美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-10-14(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute. 1. Hundreds of mourners gathered in Ankara on Sunday in honor of the 95 peace protesters who died when two bombs went off during a demonstration on Saturday. Families flooded the central square as loved ones bid a final farewell to victims from the attack. 2. Jailed Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian was issued a verdict on Sunday according to Iran’s judiciary. Iran officials have not elaborated on the details of the verdict but said it could be appealed within 20 days. 3. Palestinian students clash with Israeli soldiers near a checkpoint in the West Bank. Groups of masked youths hurled rocks at Israeli security forces who had gathered at a nearby hilltop. 4. And thousands flocked to Albuquerque, New Mexico Sunday for the final day of the 44th annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. More than 500 balloons representing dozens of states and almost 20 different nations participating participated. Emily Roseman, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.
