents.
He says the inscription marks the Nanjing Massacre as a worldwide warning against holocaust.
"The success in listing the Nanjing Massacre files has made the memory of the city of Nanjing the memory of the world and let more people in the world know the significance as a worldwide warning against holocaust so that they will draw lessons from history and commit to memory that part of history and cherish world peace."Ma Zhendu, vice-curator of the Second Historical Archives of China, says the success of the listing will remind people of the history, and help them draw lessons from it.
"The files are the true records of history. We want to tell that part of history through the files so as to make history serve as a mirror to provide a reference for building a better future."After learning the news of the UNESCO listing, many people made a special trip to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall in the eastern Chinese city.
"We can not forget history as time goes on. To show the history to the public is to let people learn about history more profoundly. This is absolutely necessary."The Memory of the World Register is the list of documentary heritage set up by UNESCO in 1992 and was created to preserve significant and endangered documents.
The latest list was revealed after a two-year process as part of the 2014-2015 nomination cycle, during which 88 submissions from 61 countries were examined.
The final result includes 47 nominations.
For CRI, I'm Li Jianhua.
China's first tourist police patrol SanyaChina's first tourist police have begun patrolling the southern island city of Sanya, Hainan Province.
Sanya Tourist Police is a special unit under the local police. They are tasked with protecting the welfare and interests of tourists in the resort city.
Xu Bin, deputu director of Sanya Public Security Bureau, says the tourist police are twenty four hours on duty and are quick to respond.
"We collect messages and accept complaints from various ways including the internet and relevant departments. We will do our best to respond at the first time to safeguard tourists' rights."Xu says they hope tourists will feel protected while they are in Sanya.
During the National Day Holiday, the tourist police accepted and handled more than 30 cases.
Sanya is a famous resort city situated on the southernmost tip of Hainan Province.
Shanhai Pass Removed from China's 5A Tourism AttractionAnchor:
Chinese authorities have downgraded the qualification standard for a tourist site along the Great Wall in Hebei as part of a new national campaign.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has the details.
Shanhaiguan, or the Shanhai Pass, is located in the city of Qinghuangdao.
It's the eastern end of the Great Wall, where the Wall meets the Sea, giving it a rich history.
As such, its one of the more popular tourist destinations in China, and had maintained a 5A rating, which had made Shanhaiguan one of the top-level tourist attractions in China.
However, Peng Decheng with the National Tourism Administration says Shanhaiguan has now been stripped it of its top-level rating.
"The first reason is price fraud. People working at the Shanhaiguan Pass have been accused of forcing tourists to donate in temples. Its Laolongtou Scenic Spot has also hiked prices without authorization. The area also has very poor sanitation. Many of the facilities at the site have either been damaged or are out-dated. The quality of its tourism services has seriously declined."Shanhaiguan is the first top-level tourist site in China to lose its 5A Qualification standard.
Several officials who administer or work at the site have been either fired or demoted as a result.
This is part of a broader, nation-wide campaign launched in September to try to clean-up China's top-level tourist spots.
Tourism regulators have also issued warnings to six other top-tier tourism sites, including Lijiang's Old Town in Yunnan, the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai and the Ming Tombs in Beijing.
All of them, along with Shanhaiguan, have been given 6-months to fix their problems.
Peng Decheng with the National Tourism Administration says this should serve as a warning for the rest of the 5A tourist sites in China.
"At all times, the National Tourism Bureau has managed the 5A sites under the strictest codes. By delisting them or issuing warnings, we're trying to get these sites to prioritize the needs of tourists, rather than just trying to turn a profit. We need them to to maintain a high-level of management and services."Dai Bin, head of the China Tourism Academy, says the new crackdown is a good first-start, but suggests more still needs to be done.
"The management and administration of tourist attractions, as well as the overall tourism market, needs to be scrutinized more to ensure local administrators are following the rules. Handing down punishments is a good start, and should help clean up the management of China's tourism industry. However, the central authorities need to keep in closer contact with local tourism administrations to ensure standards are maintained.
