美国文化脱口秀 第250期:特朗普:美国的王健林(在线收听

   你知道Donald Trump是谁吗?他可是美国的王健林。是地产大亨,也是电视真人秀"The Apprentice"里大吼'You're fired'的霸气老板;现在Trump还是16年美国总统候选人。凭着语不惊人死不休的反移民、反华、反女权言论,成为民调最高的共和党候选人。今天,我们就来听听他一系列经典的语录音频,也为你分析为什么美国老百姓会支持这个狂妄自大的富豪。

  "I beat China all the time...When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?
  When do we beat Mexico at the border? They are bringing in drugs; they are bringing crime;they are rapist.
  The big lie: Obama Care. Five billion dollars, we spent on a website. I hire people, they do a website. It cost me 3 dollars.
  Are you running? Are you not running?
  I'm officially running for President of the United States.
  We need a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal.
  I'll be the greatest job's president that God ever created.
  我们国家需要一个写了“The Art of the Deal"这本书的领导人。(就是Donald Trump啦)
  Free trade can be wonderful if you have smart people. But we have people that are stupid.
  I like China. I just sold an apartment for 15 million dollars to somebody from China. They have bridges that make the George Washington bridge look like small potatoes.
  I don't need anybody's money. It's nice. I'm really rich."
  Big mouth, little intelligence: 只会说、没脑子
  Presidential election: 总统竞选
  Republican Party: 共和党
  Democratic Party: 民主党
  Primary: 党内初选
  Candidate: 候选人、参选人
  Polling numbers: 民调数据
  Lead the polls: 民调领先
  To have big problems: 有大麻烦
  Real estate: 房地产
  Real estate developer/real estate mogul: 地产大亨
  Reality show: 真人秀
  The Apprentice:Donald Trump的真人秀“实习生”、又翻做"飞黄腾达"
  Not afraid to speak one's mind: 不怕说自己的想法
  Politically incorrect: 政治不正确