英语新闻与报道—News & Reports 69(在线收听

 Wk 48 (26 November 1922)

Tutankhamen's Tomb Is OpenedThis Week in HistoryThe tomb of the ancient Egyptian "boy king" is opened for the first time in over 3,000 years.

In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter opened the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh or "boy king" Tutankhamen. It was the first tomb to be found that had not been raided by thieves since it was sealed over 3,000 years ago. Among the remarkable objects found inside were a gold throne, couches, chariots, statues and priceless jewellery. Carter also found the mummified body of the teenage king lying inside a solid gold coffin and wearing a beautiful, life-like solid gold mask.