A 5-tiered standard for tourist attraction quality is currently in-place here in China, with 5A as the highest and 1A as the lowest.
The quality-rating system was launched in 2007, with 66 tourist attractions first being given a 5A rating.
That number has since gone up to 200 as of July of this year.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
Two Palestinians Were Killed in Clashes with Israeli Security ForcesIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered a massive boost to the numbers of border police reservists in Jerusalem and across mixed Jewish and Arab cities, amid Israel's efforts to quell the spread violence across the country.
It comes after Israeli security forces killed two Palestinians on Saturday in clashes near the border with the Gaza Strip.
The two were shot dead as they were taking part in protests near the Israeli border security fence.
Another protester describes what he saw.
"What happened is that the people were throwing stones and the Jews (Israeli forces) were shooting at them. Two were shot and a child is among the dead."The shooting comes just a day after seven Palestinians were killed and 90 others were injured in fierce clashes that broke out after Friday's prayer, following a speech of senior Hamas leader Ismail Haneya to enlarge the uprising.
Tension and violent clashes flared in the West Bank and east Jerusalem after security measures enacted by the Israeli side at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in east Jerusalem and following an attack on settlers that killed two Israelis near the West Bank city of Nablus.
U.S., Russia hold talks on safe flight operations over SyriaDefense officials from the US and Russia held a video conference on Saturday to discuss safe flight operations over Syria.
Both countries have been conducting air strikes against Islamic State targets, but the campaigns are uncoordinated.
The Pentagon has released a statement calling the discussions "professional," and saying the talks "focused narrowly on the implementation of specific safety procedures."The US side also says it's been agreed to hold another round of talks in the near future.
The US and Russia are holding talks in order to avoid air accidents during conduct of their respective campaigns.
Egypt buys warships from FranceEgypt has signed a contract to buy two Mistral warships from France.
Egypt's president and France's Prime Minister attended the signing ceremony in Cairo.
The ships, which can carry 16 helicopter gunships, 700 troops and up to 50 armored vehicles each, were originally intended for Russia.
The ships were built to Russia's specifications, but the deal fell apart due to the situation in Ukraine.
It was supposed to be the biggest arms sale ever by a NATO country to Russia.
Peru World Bank, UN, and WB Invest More Money to Deal with Migrant CrisisThe heads of several top lending institutions met in Lima on Saturday to discuss the need to invest in development across the Middle East.
A joint initiative has been announced to raise financing in the region and help those countries hosting significant refugee populations as well as impacted by conflict.
Attendees included UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Islamic Development Bank chief Ahmad Mohamed.
The World Bank President urged the international community to join efforts to weather the social and economic crises threatening the development of countries in the Middle East.
"The scale of the crisis has now become global with migrants advancing into Europe and beyond. We're therefore confronted with humanitarian economic and social crises, which are unprecedented, and threatening the short and long-term development of countries across the region. The international community must urgently address these crises in order to mitigate the risks of conflicts exacerbating and prevent instability from becoming the long term norm."World Bank damage assessment estimates say the Syrian war alone has cost over 170 billion US dollars.
First charter planes in decades arrive in Cuba from the United States14 private U.S. planes landed in Cuba on Saturday, the first time in decades this has been permitted.
The planes carrying 28 tourists landed in Varadero, 140 km east of the Cuban capital, Havana.
Ernesto Adlum, president of the Cuban Aviation Club, says that more collaborative projects are in the works.
"Cuban Aviation Club proposes that, along with Aero-clubs from Florida and other parts of the United States, we organize events like caravans and rallies through which we'll visit different airports and tourist spots in the country."At the end of 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced that the two former adversaries would end more than half a century of hostility and restore diplomatic relations.
Since then, the two countries have opened embassies in each others' capitals and other efforts are underway to normalize relations.
Lang Lang in concert in Havana to mark the 500th anniversary since the founding of the Cuban capitalAnchor:
Renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang has taken part in a concert to mark the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Cuban capital, Havana.
The details from CRI's Poornima Weerasekara.
