听歌学英语:让爱宽恕 Mercy(在线收听

I Love you 我爱你
But I gotta stay true 但要坚持真我
My moral's got me on my knees 道德使我屈服
I'm begging please 我乞求
Stop playing games 停止这种游戏

I don't know what this is 我不知道这是什么
But you got me good 但你对我很好
Just like you knew you would 你知道你会
I don't know what you do 我不知道你做什么
But you do it well 但你做的很棒
I'm under your spell 我被你的魔力俘虏

You got me begging you for mercy请求你的饶恕
Why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我
You got me begging you for mercy 请求你的仁慈
Why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我
I said you better release me 我说你最好放过我吧

Now you think that I 现在你认为我
Will be some thing on the side 就像个摆设
But you got to understand 但你要明白
That I need a man 我需要一个男人
Who can take my hand, yes I do 他可以拉着我的手,是的我需要

I don't know what this is 我不知道这是什么
But you got me good 但你对我很好
Just like you knew you would 你知道你会
I don't know what you do 我不知道你做什么
But you do it well 但你做的很棒
I'm under your spell 我被你的魔力俘虏

You got me begging you for mercy请求你的饶恕
Why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我
You got me begging you for mercy 请求你的仁慈
Why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我
I said you better release me 我说你最好放过我吧

I'm begging you for mercy 我请求你的饶恕
Just why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我?
I'm begging you for mercy 我请求你的怜悯
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求

Mercy 仁慈些吧
Why won't you release me 你为什么不放过我
I'm begging you for mercy 我请求你的仁慈
Just why won't you release me 为什么你不放了我?
I'm begging you for mercy 我请求你的怜悯
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求
Bring it on 来吧
Mercy 宽恕我
Begging you for mercy 求你饶恕我
You got me begging
Down on my knees 我跪下来哀求
I said mercy 我念着:行行好吧
Begging you for mercy 求你饶恕我
You got me begging 你使我苦苦哀求

歌词:My moral's got me on my knees.
He had not much morals. 他没有什么道德观念。
It is not moral to do so. 这样做是不讲道义的。
Get on my knees其实就等于get down on my knees, 意思是“跪着”。比如:
After 3 long years, he finally got down on his knees and proposed to her.

歌词:I don't know what you do, but you do it well. I'm under your spell.
I don't know how to spell your name. 我不会拼写你的名字。
Can you feel the mysterious spell of music? 你能感受到音乐的神奇魔力吗?
After a short spell in hospital she was soon back at work.

歌词:You got me begging you for mercy. Why won't you release me?
Mercy是名词,意思是“仁慈、怜悯、宽恕”。短语without mercy指“无情地”,例如:
He was treated without mercy. 他受到无情地对待。
At the mercy of意思是任…摆布,在…前毫无办法,举个例子:
The enemy were at the mercy of us. 敌人在我们面前毫无办法。

歌词:Now you think that I will be some thing on the side.
On the side基本意思是“在一边”,比如:
The stone caught him on the side of the head.
On the side还常表示“站在...一边,支持...”,例如:
I was on the side of Tom in the discussion. 在讨论中,我支持汤姆。
.最后on the side也有“作为副业”的意思,听个例句体会一下:
The girl sold meat mainly and she tried to sell vegetables on the side.
