听歌学英语:你离去的原因 That's Why You Go Away(在线收听

Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion. I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head
You're the one who set it up. Now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said
But there is something left in my head

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know

You were never satisfied, no matter how I tried
Now you wanna say goodbye to me
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere
Don't know which way to go
There ain't so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因

爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。爱来了,你做那只扑火的飞蛾;爱走了,你做那只扑过火的飞蛾。 爱过后才懂得爱给的苦涩,解脱后才懂得该如何取舍。爱太难懂,也许咱们就算花一辈子也没办法把它读得透彻。好了,英语学习时间到:


1.Harp on the past instead of focusing on the present.1.总是旧事重提,而不顾及当下。(harp:n竖琴;v喋喋不休;不停地说;harp on老是提起;反复讲)
Some people spend their lives living in the past.(spend sth in doing sth)有些人一辈子都活在过去的阴影当中。
They lament about what has been, what they could have done, and why they didn't do that. (lament vt. 哀悼;痛惜) 他们为曾经的辉煌而伤神,为未竟的事业而悔恨当初。
However, the past is the past, and no matter how much time we spend thinking and lamenting about it, it doesn't change anything. 但是,过去已然过去,无论我们用多少时间来来哀叹,它也不会改变任何东西。
To spend time moping about what has been is to waste the person you can be.花时间去为了过去的事情而郁郁寡欢,会毁掉可能大有作为的你。(mope: vt. 使忧郁;没精打采地度过)

2.Get caught up in the details versus the big picture.为琐事发愁VS着眼大局。
If you're a perfectionist, you might find yourself caught up with perfecting details on a regular basis. 如果你是一个完美主义者,你会发觉自己经常在纠结一些小细节。(perfect: vt [p?'fekt]; on a regular basis: 定期地;经常地)
However, by spending all your time on the details, you are not making the best use of your time. 但太过注意小细节会使得你不能最大限度地利用自己的时间。
By looking at the big picture, it helps you realize what does matter and what doesn't so that you can then channel your energy accordingly. 着眼大局可以帮助你看清什么更重要,然后你可以根据重要性重新分配精力。(channel v引导;灌注)

3.Let yourself be affected by minor issues.3.被小问题所影响。
Sometimes we may be affected by a hurtful comment or discouraged by a small setback. 有些时候我们也许会被一个伤人的言论或一个小挫折所影响。
While these emotions are justified, often times these events are insignificant in the long run. 虽然产生这样的情绪是正常的,可是在长远来看这些事情根本不值得神伤。
One way to check if something is worth mulling over is to ask yourself this question: "Will this matter in one year's time? Three years? 5 years? 10 years? 30 years?" .(mull [m?l] vt思索;思考mull over; )有一种方法可以帮你去检验这些事情是否值得自己介怀,那就是问自己:“一年后我还会在意这个事情么?三年后呢?五年后呢?甚至十年后和三十年后呢?”
If not, then it's probably not worth your energy to think about these things/events.如果答案是否定的话,那这件事就很可能并不值得你花精力去思考。
Concentrate on things that do matter in the long run instead.把注意力集中在那些长远来看很重要的事情上吧。

4.Try to do everything by yourself.4.事必躬亲。
Are you someone who likes to do everything yourself? 你是一个什么事情都要自己去做的人么?
This will prevent you from achieving more. 如果这样做,你会失去取得更高成就的机会。
In trying to do everything, including the nitty-gritty, less important details, that means you're not able to do the higher level, important things like your biggest goals and dreams. 什么都亲自动手,包括去做哪些基本的不重要的事情,这意味着你会没时间去做要求更高的事情,比如你那些宏伟的目标和远大的梦想。((nitty-gritty n细节的东西;adj. 根本的;详细的)
Start by delegating, outsourcing or removing the less important tasks and scaling yourself up to do the more important ones. 要学会把事情分配下去或者外包出去或者索性放弃那些琐碎的任务,让自己能带着加倍精力投入到更重要的事情中去。
You'll notice a big difference in your productivity.这样做,你会发现你所取得的成绩将有着天翻地覆的不同。(productivity n. 生产力;生产率;生产能力)