Chinese piano virtuoso Lang Lang joined Cuban jazz legend, Chucho Valdes for an electrifying outdoor concert in the historic Cathedral corner in Old Havana. The special performance on Friday marked the 500th anniversary since the founding of one of the oldest cities in the Americas.
The repertoire included classical works of composers like Tchaikovsky and Gershwin and popular Cuban pieces by local composers like Ernesto Lecuona and Antonio María Romeu among others.
It is the first time that a Chinese pianist has traveled to Cuba.
Lang Lang says it was an exhilarating experience.
"It's incredible for me to come to Cuba for the first time. I know Havana, the city, from films, from books, from movies, from the internet, for so many years, and such a beautiful city… and playing Cuban music, in Havana, that's going to be something."One of the highlights of the show was Lang Lang's duet with legendary Cuban jazz artist, Chucho Valdés.
Valdés - born in Havana - has won eight Grammy Awards for his music.
The two musicians met by chance last year in Vienna, Austria.
Valdes says he was instantly taken in by Lang Lang's eclectic style and decided to invite him on the spot.
"It's a treat to have an artist of the stature of Lang Lang doing a concert here, on the 500th anniversary of the city of Havana, the founding of the city of Havana and the people, everyone wants to see the concert, wants to see Lang Lang, the symphony and what we're going to do, so this is going to be incredible."The duo was backed by the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba, led by American conductor Marin Alsop.
Music students were invited to the general rehearsals before the big event.
Cuban Piano Student, Magda Lisa Osorio said she was thrilled to see these two great musicians performing together.
"Being able to share with Lang Lang and listen to him, take pictures with him, it is amazing. I, for example could not have imagined being told, 'You are going to meet him and be close to him', it's like having your aspiration, your greatest aspiration so close to you."The New York Times has described Lang Lang as the "hottest artist on the classical music planet." Time magazine recently included him on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world.
The 30-year-old, who has become popular on social media for his spikey hairstyle and for sporting shiny jackets at classical music concerts, is one of the most successful cultural icons of modern China.
For CRI I'm Poornima WeerasekaraAlibaba's Taobao Faces Call to be Relisted on 'notorious' Fakes ListAlibaba's online marketplace Taobao is once-again facing calls to be put back on the US government's list of "Notorious Markets" for counterfeit goods.
The American Apparel and Footwear Association has filed a formal complaint to the US Trade Representative.
Chen Fengying, head of Global Economic research with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says Chinese companies such as Alibaba need to be careful when operating in foreign markets.
"Why do we see some Chinese companies being targeted when they enter foreign markets? For one thing, those markets have more strict rules than ours, especially for protecting intellectual property rights. But at the same time, competitive firms sometimes get more attention from the authorities. Once they spot an issue they will go after the firms for it. So once Chinese companies venture into foreign markets, they need to be sure they're complying with local laws and regulations."Fakes have long been a problem for Alibaba.
Taobao was first added to the US government's "Notorious Markets" list in 2011, but removed a year later after the company worked with trademark owners to clean up the site.
Earlier this year, French luxury product producer Kering filed a law suit in New York against Alibaba, accusing it of profiting from the sale of fake goods.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy today with a high of 22 degrees Celsius, clear tonight with a low of 9.
Shanghai will be sunny with a high of 21, clear tonight with a low of 13.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy with a high of 26, clear tonight with a low of 16.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 33.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 25.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees.
Washington, sunny with a high of 19 degrees.
Honolulu, light rain, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 18 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have light rain with a high of 15.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 28 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsTurkey Twin Blasts Kill nearly 100Turkey has declared a three-day period of national mourning following a pair of bombings in its capital Ankara.
At least 95 people have been confirmed dead with over 200 others injured.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says there are strong indications that the attack was perpetrated by two suicide bombers.
No group has claimed responsibility yet.
The blasts took place as hundreds had gathered for a rally organized by the country's main public sector trade union.
The rally itself was meant to call for an end to the renewed violence between Turkey's Kurdish rebels and the country's security forces.
