英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1009 - 化妆令女人更成功?(在线收听

 Topic1-'Medical Tourism' Continues to Grow in China"Medical tourism" is growing more popular in China. It's kind of like medical treatment and service shopping in foreign countries, either arranged by people independently or through medical tourism agencies. And do you think it's worth it?

Topic2-Failure of Exclusively Played Online VideosPlaying a popular TV-series exclusively on one video website seems to be a popular business strategy. However, as it turns out, the measure cannot guarantee economic profits for these websites, with many of them suffering a huge economic loss. Why is it?
Topic3-Regrets of College LifeA recent survey conducted by China Youth Daily shows that more than 80 percent college graduates say there have something regretful about their college lives. What kind of regrets you have?
Topic 4: Can Make-up Make Women More Successful?
Putting makeup on is a daily routine for a lot of career women. Some fear that if they don't wear make-up they will lose out on promotions and pay rises. Can putting makeup on bring women success?