U.S., Russia hold talks on safe flight operations over SyriaDefense officials from the US and Russia held a video conference on Saturday to discuss safe flight operations over Syria.
Both countries have been conducting air strikes against Islamic State targets, but the campaigns are uncoordinated.
The Pentagon has released a statement calling the discussions "professional," and saying the talks "focused narrowly on the implementation of specific safety procedures."The US side also says it's been agreed to hold another round of talks in the near future.
The US and Russia are holding talks in order to avoid air accidents during conduct of their respective campaigns.
Premier urges meeting deadline of shanty town renovationChinese Premier Li Keqiang is urging local governments to push forward renovations of shanty towns.
Li says the renovations not only improve housing conditions for low-income families, but are also a key point for the country's urbanization drive.
China has set goals to construct 36 million affordable houses between 2011 and 2015.
It is reported that so far 20 million have been completed, with another 12 million under construction.
The premier urges local governments to ramp up efforts including providing financial and tax support, and encourages private capital to take part in the task.
17 killed in E China restaurant blastAt least 17 people are dead after an explosion ripped through a restaurant in the eastern Chinese province of Anhui.
The massive explosion on Saturday hit just before noon as people were sitting down for lunch in the downtown core of Wuhu city.
A witness said that he heard at least two blasts.
Initial investigation shows the explosion was probably caused by a gas cylinder that was leaking.
Infectious diseases kill 1,433 in China in Sept.
More than 14-hundred people died from infectious diseases on the Chinese mainland in September.
That's according to the latest data released by the country's health authorities.
HIV/AIDS was the top cause, claiming over 1,100 lives.
The second highest cause of death was tuberculosis.
It's time to check in with some of the stories making headlines from the world of science and technology this past week in our Weekly Sci-Tech feature.
This week has seen Toyota achieving a milestone in the development of self-driving vehicles, and Microsoft rolls out a new set of toys.
For more, here's CRI's Wenjie.
Japanese car manufacturer Toyota has been testing its automated self-driving car in real highway traffic in Tokyo.
Called the "highway teammate", the car can safely enter the motorway and change lanes without any human intervention.
The prototype car is a modified Lexus GS and features equipment such as cameras, multiple sensors and highly accurate road map data.
Moritaka Yoshida, Toyota's Senior Managing Officer says the auto maker aims to commercialize the project by 2020.
"This car can handle almost every action a driver has to do on a highway without human intervention. We would like to aim for the commercialization of this technology by the time Tokyo hosts the Olympics in 2020."The Japanese carmaker has been testing its prototype for several years but this is the first time the car has entered a motorway from a slip road and exited again without any human involvement.
Before Toyota some companies like internet Tycoon Google had tested their self-drive cars.
==Microsoft is doubling down on its Surface devices business, unveiling a new laptop Tuesday alongside an updated tablet.
Even as Microsoft has positioned the Surface as a laptop replacement, it's making a separate Surface laptop model, the Surface Book.
Microsoft says it's for scientists, engineers and gamers who need a lot more performance than a tablet.
Panos Panay, Microsoft Vice President for Surface Computing:
"This is the ultimate laptop. It's the first laptop ever built by Microsoft and it redefines everything about what you expect in a laptop."The laptop starts at $1,499, compared with $899 for the new Surface Pro 4 tablet.
Microsoft also unveiled two new phones and a fitness tracker as it continues efforts to reduce its dependence on personal computers and traditional software.
==Indonesians are using a new mobile app to give their government a wake-up call, demanding immediate fixes for poor public services in the capital of the world's fourth-most populous country.
The app "Qlue", which has won backing from Jakarta city authorities, let residents post online photographs of problems ranging from potholes in roads to broken traffic lights, in an effort to spur action.
It has managed to garner 80-thousand users since it was launched eight months ago.
Irawan Endro Prasetyo is one of them.
"If we want to report something, we need to go through a process, either through the local government in the neighborhood or the community or other (departments). And we do not know when the report is going to be received. Through this application, we can immediately get in touch with respective municipal agencies or officials, for example, the chief of the municipal government. It is very fast."Jakarta this year has topped a list of 78 cities with the world's worst traffic.
The city of 10 million also suffers annual flooding and levels of pollution that are among the worst in Southeast Asia.
The company that created the app said they were inspired by the fact that there has been no channel for the citizens to file their complaints.
==Scientists have sequenced the genome of a 4,500-year-old man in Africa for the first time, a difficult achievement since the hot climate has made DNA difficult to recover from old remains.
The breakthrough was made using the skull of a man buried face down in a cave in the southern Ethiopian highlands.
Researchers say DNA extracted from the skull supports the theory that a wave of Eurasian farmers migrated back into Africa some 3,000 years ago.
These farmers' DNA reached far into the continent, spreading groups previously considered to be isolated.
Previously, scientists had only been able to sequence DNA from samples found in northern and Arctic regions, because the climate there allows genetic material to survive for longer.
==The Islamic State group has shifted its propaganda distribution to the secure mobile messaging app Telegram from Twitter, where its accounts have been repeatedly shut down over the past year.
IS and other jihadist groups appear to be exploiting new functionality introduced by the app last month, which allows users to broadcast their messages to an unlimited number of users via their own Telegram "channel".
On 26 September, just four days after Telegram trumpeted the launch of its new "Channels" tool, IS media operatives on Twitter started advertising the group's own channel dubbed Nashir, which translates as "Distributor" in English.
It has already amassed more than 4,500 subscribers.
==A new technology is on trial to help Australian farmers analyze pastures by using "optical sensors".
The machine takes photos of paddocks and feeds in other satellite data to determine how many stock can graze in a paddock and how long they can stay there without damaging the pasture.
This has been touted as a game changer for the industry.
Dr Matthew McDonagh with Meat and Livestock Australia, a research institute for the Australian red meat and livestock industry.
"This pasture optical sensor will allow farmers to understand how much pasture they've got on offer for their sheep and cattle and out of that, they can better plan how to manage those stock."The technology is being trialed at five research sites across Australia over the next three years.
It's hoped it'll then be rolled out on a commercial scale.
==Facebook's trademark "like" button is set to get more expressive as the social network is launching a pilot test of "Reactions".
The new buttons will allow users to express their sympathy, anger or sadness.
"Dislike," however, is not one of the options.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post Thursday that users have been requesting ways other than like to respond to posts, such as when someone posts about the death of a loved one or a tragic news story.
Users have also pressed the world's leading online social network for years for a "dislike" button to complement the existing thumbs up one.
==And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology feature.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsNovak Djokovic advances at China OpenIn tennis news:
Novak Djokovic defeated David Ferrer in the semi-finals of the China Open on Saturday .
Djokovic has yet to lose while playing in the China Open.
Ferrer played hard against the top seed, but couldn't prevent Djokovic from breaking his serve six times to seal a 6-2, 6-3 victory in 74 minutes.
Djokovic will now attempt to win his sixth China Open title in six appearances against Rafael Nadal.
The recent winner Djokovic stated that he is excited for the upcoming final and thinks his competitor will offer a great challenge.
Every time I get to play against him it is another challenge - he's the player I played against the most in my career so he hasn't been playing maybe on the level this year that he is was playing on the last ten years. But he is a champion, he knows how to play big matches, he deserves to be in the final and it is going to be a good one."Nadal leads their head to head matches 23-21, but hasn't beaten the Serb since the French Open final last year.
Muguruza advances in China OpenOn the women side,Garbine Muguruza beat Agnieszka Radwanska in three sets to advance to the final of the China Open on Saturday.
In their last three encounters, Garbine Muguruza had beaten Agnieszka Radwanksa.
As the game started it appeared that Radwanksa might have the upper hand this time around.
But eventually momentum shifted in Muguruza's favor.
Radwanska did her best to keep the contest alive, but could not stop Muguruza wrapping up a 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 triumph.
Muguruza will play Timea Bacsinszky of Switzerland in the final today.
Australia beats Wales in Rugby World CupIn rugby news:
Australia beat Wales 15-6 while down to 13 men on Saturday's Rugby World Cup game at Twickenham.
The winners are now at the top of the Pool A group in the tournament.
Australia and Wales had already qualified for the quarter-finals before this contest, but the winner would clinch top spot in Pool A and avoid playing South Africa in the last eight, facing Scotland instead.
Australia's head coach Michael Cheika stated he is pleased with the games result but looks to better games in the future.
"It was pretty tight and I think it was a different type of game for us compared to the games that we've played so far, so we had to show a different skin and obviously very pleased with the result. Plenty of imperfections in our game and that's something we are going to have to improve before we get to the quarter-final."Wales's frustrating game play was made worse by the worrying sight of player Liam Williams hobbling off the field after the game.
France and Ireland prep for Rugby World Cup matchThe top spot in Pool D is at stake as France prepare for Sunday's Rugby World Cup showdown against Ireland in Cardiff.
Players on both teams have had game time, combinations have been tested, injuries have been kept to a minimum, fairly routine wins have been racked up.
All roads now lead to Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.
France has reached the semi-finals in six of the previous seven World Cups, with only New Zealand matching that consistency.
French captain Thierry Dusautoir stated that this game is the only thing his team is focused on.
"Look, the last time we played against Argentina, we lost it. So it's true that we can maybe have more opportunities to win the game against the Argentinians, but I don't think it will be easy for us to play against them. Really I just want the team to be focused on this game, to improve and to have the aim to win the game with Ireland. I'm just thinking about this."The winners of this match will face Argentina on 18th, while the losers will play New Zealand the day before.
Netherlands beats Kazakhstan in 2016 Euro QualifierIn soccer news:
The Netherlands kept alive its hopes of qualifying for next year's European Championship by beating Kazakhstan 2-1 in Astana on Saturday.
Netherland's headcoach Danny Blind stated that some mistakes were made during the game, but overall he was pleased with the result.
"The first 60 minutes we were in control, we scored two goals. After that, in the last 30 minutes, we gave away too much space and Kazakhstan got a goal. But I'm satisfied with the game we had tonight."The Dutch have not missed a major tournament since the 2002 World Cup, and the last time the team failed to qualify for the European Championship was in 1984.
Nico Rosberg recieves pole position at Russian Grand Prix.
In F1 racing news:
Mercedes' Nico Rosberg took pole position for the Russian Grand Prix on Saturday.
Rosberg set a time of one minute, 37.113 seconds midway through the final qualifying session in Sochi to beat Hamilton by more than three tenths of a second.
The pole position winner stated he is happy with his performance despite suffering from a lack of practice.
"Yeah for sure, I am very happy. It's been a difficult weekend actually because of the little running that we got, you know, we didn't get much practice, but yeah qualifying worked out really well and found a good balance on the car"Williams' Russian driver Valtteri Bottas took third, ahead of Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen.
The race was concluded early after Toro Rosso driver Carlos Sainz Jr. suffered a high-speed crash.
The Toro Rosso team stated that Sainz is uninjured but will spend the night in hospital as a precaution.
Fitzpatrick stays on top at British MastersIn golf news:
Matthew Fitzpatrick shot a 3-under 68 on Saturday to maintain his place atop the British Masters leaderboard after the third round.
The Englishman was joined in the lead by Thailand's Kiradech Aphibarnrat.
Fitzpatrick has led since day one, while Aphibarnrat shot a 67 to join him on a 12-under.
Denmark's Soren Kjeldsen started the day tied for the lead with Fitzpatrick, but a 69 dropped him to third later in the day.
EntertainmentImmortal,' 'Walnut Tree' Share Top Prizes in Busan Film FestivalThe annual Busan International Film Festival closed on Saturday in South Korea's with Iranian film "Immortal" and Kazakh film "Walnut Tree" sharing the top prize.
Prizes for the New Currents competition section were announced and selected by a jury headed by Taiwan actress, director and screenwriter Sylvia Chang.
The film festival's closing film was Chinese director Larry Yang's "Mountain Cry."The movie tells the story of a mysterious mute widow. After the violent death of her husband in a scenic mountain village, she is assigned a man to provide for her and her children. As they develop a bond, they discover her life story and her ability to tell it.
The Busan International festival showed 302 movies from 75 countries.
The event drew a record number of nearly 230 thousand visitors over 10 days.
Attendants include renowned filmmakers such as Hou Hsiao Hsien from Taiwan, American actor Harvey Keitel, French actress Sophie Marceau all attended the event.
Chinese Actor Huang Bo Sings the Theme Song for "The Little Prince"The upcoming animated film "the little prince" has released its Chinese theme song by actor Huang Bo, who's also the voice of the Aviator in the film.
Besides Huang Bo, the voice cast also includes some 11 actors and actress such as Huang Yici, Huang Lei, Hu Haiquan and Yi Yangqianxi.
The Little Prince is a new animated feature from Mark Osborne, the director of Kung Fu Panda.
The story follows a little girl who is brought into a magical world by her neighbor, the Aviator, where anything is possible. It's in this same terrain where he was brought long before by the Little Prince.
This is the first adaptation of the much-loved novella, which has sold some 145 million copies in 265 languages worldwide.
The movie will be released in China on Oct the 16th in both English and ChineseActress walks red carpet at NYFF for 'Carol';Rooney Mara has premiered her upcoming film "Carol" at the New York Film Festival.
The film originally played at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, and Mara left with the award for Best Actress.
The actress says bringing the movie back to her hometown is exciting but also not easy.
"Well, it's great. This is my hometown, so I'm, it's always exciting to do any sort of premiere in New York." "That's a totally different audience. It was so exciting and such a huge honor, but you always feel pressure."Based on Patricia Highsmith' 1952 novel, "The Price of Salt," the film stars Mara as a department store clerk who falls in love with an older married woman, played by Cate Blanchett. The two embark on a forbidden love affair that must be kept secret.
While Mara feels times have changed, she also thinks we still have a long way to go.
"Carol" opens in U.S. theaters on 20 November.
'The Walking Dead' Hosts Huge Premiere of New Season in New YorkA big premiere for season six of AMC's "The Walking Dead" is being held in New York's Madison Square Garden.
The event, which awards fans with tickets via giveaways and sweepstakes, screened the season six premiere and held a panel with 18 cast members.
Cast member Norman Reedus, who is a fan favorite, is modest about his character's popularity.
"I don't think about it to be honest. I get a lot of like cops and firemen and FedEx dudes being like, 'Yeah, Daryl!' you know? I don't really do those things where you see those people to be honest that know that they're loved, to be honest. I live in the woods and I come home to New York and hang out with my kid and hide in my apartment so, I don't know, it's nice.""The Walking Dead" is about people trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse.
Over time, it's evolved from being about people trying to escape the undead as it is people trying to outlast other people, as civilization and order has crumbled around them.
It is one of the most-watched shows on television and has a global fan base.
Chinese piano superstar Yuja Wang releases new album, RavelChinese pianist Yuja Wang has reunited with the Zürich Orchestra – the ensemble with whom she made her European debut in 2003 aged 15 – for her latest recording, Ravel.
Released in Hong Kong on Friday, the album is Wang's first foray into French repertoire on disc, and features Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major and the less familiar Piano Concerto for the Left Hand in D major.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy today with a high of 22 degrees Celsius, clear tonight with a low of 9.
Shanghai will be sunny with a high of 21, clear tonight with a low of 13.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy with a high of 26, clear tonight with a low of 16.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 33.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 25.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees.
Washington, sunny with a high of 19 degrees.
Honolulu, light rain, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 18 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have light rain with a high of 15.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 28 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A recap of your headlines:
At least 95 people have died following twin bombing attacks in the Turkish capital...
Chinese authorities have introduced new draft regulations covering app-based ride-hailing services...
And China's first police force dedicated to protecting tourists has begun patrols in a southern resort city...
We will look back at the science & technology stories that have made headlines over the past week...
In Sports...Novak Djokavic will play for a sixth China Open title...
In Entertainment...the annual Busan International Film Festival comes to a close...